prvi Makedonski presednik-Makedonija i Bugarska mora da imaju bratski odnosi

obnova Bugarske grobove u okolini Strumice-Novo Selo
malo od puno groboca Bugarske amrija kroz makeodniju koji nusu srusene od srbe ali ovi nisu jel tu ima i jedan srpski zandarmerist pogreban koji je bio zarobljen

пазите ову пропаганду

Када је Бугарска војска ушла, 1941 окупираној Македонији и први задатак "био да избрише све трагове да пре него што је напустио српски окупационих власти, Бугари су уништили много споменика који су Срби подигли. Током балканских и Првог светског рата Штипјани преживео многе страхоте. Кроз Штип и околних подручја отишао кроз све болести носе ратова. Први хорор преживели у 1913 за време Другог балканског рата, када Косел колере. У 1915 град је заузет пегавиот тифуса, а 1916-1917, он се појавио и Хиспањолци температуру. Тип тада остао са само 6.000 становника.

Доно Ефремова, виши кустост у Штипу музеј каже да је Влада Србије у Штипу изградили два спомен костурници. Један у спомен мртвих од колере, када је живот није могао доћи до довољно да кутије да сахрани, и све сахрањени у заједничку гробницу, а други у спомен погинулих српских војника у борби против Бугара на Брегалници. Када је у 1941 Бугарска армија ушла у Штип ,костурници срамнала са земљом.

Тада је срушен и споменик српске генерал Михаило Ковачевић, убијен од стране људи Иван Михајлов у октобру 1927. Споменик је висок више од 12 метара, и био је демолирана на Ускрс. Бугари су тада прикупљили сви Штипјани које су радили за Србије и, према неким тврдњама, присилили их да руше споменик са зубе. Упатените историје у Штипу тврде да град има и српска гробља која су такође били раскопани из Бугарске. И углавном су сахрањени Македонци мобилисани од стране српске војске која је умрла на снимање терену. Тада је мртве Србе послати своје родним тамо сахрани.
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пазите ову пропаганду

Када је Бугарска војска ушла, 1941 окупираној Македонији и први задатак "био да избрише све трагове да пре него што је напустио српски окупационих власти, Бугари су уништили много споменика који су Срби подигли. Током балканских и Првог светског рата Штипјани преживео многе страхоте. Кроз Штип и околних подручја отишао кроз све болести носе ратова. Први хорор преживели у 1913 за време Другог балканског рата, када Косел колере. У 1915 град је заузет пегавиот тифуса, а 1916-1917, он се појавио и Хиспањолци температуру. Тип тада остао са само 6.000 становника.

Доно Ефремова, виши кустост у Штипу музеј каже да је Влада Србије у Штипу изградили два спомен костурници. Један у спомен мртвих од колере, када је живот није могао доћи до довољно да кутије да сахрани, и све сахрањени у заједничку гробницу, а други у спомен погинулих српских војника у борби против Бугара на Брегалници. Када је у 1941 Бугарска армија ушла у Штип ,костурници срамнала са земљом.

Тада је срушен и споменик српске генерал Михаило Ковачевић, убијен од стране људи Иван Михајлов у октобру 1927. Споменик је висок више од 12 метара, и био је демолирана на Ускрс. Бугари су тада прикупљили сви Штипјани које су радили за Србије и, према неким тврдњама, присилили их да руше споменик са зубе. Упатените историје у Штипу тврде да град има и српска гробља која су такође били раскопани из Бугарске. И углавном су сахрањени Македонци мобилисани од стране српске војске која је умрла на снимање терену. Тада је мртве Србе послати своје родним тамо сахрани.

lose ti to google prevodi :mrgreen:
Idi na bugarski forum pa tamo otvaraj takve teme , bash nas zabole za bugare !!!!!!!!!

na Bugarske forume teme su veoma redikalne i skoro i da nema normalan forum za miroljubce i demokrate poput meni sve su neo nacisticke forume ili ultra nacionalisticke

zato bolji mi je tu na srpski forum sa srbima koji su za mene braca

i rate Bugari se pisu sa veliko B
After the abolition of the Ohrid Archbishopric in 1767, caused major nacional processes that affected the Macedonian people. All religious buildings that had character and education, came under the jurisdiction of the Constantinople Patriarchate ¬ tion, headed by Romeo - helenofoni. Then begin elinskata propaganda, which we mistakenly call Greek (Byzantine), studying the works of Hellenic Macedonia. Unfortunately, the only cultural and educational activities at the time, until the end of HIX century, existed only in churches and monasteries.

