Da te priupitam ja nešto...


Ističe se
... Borise... Mada, može i neko drugi da odgovori...Znači, radim zgibove već dva i po meseca. I napredujem polako. Inače, kada sam počeo, ni jedan nisam mogao da uradim. Nemam neki program, nego radim kada sam raspoložen, skoro svaki dan. Problem je u tome što mi se periodično (na otprilike svakih 10 dana) javljaju blagi bolovi u predelu donjeg stomaka, tj. u visini kukova. Bol posebno osetim (ali opet ništa toliko jako, bolno, nego diskretno) baš kada se naprežem, tj. kada se dižem na vratilu. Posle nekoliko dana, bol nestane, pa se opet javi posle desetak dana. I tako skoro celo leto. Šta mislite? Da se brinem ili ne?
Ne radim sa dodatnim opterećenjem. Bol je, u nivou... pa kao što sam već rekao, u nivou kukova, možda malo niže. To je dosta blag bol, nije peckanje, nije svrab i javio mi se neko vreme nakon što sam počeo da radim zgibove. Sada imam utisak da je to možda i što se ne zagrejem dobro, jer već u drugoj seriji me manje boli, skoro ne osećam bol. Radim najviše klasične zgibove, znači za jačanje bicepsa, a noge mi stoje prekrštene.
To si verovatno istegao trbusne misice... Dobro se zagrej pre nego sto krenes sa vezbanjem, a mogao bi i malo da ojacas stomak. Probaj kad radis zgibove da se skoncentrises na samo one misice koji "rade" a probaj da donji deo tela kao i stomak opustis maksimalno
... Borise... Mada, može i neko drugi da odgovori...Znači, radim zgibove već dva i po meseca. I napredujem polako. Inače, kada sam počeo, ni jedan nisam mogao da uradim. Nemam neki program, nego radim kada sam raspoložen, skoro svaki dan. Problem je u tome što mi se periodično (na otprilike svakih 10 dana) javljaju blagi bolovi u predelu donjeg stomaka, tj. u visini kukova. Bol posebno osetim (ali opet ništa toliko jako, bolno, nego diskretno) baš kada se naprežem, tj. kada se dižem na vratilu. Posle nekoliko dana, bol nestane, pa se opet javi posle desetak dana. I tako skoro celo leto. Šta mislite? Da se brinem ili ne?

E poz, izvini bio sam odsutan pa nisam mogao ranije da odgovorim. Prvo je prvo, treba da se obratis lekaru/doktoru, i da cujes njegovo misljenje, cak ako je potrebno da se slikas ili ultrazvuk da ti urade. Ako kazhe da nije nista, da nista ne primecuje, nastavi sa radom. Mislim dok sam takodje radio imao sam bolove u zglobove..ok je da se zagrejes pre rada. To bi bilo to. Takodje sam dobio e-mail od jednog koji mi je rekao da ga boli rame i da cuje pucanj ramena kad dizhe bench pres. Takodje sam mu prepocucio prvo da se konsultuje da doktorom.
Kad ste vec kod zgibova, nasao sam ovo na netu:

The Armstrong Pull-up Program

This program was developed by Major Charles Lewis Armstrong. Major Armstrong developed this
workout to prepare him to set a new world record in number of pull-ups completed in a single
exercise session. The use of another modified version of this program by the Marine Option
Midshipmen at the University of Rochester in the last two years has proved to be dramatic.

Midshipmen using this program are counseled to make a sincere effort to use the program regularly,
to do the exercises each day. The key feature of this program is its simplicity, but will result in
substantial benefits if performed on a consistent daily basis.

The program provides the necessities for any successful physical improvement regime, namely
variety, overload and regularity. Users have achieved remarkable results in only 6-8 weeks. This
means that most, if not all, have been able to achieve the performance level they desired, a set of 20
repetitions, as long as they are consistent with the program.

It cannot be overemphasized that this program depends upon regularity. Daily performance of the
exercises listed in the following paragraphs holds the true key to reaching and maintaining the 20-
repetition level.

The Morning Routine

Each morning, perform 3 maximum effort sets of normal push-ups. This is very important!! The push-
up is one of the best exercises for strengthening the entire set of muscles making up the shoulder
girdle. Major Armstrong described this morning routine in the following manner: After rising, I would
drop to the deck and do my first set of push-ups. I would then move into the head and start my
morning toilet. I would return after a few minutes and do my second maximum effort set after which, I
would go back into the head and shave. After shaving I would return to the bedroom and complete
the third and final set. Having completed all of the push-ups, I was awake and ready for a relaxing

This routine should be followed during the entire training period. Since it takes most of us at least
four weeks to reach our goals, you will probably find that you have inadvertently established a
morning routine that is easy enough to keep as a lifetime habit. If not you will at least appreciate the
morning shower a little more.

I have noted that the push-up routine helps to alleviate any soreness during the first couple of
weeks. I recommend that you use the push-up routine every day during this period so that you feel
more comfortable during your initial adjustment to this regime of exercises.

Training Regimen

The following represents the heart of the training program. I recommend that you do not attempt the
pull-ups until two to three hours after the push-up routine is completed. The program is conveniently
divided into five training days. This is easily translated into a Monday to Friday training schedule. It is
important to cease the pull-ups for two days, Saturday and Sunday. Further it is necessary to use
consecutive days (not to skip days) when on the pull-up routine. Finally, it is obviously more
important to do the pull-ups than the push-ups.

This training program was specifically designed to improve performance in the overhand pull-up
(palms facing away). The overhand method is the preferred method, but for now do what you need to
in order to complete the most repetitions for your PFT. Mix up your training between underhand and
overhand until you can do twenty both ways. The program depends upon quality exercises – number
of repetitions are secondary. When you are doing these exercises, you should concentrate on
perfect execution of each repetition. The only person you can fool with less than your best is yourself.

Day 1

Five maximum effort sets. Rest 90 seconds between each set. Do not concern yourself with numbers.
You will find that you increase the numbers in the last two sets before you see much improvement in
the first three. Make sure that each set is a maximum effort set.

Day 2

Pyramid day. Start the pyramid with one repetition, the next set has two, and the next set has three.
Continue in this fashion until you miss a set (e.g. your last set was four then five, your next set
should be six but you only do four repetitions. You missed the set) Do one more set at maximum
effort. Rest 10 seconds for each repetition in the previous set.

Day 3

Do three training sets (training sets are defined later) with a normal grip (palms away or toward you,
hands slightly wider than shoulder width). Rest 60 seconds between each set. Slide your hands
together and palms toward you so your little fingers are 0-4 inches apart and complete three more
training sets resting 60 seconds between each set. Finally do three training sets with a wide
overhand grip (palms facing away) resting 60 seconds between each set.

Day 4

Do the maximum number of training sets that you can accomplish. Rest 60 seconds between each set.
You do training sets until you fail to do a perfect training set. This day can wind up being the longest
training day as you continue with the program because you will find it easy to do lots of training sets.
If you can do more than nine training sets, increase by one repetition next week.

Day 5

Repeat the day that you found to be the hardest in the previous four days. This may change from
week to week. You can also try to doing weighted pull-ups or a pull-up assist machine for this day.

Training Sets

Training sets are easy to define, but require some experimentation to determine for the individual
participating in the program. A training set has a specified number of repetitions. That means that
one individual may have seven repetitions in his training set, but another could have more or less.
The key to determining the proper number of repetitions in a training set comes on day 3. You must
perform 9 training sets that day. If you only do 12 repetitions on a max effort set, then your training
set would probably only be 1-3 repetitions. Remember, it is much more important that you complete
all nine sets than doing an extra rep and only completing 6 or 7 sets. Day 3 calls for you to do nine
training sets. Adjust your training set so that you can complete this routine properly.

The best gauge for the number of repetitions in a training set comes on day 4. If you successfully
complete day 3, try increasing the number of repetitions in your training set by one when you do day
4. If you complete at least 9 training sets, then you know your training set should be that higher
number. If you do less than nine sets, stick with the number you used for day 3.

It is important that you do not change the repetitions in a training set in midstream. When you
schedule yourself to do the day’s routine using three repetitions in your training set, do not change it
to two when the exercises get hard. If you miss, you miss. There is always tomorrow.

