Age of Empires 3

realno strategije se nikad nisu "ubijale" od zahtevnosti. tako da je min zahtevnost sasvim ok i realno. Problem je jedino u tome sto pri toj konfiguraciji sve napredne tehnike efekata ce verovatno biti iskljucene.
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lepo od vas sto me savetujete za Operu, ali ja (mentol) je vec imam :)
skinuo sam igru i mogu vam reci da je ista kao i predhodni delovi...
grafika je nesto lepsa nego ranije ali definitivno nije vredna upgrade-a
botovi nisu puno glupi pa je zanimljivo izdavati im naredbe koje ce poslusati (jeste da se jednom moj vojnik nasao u zidu iz kog nije hteo da izadje ali ok)
od svih "efekata" u igri meni se najvise svidelo da gledam kako se jedno selo lagano pretvara u pepeo :)
a od stvari koje mi se nisu svidele izdvojio bih samo smaracko selektovanje vojske, nemoguce je jednim potezom narediti svim jedinicama da krenu u napad ili. slicno (ogranicen sam bio na 20 vojnika ili tu negde)
malo skrecem sa teme ali mislim da ce vas zanimati, ako niste culi evo nekih (losih) informacija sto sam sakupio sa nekog foruma, a tice se Homeworld-a:

Im sure the title of this thread will cause a few heart flutters, but unfortunately hell is still as hot as ever and Homeworld 3 is still not looking likely to happen in the near future.

The reason for this thread is due to the large number of new threads posted weekly asking about Homeworld 3. When is it going to be made? What is the story of the next game? Is it even going to be made at all? Hopefully this thread will serve to answer some of those frequently asked questions and keep this discussion centralized for people to refer to.

The facts are as follows:
Sierra/Vivendi Universal (VU Games) own the rights to the Homeworld Universe as a part of the original publishing deal for Homeworld.
Relic Entertainment is the developer of Homeworld and Homeworld 2.
Barking Dog is the developer of Homeworld:Cataclysm.
Neither Relic Entertainment or Barking Dog (who were bought out by Rockstar Games Canada) are able to make another Homeworld game unless hired to do so by Sierra/VU.
After the release of Homeworld 2, Relic Entertainment were purchased by publisher THQ, and now exclusively make games for them.
The CEO of Relic Entertainment and originator of Homeworld, Alex Garden, has left Relic and THQ to pursue other projects.
As THQ do not own the rights to the Homeworld Universe, it is extremely unlikely (read: not going to happen) that Relic will make another Homeworld game (if they even wanted to).
It is also extremely unlikely that Sierra/VU Games will hire another publisher to make another Homeworld game.
In a nutshell, it is extremely unlikely that we will ever see a Homeworld 3.

I'm not going to say it will never happen, as they do have a habit of reviving movies & games years later (see Battlestar Galactica for instance), but I highly doubt that it is going to happen in the very near future.
upravo skidam demo (ubijam se od dosade tacnije, 365 MB)

Zato se takve stvari skidaju nocu dok pajkis
Dade mi Grandfather igricu....bolje da nije...
Iskreno se nadam da je ovo neka alfa-beta-gama verzija,ako nije......moje srce to nece podneti.
Ima finih detalja,nije da nema...labudovi po jezercetu baš slatko izgledaju i površine bacaju pixel-shadere na sve strane...i to je to.
Igrivost nula...AI neprijatelja koji vas napadaju je sličan...poludeloj ćoravoj patki koja slučajno boluje od padavice i težeg oblika dezorijentisanosti.
U kule ne možete ubaciti,ima toga još....igrao sam je svega pola sata....rano je za definitivne zaključke.

To be continued
