Чешка повлачи признање Косова!

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Buduća legenda
U Českoj s novom vladom moguće povlacenje priznanja Kosova
11:48 BEČ, 26. marta (Tanjug) - Potpredsednik češkog parlamenta Vojtjeh Filip izjavio je da se, posle izglasavanja nepoverenja manjinskoj češkoj vladi, otvara mogućnost preispitivanja odluke Praga da prizna jednostrano proglašenu nezavisnost Kosova. Svrgnuta vlada priznala je nezavisnost Kosova uprkos stavovima većine parlamentarnih stranaka i predsednika Češke, zbog čega se, kako je za frankfurtske "Vesti" izjavio potpredsednik parlamenta, otvara mogućnost preispitivanja sporne odluke. (Kraj)
Из других извора се сазнаје да ће потпредседник парламента Војтех Филип иницирати процедуру на првој седечој седници парлемента.

The withdrawal of Kosovo recognition possible with the new Czech government

26 March 2009.

The Czech Parliament Vice-Speaker, Voitech Filip, said that, after the voting of no confidence to the minority government, a possibility of reconsideration of the Czech decision to recognize independence of Kosovo is opened. The toppled government recognized the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo despite the stands of most parliamentary parties and the president of the state, which opens up a possibility of reconsideration of that decision, Filip told the Frankfurt News. He said that on the first occasion he would launch an initiative on the withdrawal of the decision and assessed that is legally possible, as the procedure of full recognition of Kosovo in the Czech Republic has not been formally completed. Czech President Vaclav Klaus, a big opponent to the recognition of Kosovo independence, will not sign letters of credit and send a Czech ambassador to Pristina. The lower house of the Czech Parliament voted no confidence to the government of PM Mirek Topolanek in the midst of the Czech presidency over the EU. 101 MPs voted for, while 96 MPs of the ruling coalition of the right centre remained in the minority.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
