sastav iz engleskog ( hitno)

By Milos :))

Every person in the world wants to be successeful in his life. To be someone. And I am among those person.
I want to study, to be a good pupil, and I want to graduate on a famous university for computers. As much as I know from reading the newspapaer, there are many famous person in the world that invented a lot of programes which help us to solve many problems. I want to be like them. I want to help people who don't know how to use computer. I want to build school where people can learn how to make a connection with someone else from other part of the world, to make deals with partners, to make easy finding a particular job. I want to invent something that noone hasn't invented yet, something that will be so important for everyday activities. Something that will be appreciated to everyone because it will make easier leadind life. I don't even know what it would be like. All I know is that I have to get a great knowledge, to give my best, to be persistent, to see that there is, at least, one person who will help others as me. I have a wish. I have idea. And the most important - I have aim and I want to reach it. I will pound myself.
It is so important to choose the right way on time, because there is just one life and we should try to make it better, easier and satisfied.

Evo nešto od mene, na brzaka, nadam se da će pomoći. Nisam proveravao reči pa možda negde ima koja greška (progutano slovo ..) ali mislim da je gramatika u redu.
Poslednja izmena:
ej caoo

Treba mi hitno sastav iz engleskog jezika
treba mi hitno do sutra ako moze
Tema je MY FUTURE,,,
pozzziccc <3 <3 :heart::heart:

Ne reče koji si razred
ako ćeš da koristiš Milošev tekst pazi da on po stilu liči na ono što si do sada pisala
Tekst ima odličnu ideju ali ja recimo ne bih znao kako da ga ocenim
Ja se nadam da ta nastavnica engleskog ima spisak stvari koje traži u sastavu i da ih onda samo čekira i prebroji poene

* * *
Kad smo kod sastava, mi smo jednom za domaći pisali sastav o nekim sportistima i jedan drug iz razreda koji skoro NIMALO nije znao engleski hoće da piše o nekoj teniserki (ne sećam se) i mi se dogovorimo da on napiše na srpskom a mi ćemo da mu prevedemo. I on navede kako je ona bila uspešna ali su je uhvatili da koristi doping i izbacili je sa takmičenja. I onda mi nismo znali kako se "doping" kaže na engleskom :eek: pa smo rekli "she used some drugs"
By Milos :))

Every person in the world wants to be successeful in his life. To be someone. And I am among those person. this person, that person, these persons, those persons. ne znam koliko se uklapa ovo "to be someone", meni to izgleda kao obično prevođenje sa srpskog i mislim da se na engleskom ne dobija isti efekat ali nisam sigurna.
I want to study, to be a good pupil, and I want to graduate on from, ne on a famous university for computers. teško, univerzitet je mnogo sveobuhvatniji pa ne možeš reći "univerzitet za kompjutere" As much as I know from reading the newspapaer, there are many famous persons in the world that invented a lot of programes which help us to solve many problems. I want to be like them. I want to help people who don't know how to use computer. I want to build aschool where people can could learn how to make a connection with someone from other other ide kad imaš samo dva ponuđena, ovde se ne uklapa part of the world, to make deals with partners, to make it easy finding a particular job. I want to invent something that noone nobody, ne postoji noone, može no one hasn't invented yet, something that will would, zato što nisi još izmislio ništa nego pričaš ŠBBKBB be so important for everyday activities. Something ovo bolje ubaciti u prethodnu rečenicu, ne prevoditi bukvalno rečenice sa srpskog na engleski, rečenice da počinju subjektom! that will be appreciated tone može to, može by jer je ovo pasiv everyone because it will make easier leadind ? life. I don't even know what it would be like. All I know is that I have to get a great knowledge, to give my best, to be persistent, to see that there is, at least, one person who will help others as me. I have a wish. I have an idea. And the most important - I have an aim and I want to reach it. I will pound myself.
It is so important to choose the right way on time, because there is just one life možda bolje "we have only one life" ili "there is only one life we have" jer ovo gore zvuči kao da postoji jedan život uopšteno, a ne da svako od nas ima jedan život and we should try to make it better, easier and satisfied.život ne može biti satisfied, može čovek životom. možda fulfilled.

Evo nešto od mene, na brzaka, nadam se da će pomoći. Nisam proveravao reči pa možda negde ima koja greška (progutano slovo ..) ali mislim da je gramatika u redu.

verovatno ima još šta da se ispravlja ali meni je rano jutro :lol:
