Animal planet-Austin Stevens,Jeff Corwin....

I ja gledam kad god naletim.. Ostin je stvarno fenomenalan.
Evo nešto o njemu:

Dreaming of Snakes

Austin James Steven, who was born in South Africa, has been drawn to snakes since he was 12 years old. By the time he finished his schooling, his private reptile collection, which included some of the most exotic and venomous species in the world, was considered one of the most important ones in South Africa.

In his youth, Austin served in the Army; during the Angolan War, he was called upon to identify or remove snakes. During this time, he suffered his first snakebite while he was removing a very poisonous viper from a machine-gun trench and it bit him. As a result, he found himself in a race against time to save his life that included a 480-kilometer trip through enemy territory and later a 1,600-kilometer flight, which made an emergency landing on the road in front of the hospital.

Austin remained in a coma for five days. Doctors labored for three months to save his hand from being amputated.

After the Army and the war, the director of the Transvaal Snake Park offered him a position in charge of the reptiles. During those six years, Austin underwent training and became a herpetologist.

After leaving Transvaal Snake Park he became interested in filmmaking. In an effort to raise funds and generate public interest in the plight of African gorillas, Austin set a record by spending 107 days and nights in a tank with 36 of the most venomous and lethal snakes in Africa. On the 96th day, he was bitten by a cobra, but he refused to leave the tank and was instead treated right there. Very sick by then, Austin completed the 107 days and beat the world record.

Šta kažete na ovo? Impresivno, nema šta...
I ja gledam kad god naletim.. Ostin je stvarno fenomenalan.
Evo nešto o njemu:

Dreaming of Snakes

Austin James Steven, who was born in South Africa, has been drawn to snakes since he was 12 years old. By the time he finished his schooling, his private reptile collection, which included some of the most exotic and venomous species in the world, was considered one of the most important ones in South Africa.

In his youth, Austin served in the Army; during the Angolan War, he was called upon to identify or remove snakes. During this time, he suffered his first snakebite while he was removing a very poisonous viper from a machine-gun trench and it bit him. As a result, he found himself in a race against time to save his life that included a 480-kilometer trip through enemy territory and later a 1,600-kilometer flight, which made an emergency landing on the road in front of the hospital.

Austin remained in a coma for five days. Doctors labored for three months to save his hand from being amputated.

After the Army and the war, the director of the Transvaal Snake Park offered him a position in charge of the reptiles. During those six years, Austin underwent training and became a herpetologist.

After leaving Transvaal Snake Park he became interested in filmmaking. In an effort to raise funds and generate public interest in the plight of African gorillas, Austin set a record by spending 107 days and nights in a tank with 36 of the most venomous and lethal snakes in Africa. On the 96th day, he was bitten by a cobra, but he refused to leave the tank and was instead treated right there. Very sick by then, Austin completed the 107 days and beat the world record.

Šta kažete na ovo? Impresivno, nema šta...
Hvala puno na ovom clanku ali vec sam ga citala sto puta.On je po meni najfascinantnija osoba na planeti!Iako je vecina njegovih emisija namestena ipak sve na kraju super ispadne i svidja mi se kako se predstavlja,nesto kao Indijana Dzons zivotinjskog sveta.Mislim da sam gledala sve emisije do sad,a ti ako uhvatis po neku evo informacije za tebe,njegova emisija se emituje svakog radnog dana u 20h sve do kraja meseca.Pa uzivaj!Da pretostavim da volis gmizavce?
Volim životinje uopšte, pa tako i gmizavce.
Kako misliš da su emisije nameštene?
Misliš da nisu prave zmije? :)

PS- loop, gde nabavljaš te smajlije?

Ne,ne mislim da nisu prave zmije nego na primer covek pred kamerom zavuce ruku u neku rupu i ne znajuci sta je u njoj i onda posle par sekundi neizvesnosti iz rupe izvadi neku otrovnu zmiju i to je tako savrseno uhvatio a da ga nije ujela.Mislim da je verovatno van kamera lepo uzeo u ruku pa onda ruku gurne u rupu pa onda ukljuce kamere i izdleda kao da je sve tek pocelo.Na to sam mislila.Ali kazem ti mislim sve najbolje o njemu i gledam svaku emisiju!

A ti pacenice gledaj svoja posla!!!
Gledao sam sad Ostina i nisam video ništa što bi se moglo namestiti.
Zmije je vadio pomoću štapa... Moguće je da ima takvih stvari, ali to je onda retko (ja još nisam video), ne može se reći da je većina emisija nameštena.
Na kraju krajeva, čuo sam da ga je na jednom snimanju ujela otrovnica i da su ga onda vodili u bolnicu.
Naravno, moguće je sve to namestiti, ali na osnovu biografije mi nikako ne deluje da bi Ostin to radio.
Gledao sam sad Ostina i nisam video ništa što bi se moglo namestiti.
Zmije je vadio pomoću štapa... Moguće je da ima takvih stvari, ali to je onda retko (ja još nisam video), ne može se reći da je većina emisija nameštena.
Na kraju krajeva, čuo sam da ga je na jednom snimanju ujela otrovnica i da su ga onda vodili u bolnicu.
Naravno, moguće je sve to namestiti, ali na osnovu biografije mi nikako ne deluje da bi Ostin to radio.

Emisije su mu fenomenalne,posebno sam odusevljena ovom veceras.Gledala sam ga kad ga je ujela kobra koju je hteo da slika,i tacno odveli su ga u bolnicu i cim mu je bilo bolje istog dana se vratio da slika istu tu kobru koja ga je ujela!Uporan covek.Inace to mu je bila prva emisija,i mislim da je postao oprezniji.S obzirom da sam citala o njemu znam da nema namestaljki,ali sam pomislila da je namestaljka samo jednom kada je zavukao ruku u jednu rupu pokusavajuci da uhvati gila monster,jednu od dve vrste otrovnih gustera na planeti,jer stvarno je moglo biti opasno ali srecom nije ga ujeo.A to sto sam rekla da su vecina emisija namestene,mislila sam na to da su zamisljene kao kratki filmovi.Sve je dobro organizovano i ko zna koliko dugo snimaju,na kraju uvek ispadne super i tacno sve sklope u sat vremena.Nikad ne bih nista rekla njemu u kontru,obozavam coveka!A da li gledas emisije Jeffa Corwina?Pozdrav!