Romeite - Greece anyone who spoke a Slavic called Voulgar and language vulgarski from the XI century, replacing the term with Slav Bulgarian (Petar Dragasevic "Makedonski Sloveni", 1890 g., Beograd). Terminot as a synonym of Bulgarian Slav occurs because of the 1018 Slavic peoples, according to Byzantium: Macedonians, Bosnians, Serbs, Montenegrins, etc.., housed together in Voulgarija topic, and because people Byzantines Mon distinct territorial, not ethnic background, the word has replaced the word Bulgarian Slavs. Turks have inherited the Byzantine tradition, the notion of Bulgarian, and all Slavs in the Ottoman Empire were called Bulgarians (Friedman 1975). The best example would give the Bosnians. In XVI century Armenian Simeon Lehaci traveling through Turkey, Asian and European, has visited Bosnia. For the people of Bosnia said that all people there are Bulgarians and the word "bolgarski, and their villages are called" villages bolgarski (Simeon Lehaci, Путевые zametki, history and records памятные; izuchil and opublikoval Nerses Акинян, Vein, 1936).

The map of the topics in Byzantium (1025), Macedonia and Serbia in Bulgaria topic. Therefore, the Byzantines called Macedonians (and Serbia) - Bulgarians or people on the subject of Bulgaria. Bulgaria today is a topic Paristrion and southern Bulgaria - Thrace is the subject of Macedonia, and all residents of the geographic Thrace, Macedonia and the theme is called Macedonians, and those of Paristrion - Paristrionci.

Theophylact of Ohrid, Grecian, probably born Evrip was Archbishop of Ohrid Archbishopric in 1090 to 1119 He was known for what he wrote "Life of St. larger. Clement, where he explains that Bulgarians are the inhabitants of the Byzantine theme, ie that are geographically Bulgarians. Byzantium its subjects are shared by geographical, thematic, rather than ethnic basis, and all citizens of one topic regardless of ethnos wore the same name. Theophylact himself was considered the Bulgarian - Bulgaria resident of the topic, and in "Life of St. larger. Clement entered St.. Clement us betrayed us BULGARIA everything concerning the church "(" Life of St. larger. Kliment, Ohridski manuscript in Румянцев Museum in Moscow. Grigorovic the collection under number 818 / Arhiven Institute Ban кутия III, Folder IV) . Many of the population in the Byzantine theme Bulgaria (Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania) was Slavic. Bulgarians, Greeks were the Slavs, and Theophylact writes in his biography of St. Clement "slavenskiot or Bulgarians, and the language issue in Bulgaria Bulgarian calls. For him, St.. Clement was the "first bishop of the Bulgarian language" ("Life of St. larger. Kliment, Ohridski manuscript in Румянцев Museum in Moscow). Collection of Grigorovic under No. 818, p. sheet. 11-6 to ZZ-b. / Arhiven Institute of BAS. This is the biggest lie in Bulgarian history, although no ancient Macedonian, Serb or Trakoant (Slav) is not called Slavic languages - Bulgarian, or Slavs - Bulgarians. But we must understand the position of Byzantium and then naming opportunities for the people, by geographical rather than ethnic basis. Greeks, for example, called Romeo (Romans), and their language romejski (Roman) throughout the Middle Ages until the end of XIX century, as a legacy of the Byzantine Empire, the Greeks were part of the Eastern Roman Empire - Romania, so after the then Byzantine usual for people to declare its geographical origin, they were Romeo-Vizantijci.

