Srbija ili Makedonija

Prvi deo pitanja ne moze da se postavi na taj nacin. :o Makedonija je geografski pojam koji je u anticko vreme obuhvatao prostor od solunskog zaliva do usca Save u Dunav. U srednjem veku Vizantija je najduze vreme kontrolisala oblast od Soluna do Velesa i tu provinciju je zvala "Makedonija". Osmanlije su geografske pojmove "prepisali" od Vizantije pa su pod Makedonijom podrazumevali isti prostor(solunski i bitoljski vilajet).
Sam pojam Makedonija je bez sumnje i iskljucivo grckog porekla, tako da samo oni imaju pravo da koriste taj pojam za oznacavanje administrativne i geografske celine na severu Grcke.

Postoje 3 geografske celine koje se vezuju za pojam Makedonije. To su: Egejska Makedonija - danas se nalazi u Grckoj, Pirinska Makedonija - danas se nalazi u Bugarskoj i Vardarska Makedonija (osim donjeg toka i usca reke) - bila je (i treba da bude) sastavni deo Srbije, a danas je to BJRM.

Doba Aleksandra Velikog najzasluznije je za uvodjenje na istorijsku scenu ovog toponima, ali to zaista nema nikakve veze sa danasnjom BJRM, niti sa Juznim Slovenima, i svako tvrdjenje suprotnog, kod ozbiljnih ljudi, a narocito u strucnim krugovima moze da izazove smeh.

Sto se Vardarske Makedonije tice ona je postepeno postajala deo srpskog nacionalnog korpusa jos od doseljavanja Juznih Slovena na Balkan - ni jedan izvor ne pominje nekakve "Makedonce". Cak je granica i razlika izmedju Srba i Bugara u doba doseljavanja i kasnije, vrlo lako uocljiva. Nakon trajnog naseljavanja i utvrdjivanja Juznih Slovena situacija je prilicno jasna. Apsolutno je nepobitna cinjenica da srpske srednjevekovne drzavne tvorevine ne obuhvataju sve teritorije srpskog etnosa. Postojale su Zeta, Raska, Zahumlje, kasnije Bosna... Vladavinom Dinastije Nemanjica njihova srednjevekovna drzava pocinje da obuhvata i srpski narod u Vardarskoj Makedoniji (kao plod vojnih i politickih aktivnosti na racun Romejskog Carstva - Vizantije). Nakon uspeha Kralja Stefana Urosa II Milutina na kraju XIII veka, slovensko stanovnistvo i cela teritorija se jasno i nedvosmisleno uvrstava u srpski korpus (na sta ukazuju brojni izvori i istoricari poput: Corovica, Jiriceka, Stanojevica, Novakovica...). Pomenucu cinjenicu da je Skoplje u vise navrata bila prestonica srednjevekovne srpske drzave ili na primer da je Car Stefan Dusan krunisan u Skoplju 1346. godine i njegov zakonik je proglasen na Saboru u Skoplju 1349.; tamo je sagradjen i Dusanov most (koji danas nazivaju "stari most"), Skopska Crna Gora je prepuna srpskih manastira i crkvi (Nagoricine...), kao uostalom i cela vardarska Makedonija (Lesnovo, Treska...) ili Tvrdjava Mrnjavcevica u Prilepu ili delovanje Ohridske Arhijepiskopije, ustolicene zbog podvodjenja Slovena - Srba pod crkveno ustrojstvo. To nesumnjivo govori o srpskom elementu kao ubedljivo preovladjujucem na teritoriji Vardarske Makedonije.

Pomenucu i to da Turci ne pronalaze nikakve "Makedonce" tokom svoje vladavine. Takodje pomenucu i delovanje Cetnika Komita (mahom Srba iz Vardarske Makedonije, ali i iz drugih krajeva), pa selo Drenovo, Vojvodu Jovana Babunskog i Vojvodu Vuka...

Jedan od mojih pradeda je poginuo u cuvenoj Kumanovskoj bici I balkanskog rata za oslobodjenje Stare Srbije od turskog ropstva. Pomenucu i Bregalnicku operaciju, proboj Solunskog fronta... ima jos mnogo dogadjaja od ogromne vaznosti za srpsku drzavu i svakog Srbina, koji nas vezuju a srpsku Makedoniju.

