Objavljene fotografije sukoba izraelskih vojnika i humanitaraca


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pa ovi "komandosi" dobili preko pi.cke od nenaoruzanih humanitaraca :hahaha:


Objavljene fotografije sukoba izraelskih vojnika i humanitaraca
Najtiražniji turski list „Hurijet" juče je objavio fotografije na kojima se vide ranjeni izraelski mornarički komandosi, koji su se prošlog ponedeljka sukobili s putnicima broda iz humanitarnog konvoja za pojas Gaze

U tom sukobu, na brodu „Mavi Marmari" poginulo je devet mirovnih aktivista. Izraelska vojska IDF tvrdi da su slike dokaz da su se komandosi branili, dok mirovni aktivisti to poriču i navode da su ih vojnici prvi napali.
Na fotografijama koje je objavio „Hurijet" pod naslovom „Suze komandosa", vide se okrvavljeni komandosi. List navodi da je te fotografije Izrael cenzurisao, izbrisavši ih sa memorijske kartice kada su kamere propalestinskih aktivista dospele u njegove ruke.
S druge strane, izraelska armija saopštila je da su te fotografije dokaz tvrdnji vojnika da su pucali samo zato što su im životi bili u opasnosti.
- Objavljene slike služe kao jasan i nedvosmislen dokaz ponovljenih tvrdnji Izraela da su putnici feribota „Mavi Marmara" bili ubice koje su nameravile da ubiju izraelske vojnike - rekao je portparol IDF-a.
On je dodao da snimci dokazuju tvrdnje vojnika da su pucali samo zato što su im životi bili u opasnosti, jer su putnici na brodu hteli da ih ubiju.
U međuvremenu, svi aktivisti i članovi posade irskog broda „Rejčel Kori", koji je pokušao pre dva dana da probije izraelsku blokadu pojasa Gaze, juče su deportovani. Šest državljana Malezije i jedan sa Kube napustili su Izrael preko graničnog prelaza Alenbi sa Jordanom, dok je 11 preostalih osoba otišlo avionom sa aerodroma „Ben Gurion" nedaleko od Tel Aviva.
Izraelski zvaničnik imigracione službe Sabina Hadad navela je da su svi koji su bili na brodu juče proterani, nakon što su potpisali potvrdu da odbacuju pravo da se žale na odluku izraelskog sudije.
Inače, brod irske humanitarne organizacije stigao je pre dva dana u izraelsku luku Ašdod, pošto su kontrolu na njemu preuzele izraelske snage bez sukobljavanja sa putnicima.






Turkish group releases photos of Israeli soldiers
(AP) – 16 hours ago
ANKARA, Turkey — An Islamic charity released photos on Sunday of Israeli commandos wounded in the deadly raid on a Gaza-bound ship.
Several of the images, taken by an unidentified person or people aboard the ship Mavi Marmara, show an Israeli soldier surrounded by people aboard the Turkish-flagged vessel.
The photos were released by the Turkish activist group IHH, which is outlawed in Israel. According to IHH, the Israeli soldiers were hurt while storming the ship in confrontations with activists aboard, and were later returned to other Israeli troops who boarded the ship.
Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev said the series of images "shows that our boarding party in fact did face deadly violence from the hardcore Islamist activists on the boat from the fundamentalist IHH movement."
Osman Atalay, a senior IHH official, said the soldiers were in the first group of commandos that boarded the ship. He said the images show activists "intervening" or "tending" to the injured soldiers.
The Israeli crackdown on Monday killed nine activists on a flotilla headed to the blockaded Gaza Strip with hundreds of activists and humanitarian supplies on board. The operation has drawn fierce international condemnation, seriously damaged Israeli ties with Turkey, and brought heavy pressure to lift the 3-year-old closure of Gaza.
Videos released by the army have shown a crowd of men attacking several naval commandos as they landed on a ship from a helicopter, beating the soldiers with clubs and other objects. The army has displayed pictures of knives, slingshots and metal rods confiscated from the crowd, and other video seized from reporters and security cameras on board the ship appear to show a group of young man brandishing clubs and other weapons ahead of the arrival of the soldiers.
Bulent Yildirim, who heads the IHH, has said people on the ship attacked Israeli soldiers "with chairs and iron bars in self-defense."
He has not commented on the use of slingshots but has insisted there were no weapons on board the ship, whose cargo he says was inspected by Turkish authorities.
