jel ovo glupo?


Ako mi moze neko pomoc bilo bi dobro
Prosle godine u ljetu upoznala sam momka ( 21 mu godina, a meni je 17 ) ... I onda sam se vratila u ameriku … I icu ove godine opet tamo za 2 mjeseca… ( pricalismo na telefonu jednom .. I poslali smo pisma ( ali ja jos nisam dobila negov … posta je spora ) …
Moje pitanje je bil trbala poceti “ vezu” sa njim kad odem… ( I zato sto nisam nikada imala “ momka “ … ja ne bi volila da “ spavam” sa njim… )
Jel to glupo??

Hvala puno!

( Evo na engliskom zato sto ne znam dobro pisati … ali mogu citati )

If someone could give me their opinion I would appreciate it
Last summer when I went to visit I met this guy (he’s my cousins’ friend, and he’s 21 while I’m only 17) … while I was there we didn’t really do anything even though we spent some time together… but since I left we have talked on the phone once and I sent him a letter.. And he said he sent one back but I still haven’t gotten it (the postal service is slow when they send something) …
Now my question is when I go there this summer (for 2 months) should I try to “start” anything with him … even though I wouldn’t want to have sex with him (since I never had a boyfriend before)
Would this be stupid … and would a guy be interested to be with a younger girl if they don’t want to sleep with him??
Thank you !!
Prilicno detinjasto...
Zasto da uleces u "vezu" sa njim ako ne zelis sex... cak si 100% sigurna da ga ne zelis... Da li je to veza uopste?

Ne mora da znaci da je glupo ako je i on u istom fazonu... ali mu jasno reci na pocetku da nece biti sexa... da on zna na cemu je... da ne bude da si ga vukla za nos...

Najbolje ti je da se upustis u period upoznavanja, sa potencijalnom idejom da vodite ljubav ako se jako svidite jedno drugom i ako to budete zeleli kasnije... Jel moguce je da ces i pozeleti kad ga malo bolje upoznas, zar ne?
so u talked to the guy just once and u consider what exactly?...relationship? thing is sure...thats what i define as a dumb question... not despare...for those who are dumb now...shall rule this world as it is their backyard(abraham lincloln)
Bedak(nevolja) je što zaboravljaš svoj jezik. Zato uprkos početnoj ideji da ti odgovorim in english, držaću se naših slova. :-D

Iskreno, po textu sam mislio da imaš mnogo manje od tih 17 godina!.....
Pitanje nije glupo, nego iskreno, a ja iskrenost cenim.
Ono što ne razumem jeste to da želiš da budeš sa nekim, a već sada si sigurna da ne želiš sex? Jer sex i jeste logičan nastavak svega u vezi i izvor uživanja u najmanju ruku....i šteta je da se u najavi odrekneš nečeg tako dobrog.Istina je da donekle razumem taj stav, jer nisi imala dečka, pa su za tebe i poljupci heavy, ali to će se vremenom, i uz pravu(e) osobu(e) promeniti 8-)
......and by the next summer you will see trough a lot of things... maybe you'll change your oppinion, maybe not...but at least you will feel like an adult much more then you do now
so I gess you would know better what to do. let as know when summer comes...

what happened ....;)
if you really like him,you'll get to meet him better,and finaly make up your mind...if you feel that he could be (as people say :) ) your guy,then why not...but before you do anything,think twice....
ako ti se svidi nakon ponovnog vidjenja( ili ti kad ga jos malo bolje upoznas) budi sa njim...ali dobro razmisli pre nego sto ista pokusas..... ;)
good luck-srecno! ;)
Pa prilicno znam kako se osecas jer sam u slicnoj situaciji,... :P:D Vidjam ga jednom godisnje, a ostatak se dopisujemo (SMS, mail...) i tako vec 2 godine... A inace zivimo udaljeni samo jedno 300tinak km... :mrgreen: Iz toga ne moze da bude nista ozbiljnije... :P nazalost...
ok, idemo redom
1. ako ti se svidja, ne vidim zasto bi gubila kontakt sa njim (mislim preko interneta itd...)
2. ti ''samo'' 17 on 21 - to uopste nije razlika! sta vise zvucis stvarno ko da imas 14-15... onda bi bilo ono ''samo''
3. da se nadovezem na 2. - zvucis ko da ne zelis da odrastes (ovo ne shvataj ozbiljno) - kao petar pan u zenskom obliku ( ni ovo ne shvataj ozbiljno) - mislim sto se tice te nesigurnosti, jer si pre toga napisala ono ''samo'' - tu mi je nesto mutno...sta si precutala ??? hm? \:)
4. veza ne mora da znaci sex. uostalom valjda ga prvo upoznas dovoljno da bi sa njim mogla da pricas otvoreno o svemu. sta vise spavaj sa njim tek onda kad se osecas toliko opusteno i otvoreno itd... da ne smaram.
5. smislicu malo kasnije - cim ti nesto vise napises...

eve ti po english-u:

ok, so one thing at the time
1.if you lke him i don't see why should you lose touch with him (over net and other things that go with it...)
2. you are ''only'' 17 and he's 21 - that's not a difference, it shoudln't even be considered as a problem! moreover, you sound like you're 14-15 ...then it would be appropriate for you to say ''only''
3. in connection to number 2. you sound like you don't want to grow up (don't consider this too seriously) - like peter pan in girlish form (don't think over this either), i mean, about that uncertainty, cause there you said that ''only''...something's not right - what are you not telling???
4. a relationship doesn't have to mean sex. morelikely i think you first get to know him quite good so you can talk to him freely, more open etc. and you could sleep with him only when you feel free enough to do so, and relaxed of course etc...not to bore with this subject...
5. i'll think about later, as soon as you write something more!
:) ... izvini sto nisam pisala... ja cu na engleski pa nego drugi moze prevesti... molim te...
I have never known how to write I just started learning this summer :)... I can talk and read... Just I just can't write :)...
Well actually I’m turning 18 in April as “strange" as it may sound :) ...
but I just wanted to see if guys there are in a different " mind set" ... because even though here guys have sex... their are a lot of relationships that don't.. But to me it looks like there almost everyone in a “relationship “sleeps with their partner...
As for this guy ... I don't know when I go their I’ll just see what happens I guess... but I really appreciate the input and opinions everyone gave me ...
and also the only thing I’m kind of " stressing " is that he drinks A LOT ... and I might have a problem with that... so I don't want to push anything till I get to know him better... but of course I’ll "relax" and enjoy my "vacation" :)

It probably sounds that I’m like 14 or 15 because I have like no “experience” in any of this…  … as I like to put it I don’t go out a lot…
by the way, they don't have different set of mind...(honor to the exceptions!) (cast izuzecima!)
but, think of it like this - you're a foreigner, you are interesting to him...but if he really is talking about That too much, if he is always turning the subject on that...what if he's just trying to have fun???
if it was me - i would turn into an ice queen :D - just for a little while, to let him know i'm not for fooling aroung...if he gives up on that, i wouldn't consider him at all...
