Sloveni na severozapadu Evrope

Jako dobra kolekcija tekstova o rano srednjovekovnim baltickim slovenima, njihovom odnosu sa germanima i skandinavcima kroz sukobe, saradnju i trgovinu.

Tekst sadrzi opise slovenskih gradova iz srednjovekovnih tekstova. Tekst takodje oposuje jos jedan tip slovenskih kuca, takozvane blok kuce, jedna vrsta brvnara.

1)... ili je rec dosla slovenima od gota tj. germana ...

2)...germani su znali da prave tvrdjave i bez slovena, ....

Zeza me spori internet tako da je ovo već treća nadam se uspešna poruka.

Bold jedan:
Germani su starogrčka i antičko - rimska geografska odrednica za narode ili plemena koja su već živela na tom prostoru i pre dolaska gota tamo. Ukoliko ipak misliš na Ar1an people - dojčeri su , misleći da su pravi arijevci a sloveni - cigani, ubijali upravo svoje idole jer su Sloveni (rusko-ukrajinsko-beloruski) upravo arijevci na taj način, kao i ogroman deo severne Indije. Na žalost fascinacija germanima potiče upravo iz prethodnog, suštinski pogrešnog doživljaja naroda i nacije.

Bold dva:
Nelogična konstatacija. Veliki deo tih germana bili su Sloveni - narodi (plemena) koja su tada već govorili vrlo sličnim ili dosta sličnim jezikom (jezicima - dijalektima), možda i većina. To je kao da se danas kaže da Hercegovci znaju da sviraju na guslama i bez Srba. Škripi, zar ne.
Slovenske kuce zemunice iz banata iz petog veka.

Ovo je takodje interesantno:

Assuming that the tripartite division of early 6th Slav archaeological material is correct we have to go back to Jordanes' reference to Veneti who, "springing from one bloodline have now taken on three names, that is Veneti, Antians and Sclavonians". While the passage may be understood in more ways than one it may be interpreted nevertheless that the conjectured third - northern - Slavic offshoot represented by the Kolocin culture corresponds to the Veneti of Jordanes in a narrower sense.

Izgleda da je Jordanes bio u pravu kada je rekao da su se nekada jedinstveni narod jedne krvi podelio na tri grupe: veneti, anti i sclavoni...
temple rings (slovenski ukrasi za glavu) nadjeni u istri u 6. veku. Ovo potvrdjuje dolazak baltickih slovena na teritoriju balkana u 6. veku jer se pre toga ovi prstenovi ne nalaze u grobovima u istri.

iz knjige "Valentin Sedov. Slavs. Historical and archaeological research"

In cemeteries Istria temple rings occur in two types. Kosharitskogo ring type - wire to the end, wrapped in a small ring, which served as an eye for hanging. The earliest rings of this type occur in Lombard tombs. In Istria they are believed B. Marushich are late classical heritage. [870]

Another type consists of temporal rings buzetskog type (Fig. 103). They are at the bottom of the wire and solder three ringlet of small diameter. The largest number of them met in the monuments of Istria, a few finds of jewelry come from the Trieste area, Friuli, and single fragmented across almost the whole of the peninsula. [871]


Takodje ovi slovenski prstenovi su nadjeni i u severnoj italiji i juznoj austriji

Archaeological evidence of Slavic settlement in the territory of Aquileia (10th-11th century A.D.)

Between the end 9th century and the early of 11th century A.D., a large area extended from the Northeast of Italy to Austria and Slovenia was characterised by many interments, both in large graveyards and in small groups or isolated tombs, with a recurring and peculiar furniture. The more common and distinguishing artefacts are: half-moon shaped earrings, decorated with engravings or enamelled; typical hat-shaped or eight-shaped circular brooches; temple-rings, that is used to adorn the temples, of different sizes. It’s usual to consider this kind of objects as belonging to the material custom of Alpine Slavs, named Culture of Köttlach, after the eponymous cemetery that was discovered near Gloggnitz, on the south of Vienna, by the Neusiedler See.(1)

takodje dobar tekst (na ruskom) o slovenskim brvnarama iz severne rusije (ladoga). Takodje je interesantno da se slicne kuce nalaze u djakovo kulturi koja je postojala na tereitoriji moskve u gvozdenom dobu.
Poslednja izmena:
Veoma izgleda verovatno da je glagol gorditi se proizišao iz reči gard, grad i tsl.
Isto tako je daleko verovatnije da su Goti, kao uostalom i svi ostali Germani, ovu reč preuzeli iz slovenskih jezika.
Koren germanske plemićke titule grof nalazi se u starogermanskoj reči gravo (evtl. grafio). Meni izgleda daleko logičnije da ovaj naziv potiče od reči za "uzvišeno", nego od bašte (po čemu bi grof faktički bio baštovan).
Nadalje, naslednik ovog izraza u germanskim jezicima ima skoro isključivo značenje "braniti, štititi", što i jeste osnovna funkcija utvrđenog grada (ili samo grada), ove reči, međutim, nemaju rodbinu, odnosno nikada nisu ušle u širu upotrebu. Kod Slovena, sa druge strane, imamo čitav niz izvednica iz osnove grad (pa, konačno, i sam naziv "građanin").

Ako mozes da nas ne branis! Kakve su to gluposti o germanskim Gotima. Slovacki dogodopisac i teolog Sasinek je dokazao da je Ulfila i njegova bukvica,slavenska,a ne germanska... On je Teofilo,kako se potpisao na 1.Vaseljenskom saboru a to ce reci BOGUMIL,od kojeg oni poticu,nastavak arijanstva. tVOJ PROBLEM JE STO DALEKO VISE OD TEBE ZNAM,pa se stidis moje nauke,kao fantazije i budalastine.
zdravo stanislave

ako mozes da dodas to sto znas bilo bi super. upravo zato sam i postavio ovu temu jer malo ljudi zna bilo sta o svemu ovome. ovakve stvari su bitne. molim te postavi linkove do izvora ili imena radova ako ih nema na netu. ja licno mislim da su rune slovensko pismo koje je direktno izvedeno iz i ime pisma je slovensko od runiti (rovati) usecati...

gore negde na temi imas deo o samovom kamenu.

inace ne znam da li si cuo za rovaske rune? danas se pripisuju madjarima ali i njihovo ime je slovensko od rovati...

evo ovde da vidis kako to madjari prisvajaju

procitaj ovu diskusiju na serbian kafeu:
sveti wendelin zastitnik cobana. potice iz rajnske oblasti...

The coat-of-arms is a spade shield erect, the base curved to a point. It bears: azure, in pale the figure of St Wendelin or, the patron saint of livestock-rearing farmers, herdsmen and, most importantly, shepherds. St Wendelin was originally a shepherd himself, who looked after the lord's sheep in the Rhine region. His cult was spread in Hungary by German settlers in the 18th century.

kaze potomak skotskog kralja. (irskog jer su do kasnog srednjeg veka irci nazivani skotima). Wendelin znaci hodocasnik u staro nemackom. mozda znaci i sloven. ko zna. Zamonasio se u triru.

There is very little definite information about this saint. His earliest biographies (two in Latin and two in German), did not appear until after 1417. The name "Wendelin" means "wanderer" or "pilgrim" in Old High German. The story as told there is that Wendelin was the son of a Scottish king. After a piously spent youth he secretly left his home on a pilgrimage to Rome. On his way back he settled as a hermit at Westrich in the Diocese of Trier. When a wealthy landowner criticized him for his idle life he entered his service as a herdsman, but later a miracle obliged the landowner to allow him to return to his solitude.
Wendelin then established a company of hermits from which sprang the Benedictine Abbey of Tholey in Saarland. He was consecrated abbot about 597, according to the later legends, while Tholey was apparently founded as a collegiate body about 630. It is difficult to say how far the later biographers are trustworthy.

trier je bilo crkvena drzava u okviru svetog rimskog carstva. sediste u koblencu.

The Electorate of Trier (Kurfürstentum Trier or Kurtrier), traditionally known in English by its French name of Treves, was an ecclesiastical principality of the Holy Roman Empire that existed from the end of the 9th to the early 19th century. It consisted of the temporal possessions of the prince-archbishop of Trier (Erzbistum Trier), also prince-elector of the empire. The capital of the electorate was Trier, with the main residence of the Elector being Coblence from the 16th century onward. The electorate was secularized in 1803 during Napoleonic rule.

po legendama grad je osnovao Trebeta sin Nina kralja asirije...

According to the legendarium recorded in the 12th-century Gesta Treverorum, the city was founded by an eponymous otherwise unrecorded Trebeta, an Assyrian prince, placing the city's founding legend centuries before and independently of ancient Rome: a medieval inscription on the façade of the Red House in Trier market,
"Thirteen hundred years before Rome, Trier stood / may it stand on and enjoy eternal peace, amen," reflects the proud city tradition. Further embroidery in the monkish Gesta made of Trebeta the son of Ninus, a "King of Assyria" imagined by the ancient Greeks, by a wife prior to his marriage to the equally non-historical Queen Semiramis. His stepmother, Semiramis, despised him and when she took over the kingdom after the death of his father, Ninus, Trebeta left Assyria and went to Europe. After wandering for a time, he led a group of colonizers to the site of Trier[citation needed] Upon his death, his body was cremated on Petrisberg by the people of Trier. The image of "Trebeta" became an icon of the city during the Middle Ages.