Romeizacijata the question of the Macedonian population in the XI and XII century, the views of historians are divided. For this period the head of the Archbishopric of Ohrid archbishops were most Greeks. Golubinski believed that they had ecclesiastical authority over the Slavs, which was applied to the last podvlastuvanje under Byzantium. Here zarodila future theory of "romeizacijata. This theory is advocated Uspenski. Based on correspondence Teofilaktovata, Uspenski came to the conclusion that between the Archbishop and Slavic flock led to sharp conflict, which the zarodil narodonosna basis. In the Bulgarian historiography on the matter the way he laid down Zlatarski. According to him, at the end of XI century was carried out systematic romeizacija, to which particularly contributed Theophylact. Public hostility to the Slavic people, of which Theophylact was overwhelmed, and can be seen in his letters. Zlatarski believed that the extremely popular basis, and the use it incorrectly ¬ buval term "nationality". That has contributed Slavs, especially ohrigjanite, to return with the same measure. Here are the reasons for Teofilaktovata deprimiranost and disappointment, which took place soon after his arrival in Ohrid. Otherwise, it is known that the Greeks not Romans, nor have any linguistic or blood on the Romans. Otherwise, this Byzantine appointing people by geographical origin, the Bulgarians used today as the greatest "proof" that the Macedonians are Bulgarians, the Bulgarian is the biggest lie. In short hagiography of St.. Clement, also called "The Ohrid Legend", which is considered to be written by the Archbishop of the XIII century, Grkot Homatijan Demetrius, born in Lycia (Asia Minor), all Slavic peoples called Bulgarians - Volgaroi. For Slovenia, the Greek author in "The Ohrid Legend" writes: "they were driven from the old military power of Alexander, the late Robert Bruce Olympus Ocean and the northern Dead Sea, and after spending much time with terrible army crossed the Danube and took all the neighboring areas: Panonia and Dalmatia, Thrace and Ilirika, and much of Thessaly and Macedonia "(Ohrid Legend" - Author of Life - Archbishop охридския Димитрий Homatian; Al.Milev, Гръцките lifes of Kliment Ohridski ", 1966 .). In the same "The Ohrid Legend", originally written in the XIII century, says the Pope ordained Methodius Archbishop of Moravia and Bulgaria (Bulgaria theme), and Clement was ordained by Bishop Methodius of the Ilirika and "Bulgarians", which has ruled that parts (Iv. Дуйчев, short biography Clement enabled Димитрий Homatian INTO "Kliment Ohridski ECR enabled случай articles by year 1050 capital enabled him" Ban София, 1966, pp. 161-171).

Hence we see that all Slavic peoples of the Balkans, the Greeks were called Bulgarians in the Middle Ages, because the Serbs, Croats, Montenegrins, Bosnians, ie all who inhabit Ilirika, Dalmatia and Panonia the Greeks were Bulgarians. That very term "Bulgarian" oznachuval Slavs, but not a separate nationality in the Middle Ages, the evidence and other documents from the Homatijan Demetrius, Archbishop of Ohrid, rakopo ¬ lozhen the Ohrid Archbishop throne in 1216 From the time we have preserved records of Macedonians who declared themselves "Macedonians by birth. Here we also have a copy of Ivan Ierekar the village government (denes Velestovo) Macedonian by birth "(J. Pitra, Analecta sacra et classica specilegio Solesmensi parta, t. VI Juris ecclesiastici graecorum selecta paralipomena). Parissis et Romae 1891, col. 315th

In 1891, Catholic Cardinal J. Pitra 155 published documentary ¬ mint from Ohrid Archbishopric, when it was part of Epirus state, since the Archbishop - Demetrius Homatian (1216-1235), where the Macedonians are mentioned over 50 times and then notes that Macedonians izjasnuvale Mon ethnicity as Macedonians . Angelov Bulgarian historian as advocates claim that Macedonians were called so that territory inhabited, but as a historian that his claim is stupidno. At that time, Ohrid Epirskoto belonged to the kingdom and they would logically be called territorial Epirci. But in Epirus, according to historical sources in the XIII century, the Macedonians were living and so are called. Formerly belonged to Ilirika Ohrid, Macedonia not, except during the reign of Samuil, later falling under the topic of Byzantine Bulgaria. Territorial names of Macedonians are Bulgarians, Epirjani, Illyrians. In XIX century in the Ottoman Empire the term "Bulgarian" oznachuval "simple people, peasants, while all citizens declared themselves as" Greeks ": its city was" Greek "city clothes was" Greek "and rural" Bulgarian "(Wilkinson 1951: str. 149). Bulgarians themselves say that the term had a Bulgarian national importance: "In time, Turkish Bulgarian peasant Bulgarians mark of the cities with the word Grecian 'and civil costume for him was Greek' dresses ... Our peasant, when you say, we are Bulgarians 'thought, we are Christians', ie Orthodox. The Russian Tsar was for him, a Bulgarian king 'not by ethnicity, but Mon Orthodox Christianity.
According to the latest Dictionary of Modern Hellenic language, the word Bulgarians - the Hellenic Voulgar bounder marks ("Dictionary of Modern Hellenic language," Mr. Babiniotis, Athens, 1998). Serbian academician, Petar Dragashevikj, anti-Macedonian friendly, at the end of XIX century was in Thessaly and Greece, says: "The Greeks call me Bulgarian, although I am a Serb from Serbia ... Bulgarian Slav word means "(Petar Dragasevic" Makedonski Sloveni ", 1890 g., Beograd). Serbian Cvijic advocate, fighter srbizacija Macedonians, was among the Aegean Macedonians in Greece, and their impressions, he writes: "The Greek peasant named Macedonian Slavs are Bulgarians ... always with the Greeks, the name means the same as Bulgarian and Slav. The Greeks call them Bulgarians and Serbs, do not know if they are from Serbia ... Serbian name for the Greek peasant is merely a political term ... Bulgarian and ethnographic notion is ... Macedonian Slavs poluheleniziranite - Chifchii, speak a little Greek, you are considered Greeks "(Professor John Цвијић / 1865-1927 /, Rada Macedonian Slavs promatranja o etnografiji makedonskih Slavs" Bookshops Gece Kona, Beograd, 1906 years.). Dr. John Cvijic known Serbian etnogeograf and academic, the Serbian government sent to Macedonia in 1905 and governmental interests golemosrpski drank ¬ scarf that Macedonians Amorphous mass, without national identity and literary language, who had sympathy towards the Serbs and Bulgarians, and could be easily blended or Serbs or Bulgarians. But the same Cvijic later testify that when he was in Macedonia, the Macedonians had developed a Macedonian national consciousness so deny himself and says: "Young people by the people, peasants, just know that they are Macedonians" (Svetozar Pribicevic: "Diktatura kralja Aleksandra", 5. poglavlje, str.128).

