Pomoc oko koriscenja HDD Regeneratora


Zainteresovan član
Upravo sam skinuo HDD Regenerator,cuo sam da uspesno popravlja bad sektore ali ne znam kako se on koristi.Jel moze neko,molim vas,da mi detaljno objasni kako se upotrebljava ovaj program,koliko je to bezbedno (mislim da li mogu da izgubim podatke) i vasa iskustva sa njim,naravno.Unapred sam zahvalan!
ok meni je svojevremeno taj program pomogao...startuj program, klikni na Regeneration tab zatim na Create Bootable Diskette...ubaci disketu...nakon zavrsetka tog procesa restartuj comp,proveri u biosu da ti floppy bude 1st bootable device...dalje ce ti se sve samo pokazati...napomena meni je trebalo puno vremena da skenira ceo hard od 80 gb ali je uspesno regenerisao(ako se tako moze reci) bad sektore...

a procitaj :


Welcome to HDD Regenerator - the unique software program for regeneration of hard
disk drives. The program eliminates physical damages (bad sectors) from hard disk
drive surface. It does not hide bad sectors, it really restores them!

How it works

Almost 60 % of all damaged by bad sectors hard drives have incorrectly magnetized
disk surface. Our researches have been fruitful and we have found algorithm which
is special sequence of high and low level signals. These signals are generated by
the software and they switch damaged surface. Even low level formatting is not
able to handle this task!

Main benefits of HDD Regenerator

HDD Regenerator regenerates bad sectors by magnetic reversal. If your hard drive
is damaged by bad sectors, the disk not only becomes unfit for use, but also you
risk losing information stored on the disk. HDD Regenerator will regenerate your
hard disk (almost 60 % of damaged hard disks are subject to regeneration). As a
result, not readable damaged information will be restored. With all this going on
the existing information will not be affected!

Supported file systems

The product works exclusively at physical level. It ignores file system
and can be used with FAT, NTFS or any other file system, and also with
unformatted or unpartitioned disks. During regeneration, the disk structure
will not be changed and the existing data will not be affected.

As the product does not change the logical structure of hard disk drive, the
file system may contain marked earlier bad sector labels, even if your hard
disk is already regenerated and not damaged by bad sectors. If you want to
remove these marks, repartition your hard disk drive or take advantage of
PowerQuest PartitionMagic (Bad Sectors Retest option)
Ha,ha,ha!A proizvode ga,sad ne znam,da l' Maxton ili WD,a ima i u varijantama od,sad ne znam kako to,od 40 ili 80 GB,a?

Tako nekako... salim se naravno. Na srecu takvih problema nisam imao ali jedan prijatelj je pored svih pokusaja ipak morao da kupi nov, to naravno ne znaci da ces morati i ti. Na kraju nista ne mozes da izgubis ako pokusas da ga "opravis" zar ne ? :wink:
Nazalost, nema ni jedan. Recovery bad sektora se mora raditi iz cistog DOS-a, tako da zaboravi na alternative. Sto se tice biosa, to je vrlo lako namestiti. Imas advanced options, pa trazi boot configuration ili boot sequency ili kako god, pa na First boot device stavi floppy. Ako te je strah da si nesto sje*o, uvek mozes da izadjes sa 'exit without saving'
