Бугарска даје захтев за учешће у спору око имена Македоније?!

These problems are related at least to the dynamics of EU integration in the region.

Ali nema veze sa dinamikom eventualnog ulaska Srbije u UE , niti moze da utice , konkretno na nas . A nigde se nije govorilo da Srbija i Makedonija moraju da udju zajedno , bas uu isto vreme u Eu . ja cak mislim , da Srbiji i nije namenjeno da udje u EU . Cini mi se da nas oni tamo ne zele , i da mozemo uci samo u parcicima , a to mozemo samo mi sami da sprecimo . Niti moze Bugarska ,niti makedonija Ni da pomognu , ni da odmognu , cak i da hoce .
I'ts hard to understand Bulgarian.Our two languages aren't similar so much.And grammars are different.

Suština je da Bugari smatraju da ime koje Grčka predlaže ima konotaciju teritorijalnih pretenzija na Pirin.
Dakle, ne ostaje im ništa drugo nego Južna Srbija ili Istočna Albanija.
Ma ostavite nam na miru sami da resimo problem!!!

I'm afraid you are not "alone" in your efforts for EU integration. If you want to be part of the EU, you have to settle all current disputes with your neighbors. Do not forget that part of geographical region Macedonia belongs to Bulgaria and about one million Bulgarian citizens have Macedonian provenance. Moreover, there are several open issues between Macedonia and Bulgaria connected with the disputes about history and minority rights. Several months ago Bulgaria offered to Macedonia treaty for friendship and support, but Macedonia did not accept even to negotiate. Now Bulgaria is seeking different and probably more unpleasant ways of solving the remaining disputes.
:roll:Њима треба посебан пдф да се разрачунају.:hahaha:

Covek koji je pucao na Kralja Aleksandra , bio je Bugarin iz VMRO . Stranka koja je dosla na vlast , po odvajanju Mekedonije od ostatka zemlje , bila je VMRO , voljom vecine stanovnika Makedonije .

kakav god da je Aleksandar kreten bio , i kakva god da je bila drzava od koje su se odvojili... ipak oni to treba da resavaju medju sobom . Valjda imaju neke svoje bratske forume .
I'm afraid you are not "alone" in your efforts for EU integration. If you want to be part of the EU, you have to settle all current disputes with your neighbors. Do not forget that part of geographical region Macedonia belongs to Bulgaria and about one million Bulgarian citizens have Macedonian provenance. Moreover, there are several open issues between Macedonia and Bulgaria connected with the disputes about history and minority rights. Several months ago Bulgaria offered to Macedonia treaty for friendship and support, but Macedonia did not accept even to negotiate. Now Bulgaria is seeking different and probably more unpleasant ways of solving the remaining disputes.

U bre , al je vama zinula guz..ca ..
Nego znas kako , ne kaze se dzabe , gde je srpska vojska prosla , tu je danas Makedonija .
E a sad , nema srpske vojske .
Ima samo vojska Srbije .
Ali nema veze sa dinamikom eventualnog ulaska Srbije u UE , niti moze da utice , konkretno na nas . A nigde se nije govorilo da Srbija i Makedonija moraju da udju zajedno , bas uu isto vreme u Eu . ja cak mislim , da Srbiji i nije namenjeno da udje u EU . Cini mi se da nas oni tamo ne zele , i da mozemo uci samo u parcicima , a to mozemo samo mi sami da sprecimo . Niti moze Bugarska ,niti makedonija Ni da pomognu , ni da odmognu , cak i da hoce .

Do not interpret such a connection too directly. This is about what principles for solving bilateral disputes in the process of European integration for the Western Balkans are created. This model can be problematic with regard to your possible border, historical and minority disputes with Croatia, Kosovo, and so on. Such problems may affect the overall dynamics of EU integration of Western Balkans and to generate additional negative stereotypes of the perception of this process in the region.
I'm afraid you are not "alone" in your efforts for EU integration. If you want to be part of the EU, you have to settle all current disputes with your neighbors. Do not forget that part of geographical region Macedonia belongs to Bulgaria and about one million Bulgarian citizens have Macedonian provenance. Moreover, there are several open issues between Macedonia and Bulgaria connected with the disputes about history and minority rights. Several months ago Bulgaria offered to Macedonia treaty for friendship and support, but Macedonia did not accept even to negotiate. Now Bulgaria is seeking different and probably more unpleasant ways of solving the remaining disputes.
Nope. Thats why we sent others to participate in EU Disneyland. Bulgaria is now prepared for phase 2, taking the leather off, phase 3 is taxidermy.
