Photoshop VS Photoshop elements

1. Some of the features in Photoshop CS3 that are not included in Photoshop Elements 6 are:

* CMYK and LAB color modes
* More tools and features that work with high-bit (16-bit and 32-bit) images
* Combine multiple exposures to create high dynamic range (HDR) images
* Channels Palette
* Recording custom Actions (for batch processing)
* Adjustments: Color Balance, Match Color
* Layer Masks, Layer Comps, and Quick Mask mode
* Smart Objects, Smart Guides
* Lens Blur Filter
* Vanishing Point Tool
* Pen tool and paths palette
* Some adjustment layers (curves, color balance, selective color, channel mixer)
* Editing History Log
* Text on a path, advanced text formatting
* Advanced Layer Style manipulation
* Advanced Color Management
* Advanced Web features (rollovers, slicing)
* Customizable tool presets, keyboard shortcuts, and menus
* In the features and tools that are shared, the Photoshop version usually offers more advanced options for fine tuning and control.

2. apsolutno da...
za amaterskog korisnika dovoljan je i ACDSee.
Poslednja izmena:
Paleta za kanale je

U glavnom ova paleta se koristi da bi neku boju iskljucila sa slike.Za RGB bi bila ovakva slika a za CMYK bi bila Cyan,Magneta,Yellow,Black.Svaku boju mozes ugasiti da se ne prikazuje na slici tako sto ces kliknuti na ikonicu oka.Isto kao i sa layerima.
