Kina, Rusija i Indija su zemlje ciji ekonomski uticaj se ubrzava, prema AEI


Prema prestiznom Azijskom ekonomskom institutu (AEI, Asia Economic Institute) Kina, Rusija i Indija su zemlje ciji se ekonomski uticaj ubrzava.


Saradnja izmedju Rusije, Kine i Indije

Russia, China and India are countries whose economic influence is accelerating. As emerging economies, along with Brazil (BRIC), it is predicted that China and India will become the world’s dominant suppliers of manufactured goods and services, respectively, while Brazil and Russia will become essential suppliers of raw materials within the next few decades.

The Asia Economic Institute (AEI) began in 1999 with the goal of fostering development and discussion between figures in Asian economics and consists of a coalition of top economic professors and analysts worldwide who research in their areas of expertise.

Our principal goals are to act as a source of knowledge about the economic markets of Asia and to serve as a place where interested professionals can interact and further the mission of AEI.

AEI Mission Statement

* Our mission is to encourage transparency of information within and among Asian nations by delivering a reliable, precise and interactive flow of pertinent information about economic markets. We feel that a more transparent business climate will benefit every Asian nation.
* Our mission is to deliver precise market information to our member readers. We believe that reliable economic data leads to better understanding of regional issues and discernment of solutions for the problems in these regions.
* Our mission is to generate a healthy atmosphere of information exchange for the growing Asian market. This interactive flow of information will create a favorable business climate from which every Asian nation stands to benefit.
* Our mission is to achieve our goals by creating an interactive educational community and the dissemination of information through various forums.
Prema prognozi Goldman Sachs-a, Kina, Indija, Rusija i Brazil dominirace svetskom ekonomijom.

Kina ce imati najveci bruto domaci proizvod, SAD ce biti na drugom mestu, Indija na trecem, a Japan na cetvrtom.

Zanimljivo je da u prvih sest zemalja nema ni jedne iz Evrope!?

Rusija i Brazil ce prevazici Nemacku, Francusku i V.B., mozete procitati celo istrazivanje.
Poslednja izmena:
Уго Чавез:
Kina tje biti ''stomak'' svetske ekonomije, ali ''glava'' tje biti Amerika. Jedino ako Kinezi kupe Majkrosoft, Koka Kolu...

Cavez, upravo to u ovoj teskoj ekonomskoj krizi Amerikanci nastoje da urade, da prodaju Kinezima sve svoje neuspesne firme, posto Kinezi danas imaju brzorastucu ekonomiju i veliki trgovinski suficit.

Primer jedne od firmi koju bi rado kompletnu prodali Kinezima je General Motors. Ovo je privlacna opcija posto Kinezi imaju finansijska sredstva plus mnogo bi bolje upravljali kompanijom. Kina je ove godine postala vodeca sila u svetu u automobilskoj industriji.

Samo pitanje je da li su Kinezi zainteresovani da kupe GM, sto se moze pogledati na sajtu CNN.
Indija i Rusija su postale najatraktivnije destinacije za maloprodajni biznis u svetu.

India is one of the most attractive destinations for retailers from all across the globe.

Indija je jedna od najatraktivnijih destinacija za maloprodaju sirom globusa.

Booming Retail Sector in India

Bum maloprodajnog sektora u Indiji

In fact, Russia is the second most attractive destination for retail after India, thanks to its rapid economic growth and favorable policy framework.

Cinjenicno, Rusija je druga najatraktivnija destinacija za maloprodajni biznis, posle Indije, zahvaljujuci rapidno brzom ekonomskom rastu i povoljnom politickom modelu.

Russian Retail Industry Forecast to 2013

Prognoza maloprodajnog biznisa u Rusiji do 2013
Indija je odbila danski draft predlog o klimatskim promenama

India turns down Danish climate proposal 03/12/2009

India Tuesday rejected a Danish draft proposal on climate change which seeks to cap emissions, widening the gulf between rich and poor nations ahead of next week's Copenhagen talks.

Media reports say the Danish offer sets 2025 as a deadline for all countries to cap their emissions irrespective of current levels, essentially blurring the line between the developed world and countries that are still industrialising.

In an interview on the CNN-IBN news channel, Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh said the draft proposal "clearly is unacceptable to us". India has said any cap on emissions growth would hamper its rapid economic expansion, which relies on heavily polluting fuels like coal...
[size=+1]Bruto domaci proizvod Rusije po stanovniku bio je:
US $1,000 pod Jeljcinom,
US $9,000 pod Putinom, i dostignuce
US$25,000 do 2013.[/size]

Russia Per Capita GDP was US$1,000 under
Yeltsin, US$9,000 under Putin, and will reach
US$25,000 by 2013

by Ed Blentey

Eight years of impressive growth are likely to
continue into the future and Russia will begin to catch up with other
countries according to IMF predictions.
Prema Telegrafu, pored US ekonomiju sveta 2010 godine ce oblikovati Indija, Kina i Rusija

The US, India, China and Russia: economic heavyweights shape up for 2010

[size=+1]USA, Indija, Kina i Rusija: ekonomske sile teske kategorije oblikuju 2010[/size]

Our global correspondents reveal how the world's financial leaders will dictate the economic agenda next year.

Nasi globalni dopisnici obelodanjuju kako svetski finansijski lideri ce diktirati ekonomsku agendu iduce godine

United States

If 2009 was all about recession, for Wall Street, 2010 will be all about recovery.

Sjedinjene Dzave

Ako 2009 je bila sva vezana za recesiju, za Vol Strit, 2010 ce biti vezana za oporavak.


When the engines of American and European growth conked out last winter, India dropped down a few gears but it wasn't long before it was going full throttle once again.


Kada je masina americkog i evropskog rasta otkazala prosle godine, Indija je smanjila nekoliko brzina ali to nije bilo davno kada ide punim gasom ponovo.


In an economy where 95pc of GDP growth this year came from investment, this obsession means pumping billions more yuan into roads, railways and power stations, even as inflationary pressure continues to grow.


U ekonomiji gde 95 procenata Bruto domaceg proizvoda je 2009 doslo od investicija, ova zaokupljenost znaci unosenje milijardi dolara u puteve, zeleznicke pruge i enwergetska postrojenja, cak ako inflatorni pritisci nastavljaju da rastu.


It has now started to rebuild its international reserves and the economy is showing signs of life, with growth in 2010 estimated to be anything from 2.5pc to more than 5pc.


Ona je zapocela da obnavlja njene medjunarodne rezerve i ekonomija se oporavlja, sa rastom procenjenim da bude negde od 2,5% do vise nego 5% alni


Vredi se potsetiti vremena pre nekoliko godina, kada je u Vladivostoku 3. juna 2005 odrzan istorijski sastanak ministara inostranih poslova Kine, Indije i Rusije kada je formiran [size=+1]strateski trougao "Moskva-Peking-Delhi"[/size].