In Hellas and Thessaly were numerous Slavic population, which grkofonite called Bulgarians. In Greece sometimes Niko ¬ Bulgarians are not settled, nor Bulgarians ruled that Terry ¬ Turin. In VII century there were notable sklavinite Milingi of tribes and lakes. During the Greek rebellion in nacionalnoosloboditelno d 1821-1829. are singing a song about crossing the differences of the various ethnicities that inhabited Hellas Hellenic nation and creating "Albanians, Vlachs, Bulgarians, people who speak other languages join.Krste Misirkov (Krste P. Misirkov several times in his life, by the Bulgarian police, under threat of physical liquidate, was forced to sign articles probugarska position, previously written by the Bulgarian state).

Bulgarian explains the concept: "The Greeks also not different Slavic nationalities and all Slavs ... call it the name prezrenoto Bulgarians. Greeks used the name Bulgarian to bring it all to his credit Slavic. The name of Bulgarians Greeks baptized him and us Macedonians. But this cross is not the only one ... ("For Macedonian matters" Preface, София, House of Либералний T'Club, 1903). In some such conditions, when Mace ¬ Greek Macedonians taught school when it was called Bulgarian Slavic, for our ancestors from the XIX century Bulgarian Slavic mean, anyone who spoke Slavic speaking Bulgarian. So some of our teachers, the Macedonian folk language called Bulgarian, but not referring to the Bulgarian, as we now know it, but Slavic.
:mrgreen: :hahaha::hahaha::hahaha::hahaha::hahaha::rotf::rotf: ovo mu je jedan od mnostvo bisera :per: :hahaha:

brate bar na forume mi treba da budemo ujedneti protiv one koji su protiv nas

Makedonci i Bugari su najblizije narodi na balkanu
danas nema problema megu Nemaca i Austrijancima

reko sam ti

zaednicku istoriju
makedonci uceli,radili i bezili u Bugarsku uvek
ne bezili u srbiju
sve one koji mislite za vase heroje su radili i ziveli u Bugarsku i tamo ucili skolju
od tamo su uzimali sredstva za makedoniju

a tek kad bi se ujedinili
bili bi najveca drzava na bakanu sa 10 miliona stanovnika i 140,000km2
brate bar na forume mi treba da budemo ujedneti protiv one koji su protiv nas

Makedonci i Bugari su najblizije narodi na balkanu
danas nema problema megu Nemaca i Austrijancima

reko sam ti

zaednicku istoriju
makedonci uceli,radili i bezili u Bugarsku uvek
ne bezili u srbiju
sve one koji mislite za vase heroje su radili i ziveli u Bugarsku i tamo ucili skolju
od tamo su uzimali sredstva za makedoniju

a tek kad bi se ujedinili
bili bi najveca drzava na bakanu sa 10 miliona stanovnika i 140,000km2

Gresis! Najblizi narodi na Balkanu su Makedonci i Srbi, sa genetske strane gledano, sto je dokazano naucno i zvanicno prihvaceno.
Bugarska je masakrirala Makedonce i kroz istoriju okupirala Makedoniju.

cekaj malo sad ja nisam Bugar nego makedonac
a makedonci su srbi

znaci ja sam srbin koji misli da je Bugar
jel tako?

Ti si Makedonac koji je zatrovan bugarskim fasizmom!
Cudno je sto ne ides u tu tvoju zemlju snova, nego zivis u Makedoniji, jedes makedonski hleb i pljujes po Makedoniji i Makedoncima.
Jadno sa tvoje strane i zalim te iskreno!
