
U toj enciklopediji Normani se ne pominju. Ispada da su Vikinzi do[li u francusku pokrajinu Normandiju. A Normandija je ustvari po njima dobila ime - po Normanima.
U toj enciklopediji Normani se ne pominju. Ispada da su Vikinzi do[li u francusku pokrajinu Normandiju. A Normandija je ustvari po njima dobila ime - po Normanima.

Normanin je Nord man iliti severnjak. Sasvim je moguće da imaju vezu. Sad što bi to moglo da se protumači i na slovenskom jeziku , to je druga priča. Nor - budala, ali nećemo danas.
Ispada da su Vikinzi do[li u francusku pokrajinu Normandiju.

Tačno ispada.

U pokušaju da stane na kraj razbojničkim upadima sa severa, Karlo Glupi 912. godine nudi vikinškom vođi Rolonu ruansko vojvodstvo. Dogovor je uključivao preobraćanje na hrišćanstvo; o čemu bi se dalo čak i danas.
S jak(č)im argumentima. :cool:
hm, Vikinzi u X veku zauzimaju Normandiju, primaju hriscanstvo i onda se Normani spominju odvojeno od njih :think:
nesto ne stima

Sta tacno ne stima? Probaj sa ovim -

While some Vikings were establishing themselves in Britain and Ireland, another group did the same in the coastal region of France, around the mouth of the river Seine. In effect, the Vikings in this region allowed themselves to be bought off by the king of France. These Vikings had quite a bit of leverage. Beginning in 896 they had sailed up the Seine and laid siege to Paris several times and were constantly expanding the area they pillaged. The French kings, even Charlemagne, were unable to stop the plundering. When the French noted the increasing number of Viking settlements along the coast, they feared the worst. But the Vikings were wearying of the raids. French defenses were becoming more effective and Viking losses were increasing. So a deal was struck in 912. The French would recognize the Vikings possession of the land they had already settled (plus a bit more) and make the Viking leader, one Rollo, a French noble. In return, the Viking duke would convert to Christianity, acknowledge the French king as his overlord and, protect France against wilder Vikings. Thus was born Normandy.

The Normans were quick to become French, particularly since they were a minority in their new dutchy and a disproportionate number of the new people were young male Vikings who took local women for wives. After a few generations, the Norwegian language and customs were fading fast and the Normans were French

The word disappeared in Middle English, and was reintroduced as Viking during 18th century Romanticism (the "Viking revival"), with heroic overtones of "barbarian warrior" or noble savage.

During the 20th century, the meaning of the term was expanded to refer not only to the raiders, but also to the entire period; it is now, somewhat confusingly, used as a noun both in the original meaning of raiders, warriors or navigators, and to refer to the Scandinavian population in general. As an adjective, the word is used in expressions like "Viking age", "Viking culture", "Viking colony", etc., generally referring to medieval Scandinavia. The pre-Christian Scandinavian population is also referred to as Norse, although that term is properly applied to the whole civilization of Old-Norse-speaking people. In current Scandinavian languages, the term Viking is applied to the people who went away on Viking expeditions, be it for raiding or trading

Naše predstave o Vikinzima više su vezane za Rusoove hipoteze iz 18. veka o "plemenitom divljaku" , nego za nešto što je u istoriji stvarno postojalo. Taj odnos između Viking i Normana ipak nije tako jednostavan. U opisu događaja se pojavljuje naizmenično čas Viking čas Norman, a ipak se ne kaže da je Viljem Osvajač predvodio Vikinge. Niko se ne trudi da objasni odnos Vikinzi Normani ili da objasni zašto se koriste dve reči za istu stvar.

Čitavo to predanje i ta vikinška ikonografija jednostavno je pod uticajem literature u doba romantizma "učitana" u zvaničnu istoriju. I to ne bi ni bilo toliko neobično, ali to sada ide toliko daleko da se u DNK-materijalima današnjih ljudi identifikuju nekakvi vikiniški geni, specifični vikinški haplotipovi, pa je neko istraživanje i u Srbiji pronašlo 2 odsto vikinškog genetsklog materijala. Kako je moguće izdvojiti specifičan vikiški gen ako je reč o etnički nejasnom entitetu (refer to the Scandinavian population in general)?
Poslednja izmena:

The word disappeared in Middle English, and was reintroduced as Viking during 18th century Romanticism (the "Viking revival"), with heroic overtones of "barbarian warrior" or noble savage.

During the 20th century, the meaning of the term was expanded to refer not only to the raiders, but also to the entire period; it is now, somewhat confusingly, used as a noun both in the original meaning of raiders, warriors or navigators, and to refer to the Scandinavian population in general. As an adjective, the word is used in expressions like "Viking age", "Viking culture", "Viking colony", etc., generally referring to medieval Scandinavia. The pre-Christian Scandinavian population is also referred to as Norse, although that term is properly applied to the whole civilization of Old-Norse-speaking people. In current Scandinavian languages, the term Viking is applied to the people who went away on Viking expeditions, be it for raiding or trading

Naše predstave o Vikinzima više su vezane za Rusoove hipoteze iz 18. veka o "plemenitom divljaku" , nego za nešto što je u istoriji stvarno postojalo. Taj odnos između Viking i Normana ipak nije tako jednostavan. U opisu događaja se pojavljuje naizmenično čas Viking čas Norman, a ipak se ne kaže da je Viljem Osvajač predvodio Vikinge. Niko se ne trudi da objasni odnos Vikinzi Normani ili da objasni zašto se koriste dve reči za istu stvar.

Čitavo to predanje i ta vikinška ikonografija jednostavno je pod uticajem literature u doba romantizma "učitana" u zvaničnu istoriju. I to ne bi ni bilo toliko neobično, ali to sada ide toliko daleko da se u DNK-materijalima današnjih ljudi identifikuju nekakvi vikiniški geni, specifični vikinški haplotipovi, pa je neko istraživanje i u Srbiji pronašlo 2 odsto vikinškog genetsklog materijala. Kako je moguće izdvojiti specifičan vikiški gen ako je reč o etnički nejasnom entitetu (refer to the Scandinavian population in general)?
"Vikinški gen" I1 se ništa ne razlikuje i nije ništa drugo nego slovenski gen I1 (veoma zastupljen kod istočnih Slovena) koji je , zajedno sa R1 došao postepenom dopunom genetskog materijala sa severa, ako ćete formalističkije - seobom Slovena. To je najveća noćna mora Germana, podudarnost ruskih i skandinavsko-nemačkih gena.
"Vikinški gen" I1 se ništa ne razlikuje i nije ništa drugo nego slovenski gen I1 (veoma zastupljen kod istočnih Slovena) koji je , zajedno sa R1 došao postepenom dopunom genetskog materijala sa severa, ako ćete formalističkije - seobom Slovena. To je najveća noćna mora Germana, podudarnost ruskih i skandinavsko-nemačkih gena.
Dobar deo Istočne Nemačke jeste slovenskog porekla (napr.Drezden), nikada nisu osporavali slovensku genetiku, već ih nisu smatrali "pravim Nemcima"- zato što nisu Germani. To se videlo i na primeru Berlinskog zida. Sloveni nisu bili ništa "manje Nemci"od Germana, samo što su živeli gore.
