"Amerika i Izrael nemaju hrabrosti da napadnu Iran"


Ističe se
Those you mention [Israel and the US] don't have the courage to attack Iran. They're not even thinking about it.

Nemaju hrabrosti da cak i pomisle tako nesto, rece Ahmedinedzad, pre par dana u Brazilu.

Speaking during a visit to Brazil, he insisted an attack on Iran over its suspected covert nuclear programme was bo longer a possibility "even for mentally challenged people".

Niko vise ne veruje u takvu mogucnost, cak ni mentalno devastirane osobe, rece Nedjo...
Naravno da nece napasti Iran u situaciji kad su im trupe razvučene na Irak i Avganistan i kad su već meta svih mogućih muslimanskih ekstremista kao i sopstvene javnosti kojoj je malo preko q vojnog angažovanja na sto mesta.

Izrael takođe može da mrzi Iran kolliko hoće, ali bi bilo krajnje neracionalno suočiti se sa velikom državom i ne malom vojskom u otvorenom ratu.
Jer iluzija je da bi se sa nekoliko desetina raketnih udara i uništenjem nuklearnih postrojenja mogao postići krajnji cilj.
to se isto pricalo i za Irak..............pa smo videli kako nemaju muda

Koji Irak. Armija se uospte nije borila. Ameri su se borili protiv sake smesnih fedajina, i to je bila cela sila koja je branila Irak. Smesno. Napali su razjedinjenu drzavu bez ikakve odbrane. To je kukavicluk. Zamisli kad njih pobedi i govnjivim motkama otera vietkong. Sta reci dalje.
Vec cetvrti dan traju najveci vojni manevri u istoriji Irana na nekoliko stotina kvadratnih kilometara:

Iran's largest military maneuver has commenced for the fourth day with the country's defense forces combating supposed enemy attacks on nuclear installations within Iran.

Iran on Sunday launched a five-day drill that will cover some 600,000 square kilometers, spreading across the central, western and southern parts of the country.

During the third stage of the maneuver, that will continue for two days, Iranian servicemen will thwart hypothetical aerial threats against Iran's nuclear facilities.

"Throughout the maneuver the hypothetical enemy… sought to dispatch its stealth bombers and fighter jets to the country's sensitive areas," spokesman for the maneuver, Brigadier General Ali Moqiseh said on Wednesday.


Iran se sprema za rat!
