
I am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile.
I will only complicate you.
Trust in me and fall as well.
I will find a center in you.
I will chew it up and leave,
I will work to elevate you
just enough to bring you down.

Trust me. Trust me.
The killer awoke before dawn, he put his boots on
He took a face from the ancient gallery
And he walked on down the hall
He went into the room where his sister lived, and...then he
Paid a visit to his brother, and then he
He walked on down the hall, and
And he came to a door...and he looked inside
Father, yes son, I want to kill you
Mother...i want to...**** you
Šta znači to ,,sveto''?
Ozbiljno... ja nikakad nisam znala da odgovorim na ovo pitanje... Jel to znači šta je tebi bitno, šta najviše ceniš? Ili šta poistovećuješ sa Bogom, religijom i tim stvarima? Ili ne znam... Ako hoću da kažem porodica, vrti mi se slika crkve u kojoj sam krštena pred očima, moja Lazarica... Ako hoću da kažem crkva - nekako mi taj izraz dođe previše materijalan.

Stvarno - ne znam šta je ,,sveto'' :oops:
