Kosovo's terrorist Haradiney in UN.Jail


Primećen član
The Albania KAL leader is in custidy of the UN. Tribunal Court in Hague.
Man that was threaten by his group,for the terrorist act,in Hague he might be wines agains him.
Breznica's citizen in Kosovo,Mr.Krasnigi,on August 2,1999 did speak with the (New York Times)that him and his famili,as the othre 36 citizens of breznica killed by the KAL terrorist group,are now in (ganger)and I am asking UN.EU authority in Kosovo, to let me know on this forum...if he and his family did survived that threat by the KLA,whos leader is now in Hague UN.custidy.!!!
Alabanski terrorista u UN. zatvoru!

Covek iz Breznice Kosovo moze biti svedok proti Haradiney.
Breznicki gradjanin gospodin Krasnigi...2 Augasta je razgovarao sa New York Tinsa,pa je rekao da se boji Kosovskih terrorista KLA, kojom organizaciji je bio vodja gospodin Haradiney.
Pored 36 Albanace streljano od strane KLA,gospodin Krasngi se boji za negovi 5 sina, ako terroristy prdju transeje i peskani djakova koji su stitili to selo...oni ce biti streljani kao i on 36 njihovi gradjana.
Pa molim UN-NATO ordanizaciju da na ovom forumu jave dali je ta familija oupste u zivotu?
