Јевреји признају да је Израел подржао Грузијску агресију


Georgian tanks and infantry, aided by Israeli military advisers, captured the capital of breakaway South Ossetia

Russians may just bear with the pro-US Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili’s ambition to bring his country into NATO. But they draw a heavy line against his plans and those of Western oil companies, including Israeli firms, to route the oil routes from Azerbaijan and the gas lines from Turkmenistan, which transit Georgia, through Turkey instead of hooking them up to Russian pipelines.

DEBKAfile discloses Israel’s interest in the conflict from its exclusive military sources:

Jerusalem owns a strong interest in Caspian oil and gas pipelines reach the Turkish terminal port of Ceyhan, rather than the Russian network. Intense negotiations are afoot between Israel Turkey, Georgia, Turkmenistan and Azarbaijan for pipelines to reach Turkey and thence to Israel’s oil terminal at Ashkelon and on to its Red Sea port of Eilat. From there, supertankers can carry the gas and oil to the Far East through the Indian Ocean.

In recent weeks, Moscow has repeatedly demanded that Jerusalem halt its military assistance to Georgia, finally threatening a crisis in bilateral relations. Israel responded by saying that the only assistance rendered Tbilisi was “defensive.”

This has not gone down well in the Kremlin. Therefore, as the military crisis intensifies in South Ossetia, Moscow may be expected to punish Israel for its intervention.

Жвалави демонократски русфобичари код нас пенили како је Русија агресор лад су спасили братски Јужно Осетски народ и абхасе од истребљења.

Иронија да су у првом нападу грузијци уништили синагогу у јужној осетији 1991 кад су извршили геноцид у Јужној Осетији и сада:
The Jewish quarter in South Ossetia’s capital Tskhinval is the oldest of all the national communities there, but it was ruined as long ago as 1991 due to Georgian aggression, said Zinovy Kogan, head of Congress of Jewish Religious Organisations and Unions, in an interview with Osetiainfo.ru.

Osetinfo.ru: Is the Jewish Congress planning to help the victims of the conflict in South Ossetia?

Zinovy Kogan: The Russian Jewish Congress is already helping them in different ways. We have collected a number of documents and sent them to the UN for an investigation into Saakashvili’s war crimes. Witness data has been collected, it’s a big pile of documents.

Osetinfo.ru: Will the Jewish quarter be rebuilt?

Zinovy Kogan: The Jewish quarter was destroyed back in 1991, and after that almost all Jews who lived in Tskhinval left the city. Of course, it will be reconstructed, but will it go on being a ‘Jewish quarter’? For example, the synagogue will be reconstructed as a memorial to Jews who used to live on this land. Maybe it will be a synagogue, maybe it will be a museum.

Tskhinval is one of the world’s oldest cities. It’s more than 2000 years old. And the Jewish quarter is the oldest there. A legend says the synagogue is 2,600 years old. This quarter was very rich, there were markets there. You could buy whatever you wanted there whenever you wanted. The houses were so solid they saved hundreds of people who were hiding in the basements. It’s the second time the Jewish quarter has been directly fired on. This time it was exactly the same as in 1991. It’s astonishing how strong Georgian hatred is.

Osetinfo.ru: Is it possible that Jews will come back to Tskhinval?

Zinovy Kogan: I think, yes. I went to Grozny in Chechnya not long ago, and I want to say that as soon as peace was established in that republic, Jews started moving there: engineers, programmers, managers. They came there – those were Chechen Jews. By the way, Chechnya’s President Ramzan Kadyrov is very happy with this and he is giving the best positions to them. It is said that if Jews are coming back it means peace is coming back. That is right, and I think Ossetian Jews will surely come back to the country and revive the synagogue and their quarter. Not only Jews, but also Armenians, Russians and many others will live there.

Dali je istina da Rusija nedozvoljava Jevrejima iz Ruske Federacije da emigriraju u Izrael?
Mozda pitanje nije bas 100% u vezi sa ovom temom ali mislim Izrael-Gruzija tu je i Rusija cisto me zanima dali je to tacno.

Nije istina. SSSR im nije dozvoljavao, a Rusiju boli uvo. Eno ga pun Izrael ruskih Jevreja. Pričaju ruski i jedu svinjetinu.
Zar to nisu Hazari?

Неки да неки не, има доста из Европског СССР који су дошли из Немачке, Шпаниеј и Аустрије.

Помешали су се са свима па их и не резликују.
Било их је чак и у Козацима.
Nije istina. SSSR im nije dozvoljavao, a Rusiju boli uvo. Eno ga pun Izrael ruskih Jevreja. Pričaju ruski i jedu svinjetinu.

Ја не знам ко ти је то рекао,пошто тамо свињетину не можеш да набавиш(као забрањену прљаву-нездраву храну).
Ја не знам ко ти је то рекао,пошто тамо свињетину не можеш да набавиш(као забрањену прљаву-нездраву храну).

Ja gledao pre koji dan na tv-u reportažu. Uvoze ruje, pardon ruski jevreji svinjetinu, i imaju svoje bircuze gde se skupljaju, i rokaju po ušatom i vodki sve u 16.
Хммм.. имали су квоту исељавања. Голда Меир је из СССР, маса њих, Аријел Шарон итд.

И овај министар вањских послова Израела..Либерман!
Који отворено подржава Србију по питању КиМ-а!

Јавна је тајна, како администрација США...сваки дан тера Израел да призна КиМ...али сада када је Либерман дошао..уверавају нас да од тога сигурно неће бити ништа!

Avigdor Lieberman (Hebrew: אביגדור ליברמן‎ (audio) (help·info), Russian: Авигдор (Эве́т Львович) Либерман, born 5 June 1958)[1] is an Israeli politician, Member of the Knesset, Israeli Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of Israel. He is the founder and leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, whose electoral basis are the immigrants from the former Soviet Union.[2]