Pojam Stare Srbije je od velikog znacaja za srpski narod. Cela Stara Srbija je predstavljala najveci cilj i stremljenje Knezevine i Kraljevine Srbije novog veka i vec je jednom bila oslobodjena i pripojena matici. To se zbilo posle dva Balkanska rata 1912. i 1913. godine. Staru Srbiju sacinjavaju oblasti: Raske, Kosova, Metohije i Vardarske Makedonije. Nakon vladavine komunista sav trud nsih predaka je obesmisljen i uzaludan. Oni su izgleda ginuli za Bivsu Jugoslovensku Republiku Makedoniju i "Nezavisno Kosovo", a medju njima i moj pradeda.

Naseg Viteskog Kralja Aleksandra I Kradjordjevica ubio je u Marseju 1934. pripadnik probugarske teroristicke organizacije VMRO, potpomognut nacistima Hrvatima tj. ustasama. Probugarski element u samoj Vardarskoj Makedoniji je postojao, ali uvek u velikoj manjini i uvek kao destabilizujuci faktor.

Ja verujem u to da cemo jednog dana mi ili nasi potomci doziveti ponovo spajanje Stare Srbije sa ostalim srpskim zemljama i potiranje dostignuca vladavine komunista, makar to bilo i u okviru nadnacionalne tvorevine Evropske unije.
ako smo mi srbi dozvolili da se u zadnjih 50 godina iz naseg naroda izdvoje vestacke nacije-bosnjaci,crnogorci i makednoci,a i vojvodjani imaju slicne planove,onda sta reci....meni je smesno sto su makedonci uporni sa nekim antickim korenima sto ih je dovelo u ostar sukob sa grcima jer maltene prisvajaju pola grcke istorije:)))
Kade si, Aleksandre od Makedonija, zošto ne se javuvaš da prozborime ušte nekoja reč, ili sega baraš ušte nešto što zboruavaat makedonskite dejci.

Da vam nije bilo Srbije vi biste pocrkali od gladi,jedino ste imali Belimbegovo (jaja) od čega ste mogli da se hranite a sve ostalo ste dobijali od Srbije pošto ste bili nerazvijeno područje. Sram te bilo, pokrij se ušima i ućuti više. Ako ne razumeš, prevešću ti i ovo na tvoj "majčin jazik"

Pozdrav od Kize.
Makedonija je starija. Ali bila je antička država. Ova današnja Makedonija nema ništa sa tom državom.

Нисте у праву ни једни ни други. Ћирило и Методије су од македонског језика направили старословенски. Ипак Македонци су Славени колико и Грци. Још није установљено од куда и када потичу Грци, Срби, Македонци, Илири и други балкански народи. Ако неко има неке тачне податке са доказима нека их изнесе и постави.
Da,a neka mi neko objasni ovo- u Srbiji Petrovac u Makedoniji Petrovec, u Srbiji Negotin u Makedoniji Negotino,u Srbiji Rečica u Makedoniji Rečica...

Не може тако. јер би онда било да је Мак Долина или Македонија. А био је и Грчки Бог Македон. А постоји и салата Македонија и то у Француској.
Koji sad pa grčki bog Makedon?
Grcki bog Makedon :think: :hahaha:
To jedino moze da bude bog u kojega su Makedonci u Anticko vreme verovali.
Grci su imali svoje bogove
I ljudi nemojte svemu verovati sta vam Grci kazu,svako ima pravo da se izjasni sta je,ako narod se izjasni da su Makedonci onda to treba postovati,a oni sto su (Grci) uz pomoc sile 1948 u Egejskoj Makedoniji koja je tada bila vecinski naseljena Makedoncima proterali ceo Makedonski zivalj,o tome niko ne govori.
Oni tamo nepriznaju nijednu manjinu,a demokratija je kako oni kazu nastala na njihovom tlu :dash:
Koji sad pa grčki bog Makedon?

То је Посејдон који је живео у Егејском мору и са Вардаром излазио у Македонију по Мак, тако су га онда прозвали Македоном. Чуди ме да то ниси знао. То је опће позната легенда о Посејдону.
1) Around 950,Byzantine Emperor Constantin Porphyrogenitos stated that city of "Ta Serbia" situated north-western from Thesaloniki,has it's name from its Serbian founders (around early 7th century A.D.) and in 10th century that same city is mentioned as "Srpchishte" in the manuscript by the Byzantine author John Zonara.
Constantin Porphyrogenitos "De Administrando Imperio" cap.32, pp.152 ed.Bonn
"Starine" 14,1882 pp.16
2) In the year 680 in Bythinia, city of Gordoservon is mentioned whose name is derived from the Serbs resettled in Asia Minor by Byzantine Emperor Constance II from the areas around river Vardar (FYROM) . Isidor,the Episcop of Gordoservon is mentioned in 680/681 and the fact that this town was Episcopal Center gives ground to the thesis that it had large Serbian population. Around year 1200 this city is mentioned as Servochoria (Serbian Habitation) .

Constantin Porfyrogenitus "De Administrando Imperio"
Erdeljanovich.J. "O naseljavanju Slovena u Maloj Aziji i Siriji od VII do X veka" Glasnik geografskog drushtva vol. VI 1921 pp.189
Lequen,M. "Oriens Christianus" I, 1740, pp.659-660
Micotky,J."Otiorum Chroate", Vol. I ,Budapest, 1806, pp.89-112
Niederle,L. "Slovanske starozhitnosti" Dilu II,Svazek pp.389-399; pp. 444-446
Ostrogorski,G."Bizantisko-Juzhnoslovenski odnosi",Enciklopedija Jugoslavije 1,Zagreb 1955,pp. 591-599
Ramsay,W.M. "The Historical Geography Of Asia Minor", London, 1890, pp.183, pp.210
3) Around 1229/1230 Bulgarian Emperor John Asen II wrote an inscription in Trnovo:"I have took the land from Adrianopolis to Drach,Greek,Albanian and also Serbian".Since Serbian states were situated far north from the line outlined in this commemorative text,it is not unlikely that "Serbian" means an ethnically Serbian enclave,situated much more southerly than political borders of Serbia.

Daskalov,H.S. "Otkritija v drevnei stolicji Bolgarskoi,Ternovo"Moskva, 1859 pp.18-19
Dujchev,I. "Car Ivan Asen II" Sofija, 1941 pp.23-24
Makushev,V "Bolgarija v' koncjah XII i v pervoi polovini XIII veka" ,1872 pp.56-57
4) In the Law of Serbian Emperor Stephan Dushan (Dushanov Zakonik) issued 1349-1354 in Skoplje and Seress following peoples are mentioned in Serbia:Serbs,Greeks,Albanians (Arbanasi) (art.77,82) , Aromanians (Vlasi) (art.32,77,82) , Saxons (Sasi) (art.123) .
Novakovich,S. "Zakonik Stefana Dushana Cara Srpskog 1349-1354" Beograd 1898
5) Despot Ugljesha in the 1366 letter written and confirmed in Skoplje stated that he is the master of Serbian land,Greece and Pomorje.
Novakovich,S. "Zakonski spomenici Srpskih drzhava srednjeg veka", 1912, pp.509
6) Patriarch of Constantinople mentioned master of Serbia,Ugljesha in a letter from 1371. Ugljesha's state was around Lower Struma.
Mikloshich,F & Muller,J. "Acta et diplomata" I, 1860, pp.571
7) The place of 1371 battle at Marica,when Kings Vukashin and Ugljesha, leading armies from their provinces in Old Serbia ,clashed with the Turks, was named "Sirf-Sindughi"-"Serbian defeat".
Jorga,N. "Geschiste des Osmanischen Reiches" Vol.I, cap IV,pp241
8) In the second half of 14th century, monk Isaiah said that Ugljesha has risen Serbian and Greek army (Srbskija i Grchskiija voiska) and his brother Vukashin,and with that army they confronted the invading Turks.

Novakovich,S. "Srbi i Turci XIV i XV veka , 1893,pp.184,
Mikloshich ,F. "S.Joannis Chrystostomi homilia in ramos palmarum", 1845, pp.71
Mikloshich,F. "Chrestomatia Paleoslovenica", 1861, pp 41
9) In 1395 Mihael Paleologos and his wife Helena established estate to Helena's father,Master of Serbia,Konstantin Dejanovich.Konstantin's state was around river Struma.
Mikloshich,F. & Joseph,M. "Acta et dipolomata",1862, pp.260
10) A 1401 remark from government of Venice says about the envoy of "Konstatntin,master of Serbia,which is around our Drach area" (Constantini domini Servie teritorii,quod est circa teritorium nostrum Durachii) .
Ljubich,S. "Listine" 4,1874, pp.437
11) Sometimes in the beginning of 15th century Bulgarian chronicles are written,where remark that Turkish Sultan Murat had went to conquer either Bulgars or Ugljesha.Ugljesha and King Vukashin gathered a great Serbian army (Sobra sja mnozhestvo voisk Serbskih) .
Bogdan,J. "Archiv fur Slavische philologie" 13, 1891,pp.481; pp.493
12) Dimitar,writer from Kratovo in 1446 said that he begin to translate "Law" for the Archbishoprics of Ohrid from Greek language into Serbian (v ezhe sastaviti mi pisaniem srbskoga ezika sochinenie, rekshe knigu imenuemu zakonik) under order of Ohrid Archbishop Dorotej,who visited him in Kratovo,because Congregational Church in Ohrid did not had that book in Serbian language (po eziku srbskom) but only in Greek.
Kachanovski,V. "Starine" 12,1880 ,pp.255
13) Remains of John Rilski are transferred from Trnovo in the Monastery of Rila.That was described by Vladislav Gramatik,in 1469,who also mentioned Serbian soldiers (Srbskiie voje) in the 1371 Marica battle.
Novakovich,S, "Glasnik Srpskog uchenog drushtva" 22,1867,pp.287
14) Sometime at the end of 15th century Hungarian historian Bonfini wrote about "Macedonia,which is now called Serbia" ("Macedoniam quam Serbua nunc appelant") .
Ant.Bonfini "Rerum Hungarii Indec." II lib IX,Viennae, 1774 pp.248a
15) In the year 1515 Gjuragj Kratovian was burnt.In his biography stands:...From the Serbian root and guided by Holy Spirit you have left fatherland and relatives in Kratovo and moved to the Sardakian City (Ot korene srpskago i douhom svetim vodimi ostavil jesi otachastvo i srodniki izhe v' Kratovja, prishel jesi k' Gradou Sardaskomu) .
Novakovich.S. "Glasnik Srpskog uchenog drushtva" 21,1867, pp.154
16) Stephan Gerlach wrote in 1574 that relative of Mehmed Pasha "Became Archbishop in Bulgaria,and his seat is ten days away from Adrianopolis in the city of Ohrid,on the border between Epirus and Serbia" (Zu eineim Erz-bischopff in der Bulgarey gemacht worden,hat seinen Sitz zehn Tagreiss von Adrianopol,in der Stadt Ochrida,in der Grantzen Epiri und Servien) .
Gerlach,S. "Tage-Buch",Frankfurt,1674, pp.64a
17) Jakov Soranzzo from Venice arrives in Skoplje,in the province of Serbia, in the year 1575.
Matkovich.P."Rad. Jugosl. Akad." 124,1895, pp.131
18) In Kraljevo (Romania) ,priest John has written in 1580 that he is a Serb from Kratovo (Srbin od mjasta Kratova) .
Stojanovich,Lj."Stari Srpski zapisi i natpisi" I,1902 ,pp.752
19) ) Martin Crusius in his book mentions"Vscopia, or Scopia, a great and populous City of Turkey in the K. of Servia".
Crusius, M. "Turcogreciae libri octo", 1584, pp.5
20) In the year 1584 Alexander Komulovich mentioned that in Serbia (Servia) ,Skoplje is principal city (Scopia principale citta) and that it is situated in the middle of the province (nel mezzo della provincia) .
Fermendzhin,E. "Acta Bosniae" "Monum. Slav. Mer. XXIII 1892 pp.39
21) In 17th Century,Hadji Kalpha,a Turkish geographer recorded that mountains of the Castoria district are peopled by Serbs and Aromanians.He also mentions that on the bank of the lake between Seres,Thesaloniki and Siderocaps there is a village inhabited by Greeks,Serbs and Aromanians.
"Rumeli und Bosna,Geographisch beschrieben von Mustapha Ben Abdalaih Hadschi Chalfa aus dem turkischen ubersetzt von J. von Hammer" Wien 1812 pp.80; pp.97
22) Mitropolit Jeremiah from the City of "Pelagon" (Bitolj) went to Russia in 1603 saying that he arrived from Serbian land.
Archive of the Russian Ministry For Foreign Affairs, Year 7112,Dec.19
23) In the October of 1605 delegation of monks went in Russia and among them was Diakon Avksentij from the Serbian land, Nicholas Monastery in Strumica (Serbskoi zemli nikolskoga monastira chto na Strumicja,Diakon Avksentii) .
"Snoshenia Rossii po djelam cerkovnim" ,I,1858
24) In 1609,in the archive of Vatican,catholic church in Skoplje Serbia is mentioned (La chiesa di Scopia in Servia) .
Horvat,K. "Glasnik zemaljskog muzeja u Bosni i Hercegovini" XXI,1909
25) Mitropolit Sergius said in Russia that he was appointed as Mitropolit in Greven by Archbishop of Ohrid,Nectarij of Serbian land (Posvjashchen on na mitropoliju grevenskuju arhiepiskop ohridskim ,Nektariem serbskoi zemli) .
"Snoshenia Rossii po djelam cerkovnim" II, 1860 pp.29
26) Correspondence by the Czech philologist Dobrovski to a Slovenian colleague B. Kopitar between 1809-1810 contains this opinion by Dobrovski: "I have little regard for geographical names.Dubrovnikers, Macedonians, Bosnians are nevertheless Serbs" :
"Die geographischen Benennungen kummern mich wenig. Ragusiner, Macedonier, Bosnien sind doch Serben".
Jagich, V. "Briefwechsel zwischen Dobrowsky und Kopitar" Berlin, 1885 pp.34
A List of topographical names in Old Serbia (FYROM) with the characteristic Serbian root "Srb-": Srbinovo, near Tetovo;Srbinovska Maala near Kriva Palanka, Srbica, Srbjani , Srbjan Dolence,Gorno Srpci,Dolno Srpci in the Area of Bitolj (Bitola,Monastiri) ;Srbce and Srbci south from Bitolj;Srbinovo in the area of Gorna Dzhumaja (Pirin area in Bulgaria) ;Srbinica,river source near the village of Podles.

V.K'nchov "Makedonija" ,Sofia,1900 pp.256
M.A. Vujucic "Recnik mesta u oslobodjenoj oblasti Stare Srbije",1914,pp.241
V.K'nchov Ibidem pp.191
V. K'nchov Ibidem pp. 238
V. Radovanovic: "Tikves i Rajec", Etnogr. Zbornik XXIX pp.457
J.F. Trifunoski "Makedoniziranje Juzne Srbije",Beograd,1995,pp.33


Macedonia was a country to the north of Greece. It lied on the Aegean Sea. The Greeks considered Macedonians as barbarians.

The end of Greek dominance in the known world, or as it is otherwise known the Macedonian Era began at The Battle Of Chaeronea August 338BC.


the year 357BC the threat to Greece did not come from Persia but from the young and intelligent King Phillip 2 of Macedonia.

At first Phillip began interfering in the affairs of Greece as the ally of one or another state.

To begin with Phillip acted peaceably. In August 338BC the Macedonian army met the combined forces of Athens and Thebes at the Battle Of Chaeronea. The main Macedonian weapon was a long pike, the sarissa, terrifying to men armed only with short lances and swords. It was used by foot soldiers in the Macedonian phalanx an indestructible body of men, sarissas and shields. As long as the walls of the phalanx were not broken it was indestructible.

There was fierce fighting from the start with neither side gaining the upper hand. The Greek General said "you have to keep attacking until you push the enemy back to Macedonia" and Phillip remarked "the Greeks just don’t know how to win". Phillip ordered his left wing to drop back steadily, the Greeks sensing victory urged on but what they didn’t know is that they were walking into a well-rehearsed trap. The Macedonian cavalry (horsemen) led by Prince Alexander then came and attacked. The entire Greek wall was broken and they were cut down each one by one. It was a great victory to the Macedonians, as they had wiped out the army of the proudest civilisation of their time in a few hours in August 338BC at Chaeronea.

The people of Athens were terrified of the news of Chaeronea and Phillip was granted Athenian citizenship. Alexander was sent to Athens bearing the bones and ashes of the Athenians who had fallen at Chaeronea and in return was given Athenian citizenship. Phillip pushed on to Sparta and his task was complete, the days of the little states was over, what a pity the Greeks couldn’t unite themselves but had to have a conqueror do it for them. At the drunken wedding feast of Attalus King Phillip was murdered by one of his own guards who was suspected to be in the pay of the Persians


*Macedonia was never a region of Greece. On the contrary, Greece was often subject to Macedonia. In 1913, Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria divided Macedonia into three parts. (BALKAN WARS)

*Ancient Macedonians were a distinct European people and proud of their nationality, their customs, their language and their name. The same applies to their descendants today.

*Ancient Macedonians regarded Greeks as neighbours not as kinsmen. The Greeks treated the Macedonians as foreigners ("barbarians") whose native language was Macedonian not Greek.

*Macedonians claimed kinship with the Illyrians, Thracians and Phrygians, not with Greeks.

*Greeks said Macedonians were "barbarians" (a word which means non-Greek)

*Demosthenes, the great Athenian statesman and orator, spoke of the Macedonian King Phillip2 of Macedon as:


"...Not only not Greek, nor related to the Greeks, but not even a barbarian from anyplace that can be named with honours, but a pestilent knave from Macedonia, whence it was never yet possible to buy a decent slave."[Third Phillipic, 31]

*The Macedonian "barbarian’ defeated Greece at the Battle Of Chaeronea in August 338BC. The date is known as the end of Greek history or as The Macedonian Era.

*Alexander The Great spoke Macedonian and was proud of his ethnicity. However the Macedonian language then was not used as a literacy idiom.

The first native written language in Macedonia is the idiom called Macedonian or Old Church Slavonic (Cyrillic Alphabet) and is the basis of all Cyrillic alphabets today.

*Alexander won his empire with 35,000 Macedonians and only 7,600 Greeks and called it the Macedonian Empire not the Greek Empire.

*Today’s republic was created by Josip Broz Tito the anti-fascist leader of Yugoslavia during the 2nd World War who recognised Macedonians as a distinct nationality with their own language and customs.

*The claims by Bulgaria that Macedonians are of Bulgarian ethnicity are entirely false due to the facts that the Tatars a people from the east who invaded the balkans during Byzantine times mixed with the Gypsies and Turks in the Balkans and created a new race of people which go by the name of Bulgarians.

The Tatars dropped their native name and language in favor for the Macedonian language with its Cyrillic alphabet and customs and created the Bulgarian nation which is east of Macedonia and today has in its boundaries the Pirin region of Macedonia.

*By the Treaty of Bucharest, in August 1913 Macedonia was divided among Greece, Serbia (Yugoslavia) & Bulgaria.

Greece gained Aegean Macedonia and renamed it Northern Greece or Greek Macedonia.

Bulgaria gained Pirin Macedonia and abolished the Macedonian name.

Serbia gained Vardar Macedonia and renamed it Southern Serbia and it was included in the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats & Slovenes. Later renamed Yugoslavia.

Macedonian freedom fighters in 1944 created its Macedonian Republic (named Macedonia from then on, not Southern Serbia) but it was not entirely independent.

*Macedonia became a sovereign state in 1991 by referendum. Majority of voters chose independence.


The claims put forward by Greece that the Ancient Macedonians and present are Greeks, that their native language was Greek, and that Macedonia was a region of Greece are all false. Historical truth is that Greece inhabited by Greeks and Macedonia by Macedonians. The presence of Greek settlements along the coasts which King Phillip 2 destroyed anyway did not change Macedonia’s ethnic character and like wise, a much longer and stronger Greek presence in Egypt did not change that African land into a region of Greece.
Ako si milsio na mene da sam "kobajagi Makedonac" nisi u pravu.
Ja sam stvarno Makedonac, smeta mi to sto ste svi pali na Grcku propagandu,a niste ni pokusali nauciti nesto o Makedoncima, njihovoj tradiciji,obicajima, igrama

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