Guano Apes


Zainteresovan član
Open your eyes, open your mind
Proud like a God, don't pretend to be blind
trepped in yourself, break out instead
Beat the machine that works in your head...

Ovo im je, rekla bih, najpoznatija pesma... bas volim ovaj deo, a i ono "...hide your face forever, dream and search forever..."

Pa, sta vi mislite o svemu tome?
Someone is coming out to see the light of our destination
a maniac neurotic fool who wants to jump off the isle
how can you know that I'm the one
who lives the maddest vacation
another road another try
where's the difference
tell me right...

Odlicni su...posebno pesma You Can't Stop me...Malo me podsecaju na LP,sta znam...
Sandra zvuci k'o tri muskarca zajedno :) zaista ima odlican glas
Raspali? Prvi put chujem za to....:roll:

Inache, obozavam Sandrin glas....mnogo je mocan....:D
Omiljene pesme....paaa.....Living in a lie, Kiss the dawn, Inocent greed, Gogan, No ima ih...
Da, raspali su se koliko znam (osim ako ima nekih promena u medjuvremenu). Na njihovoj poslednjoj kompilaciji je bio i prateci tekst:

"Hello everybody out there! We're really looking forward to the album"Planet of the Apes" and the accompanying tour because it's going to be the end of all Guano Apes activities for the next few years. After the tour, we all are going to concetrate ourselves on our own solo project for the time being."
