И то је политика ЕУ - проституција у Бугарској


Buduća legenda
Prema izvještaju Centra za istrazivanje demokratije, prostitucija u Bugarskoj je među najrazvijenijim u Evropi. Prema procijenama, izvoz bugarskih prostitutki donosi između 900 miliona i 1.8 milijardi eura godišnje!!! Izmedju 18 000 i 21 000 Bugarki prostituira se u Evropi i u svojoj zemlji. Ovo je rašireno i medju bugarskim studenticama i medicinskim sestrama u Evropi. Bugarski grad Sliven, na jugu zemlje sa 100 000 stanovnika, iz kojeg prostitutke odlaze u bruxellse drzi neslavni rekord u drzavi. naime, svaka petnaesta djevojka u dobi izmeju 15 i 30 godina se bavi prostitucijom. !!!!

Između 18.000 i 21.000 Bugarki prostituira se u Evropi, prema tom istraživanju, dok ih 6.000 do 7.000 radi u Njemačkoj, Belgiji, Grčkoj i Holandiji.

Od 7.000 do 8.000 bugarskih prostitutka radi u Francuskoj, Italiji i Španiji. Fenomen je raširen čak i među bugarskim studentkinjama i medicinskim sestrama u Evropi koje se "kraće zadržavaju na tržištu seksualnih usluga", ističe se u istraživanju.

To je socijalna katastrofa, zaključio je Bezlov.

SOFIJA--U ocekivanju dolaska oko cetiri miliona stranih turista tokom godine, koji ce potrositi najmanje milijardu evra, mnoge aktivnosti u Bugarskoj podredjene su letnjoj turistickoj sezoni.
Prema informacijama sofijskih medija, u glavne turisticke centre na Crnom moru Ministarstvo unutrasnjih poslova poslalo je dodatnih 300 policajaca, ciji je cilj da onemoguce eventualne teroriste,invaziju dzeparosa i kradljivaca automobila,ali i nasrtljivih prostitutki.
Glavni sekretar ovog ministarstva, general Bojko Borisov izjavio je da poseban problem u mestima duz mora cine prostitutke koje postaju sve agresivnije i stete ugledu zemlje.
Stoga se Borisov zalaze da se u parlamentu donese zakon kojim se prostitucija legalizuje i time stavi pod kontrolu.
List Trud pise da su u najvecem turistickom gradu Varni, zbog ostre konkurencije, prostitutke sve nasrtljivije.
Mnoge od njih ne prezaju da vuku za rukave prolaznike, nudeci im kompletnu ljubav po promotivnoj ceni od pet evra.
List navodi da su pojedini muskarci zbog opiranja, dobijali batine ne samo od makroa vec i od prodavacica ljubavi.
Zbog svega toga, svedski,francuski i britanski tur-operatori uputili su protest rukovodstvu elitnog turistickog kompleksa,,Albeni"
The drive along the main road from Varna to Bourgas is beautiful. It winds its way past some beautiful scenery. Lush forests, golden fields of corn and occasional glimpses of the shimmering Black Sea abound. About 20km outside of Varna, close to the village of Avren, there is scenery of a different kind. Attractive young girls line the roadside touting for trade from passing drivers. The first time I saw a girl standing alone near a lay-by, I thought she was waiting for a bus. Admittedly, I thought her dress sense needed some attention, but it was a boiling hot day and so hot pants were not that out of place. A kilometre further on I saw another girl wearing a bright red mini dress and she beckoned the car in front to stop. After that, I knew that these young ladies were prostitutes, not local girls on a shopping trip to Varna.

In Bulgaria, prostitution, like corruption, is much more open. It does not confine itself to seedy ghettos or ads in phone boxes, nor is it organised into a "red light area" as it is in Amsterdam and Hamburg. Most of the girls come from the destitute Bulgarian population. They are usually organised by a local pimp, who takes a percentage of their earnings and chauffeurs them to and from their spot on a busy main road each day. They stand there for hours on end in freezing winter winds and burning hot sunshine. They relieve themselves in nearby hedgerows and are responsible for taking along their own food and beverage. A 2006 poll carried out by the Bulgarian Centre for Gender Studies suggests that the lack of cash and job alternatives is the leading motive for girls who take up prostitution. In the resorts, the pimps are often nightclub bouncers, hotel workers or cab drivers.

All of the girls I have seen soliciting are over the age of consent, which is 14 in Bulgaria, most are in their late teens and early 20s. Many are exceptionally attractive making you double take as to whether they are actually "on the game" or just innocently waiting for a lift. All of the girls I spoke to were extremely friendly. "We work out of need," 19-year-old Sonia recounts. "I can earn more money doing this work than working a 13-hour shift in a bar in the resorts. It is just work for me. I don't really think about what I do."

The rates along the roadside are incredibly low. Costs of services range from two to 10 leva. In the resorts, prices are much higher. It costs 180 leva for a girl for the night and your hotel will more than likely charge you a supplement of 50 leva for bringing the girl back to your room. In the resorts, prostitution is restricted to the dark of the night, but again the girls are highly visible and very proactive in their touting for trade. Foreign tourists in Bulgaria are often subject to aggressive offers from prostitutes and pimps and this has a negative effect on tourism particularly when resorts market themselves as ideal venues for family holidays. "Tourism in Bulgaria accounts for 15 per cent of the GDP and creates hundreds of thousands of jobs," explains Polly Karastoyanova from the National Board of Tourism. "Investors represented in the board are concerned over Bulgaria's image not only as a tourist destination but also as an attractive place for business partnerships''

At the roadside, the clientele tends to be to bored truck drivers especially foreign ones, who are not used to seeing such unashamed flaunting of sex. In the resorts, it is the tourists.

"Foreigners always pay us a tip; they are not used to seeing beautiful girls ready to work for them," Petia (21), from Varna said. Local men also use the girls' services, "older men who have been married a long time, who maybe doesn't get much sex at home stop and use us. It is normal and their wives don't need to know". It seems that most wives do not have a problem with this so long as they are kept in the dark. I am always surprised at the number of women who include porn magazines in their supermarket trolley. Several Bulgarian women interviewed said they actually had no problem with their husband using a prostitute. Yet all of the expats I interviewed were very much against the idea, feeling that it was in some way sordid and a slight on them as a wife.

The dark side of prostitution is not that it exists at all, but the fact that a pimp controls most girls and that their exploitation is not just confined to roadside prostitution. Bulgaria is one of the largest human traffickers in the world, providing enslaved girls to brothels all over Europe. Currently, Bulgarian laws on prostitution are unclear. Existing legislative provisions date back to before 1944. When communism came to Bulgaria, sleazy practices like this, along with other such crimes against women like domestic violence, were considered to exist solely in the Western world.
The child prostitution was confirmed by the 2006 US Department of State Report on Human Rights Practises in Bulgaria, which stated that "the Ministry of Interior identified 255 children as 'at risk' of being forced into prostitution between January and October, compared to 398 in 2005."

While child prostitution is on the decrease, a hurdle in the fight against it seems to be a lack of a legal framework. The Bulgarian judiciary does not offer a definition of child prostitution and does not define prostitution in general as a crime, Petkov pointed out.

Mentioning the strict laws against kidnapping for prostitution purposes that are currently in place, Petkov added "Bulgaria is considered a destination for so-called 'child sex tourism'."
.........Добродошли у ЕУ кондом провинцију!

Moram te razocarati, ali najveca prostituicija u Evropi je ipak u Rusiji:

In Russia both prostitution and pimping are illegal, but according to independent estimates, there are around 100,000 prostitutes in Moscow alone. Those who can't find work in the capital's fancy bars are forced to ply their trade underground.

