Cyanide, Strawberries, and Glass Hearts

And like the fragile face of a porcelain doll
My heart is like glass and will break if it falls
So I bid you be careful and watch what you do
Cause I willingly handed it over to you

As I watch from afar and I patiently wait
I’ll carelessly trust you to handle my fate
An ignorant choice, but there’s nothing to do
Except helplessly sit here and glower at you

As you handle it loosely with dwindling care
I can’t help but discern that life’s not always fair
From the way that you drop me and couldn’t care less
To the way you don’t love me; I earned it I guess

As time ticks by faster my life fades away
With the one that I’d hoped I’d escape from one day
But still, here I sit, and I watch as you gloat
As the marvelous cyanide runs down my throat

And when the murderous poison reaches my heart
It’ll stop it abruptly and never restart
So I thank you, my love, for helping me halt
My lovely, strawberry-shaped, glass heart

nadam se da vam se svidja