Final Thoughts

This program will work for anyone who makes a sincere effort. You may notice a drop in your
maximum effort set. This is a normal physiological reaction called "tear down." As you continue, you
will improve. Most of my midshipmen were able to reach the 20- repetition level in a short period of
time. They started the program able to do only twelve to fifteen repetitions. If you are not at this level,
it will take longer than four weeks to reach 20 repetitions. However, if you stay with the program, you
will reach this goal.

p.s. I meni je pre krckao lakat kad sam radio sklekove, tu negde posle 15. ali sad ne vise.

Jel ima jos neko neki program??
Ja bi hteo da jos nesto pitam...Ja sam pocetnik bavim se BB rekreativno vec 10 meseci, imam 32 god.Koliko vreme covek treba da uradi bbuilding,celog zivota,odnosno kad je dosta i kako treba drzati formu ?!!!

Pa tesko pitanje, za mene je tesko posto nemam takve godine i prepostavljam po takvim godinama telo mi nece gurati ka maximalnoj potencijali. ja mislim, znaci samo "mislim" da kad osetis da vise ne mozes i ne guras ka vecoj potencijali..Kad vise ne napredujes, kada istu tezinu dizes mesec dana ili vise, ili uzmes suplement pa ni onda ti ne vredi. Ali cuo sam, da bez obzira koliko godina imas nikad nije kasno da zapocnes trening program. Mada neznam imam osecaj da bolje nisam odgovorio na ovo...

Pa pazi, moj drug, kolega :) ima 55 godine i idalje trenira. Nije dovoljno da stanes pa da kazes "e sada sam se izbildovao, sad sam miran za buducih 10 godina" moras stalno da radis i da treniras. Ja planiram da treniram do 60 godina, mozda cak i vise. Ali sa smanjenim intenzitetom.
Pa svi smo mi obicni (: i ja sam obican smrtnik. Pa svuda imas dve strane, pozitivne i negativne, ne mozes uvek znati. Ali pazi, mislim da svaka vezba u teretanu forsira srce (ne mislim nego znam) ali neznam...ne verujem da nesto lose od toga moze da se desi, jedino ako prestanes i hranis se veoma lose. Neznam stvarno sta da kazem, imam jednog komsiju, taj dize ko lud. Znaci uzme sipku i 2 kante od jupola i tu stavi beton i dize za biceps (: a na benc da ne govorim,...strasno..zovem ga Mr.Biceps, no nebitn sad ali jednom se naprezio da podigne kapiju znaci celu metalnu kapiju od 200 kg (odprilike) i srce mu nesto odkazalo i onesvestio se. Isforsirao se..koja prica u pm...
Ti znas..ti si car. Ne razumem zasto u sprski forum uvek mora da bude svadje..na koji god sam strani forum isao (i jos idem) retko ko se svadja. Ukoliko cova postuje nesto, i ako se drugom covi to ne svidja, on nista ne pise. Ili mozda kaze "mislim da moze i ovako" a ko nas tj ovde "ma sta ti znas, ajde bre nemoj da se prose**ravas tu nemas pojima"...
Matori ne mogu da ti kažem to.. možda može ovako kad ne može. To što tebi smeta nije moj problem samo kao što sam ti već jednom rekao to može da bude opasno. Savete koje ti deliš ljudima koji neznaju o tom ništa mogu da se unakaze. To ti je isto kao da deliš nekom savete o zapaljenju pluća. Preživeće on ali to ostavlja posledice na njega tako i sa tim tvojim savetima. Opet ti kažem nije problem što ti pišeš već što neko može i da te posluša.
Pogledaj moje postove kad sam se obraćao tebi da li sam ikad napisao nesto u tom stilu kojim ti mene napade sad.
Pozdrav Borise i opusti se već sam ti rekao da nemam ništa protiv tebe i da te ne napadam.
Pa sto sad "matori" ? Pa sta sam ja lose rekao, daj kazi sta sam rekao ? trcanje na prazan stomak ? pa vece posledice mozes imati od suplementa. Kazi mi sta sam rekao i kakve posledice prouzrukuje to sto sam rekao. Dizanje na benc press ? Navy Seal program ? Dijeta sa zivim mesom ? Kad sam ja tebe napao ? Samo sam rekao da mi nije jasno zasto ljudi na srpske forume... (kao sto sam napisao gore). Stvarno mi nisi jasan. Ali vise me zanima, kakve "posledice" mogu biti od onog sto sam ja napisao. Ne uzvareno mleko sto pijem, mislis na to ?
