MOSSAD pokušao obaranje turske vlade


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Po pisanju turskih medija, MOSSAD duboko involviran u zaveru oko obaranja vlade Redzepa Erdogana.

Report: Mossad behind Ergenekon plot
Published: 11/30/2008

A report alleges that Israel's national intelligence agency, Mossad has been behind the Ergenekon plot to topple the Turkish government.

A secret investigation of detained Ergenekon group members and other studies outside Turkey indicate that Mossad orchestrated coups against the Turkish government, the Turkish daily Milliyet reported Sunday.

The Ergenekon group is a Turkish neo-nationalist organization with alleged links to the military, members of which have been arrested on charges of plotting to foment unrest in the country.

Investigators uncovered evidence that show a Jewish rabbi named Tuncay Guney, who worked for Mossad and fled to Canada in 2004, was a key figure behind attempts to overthrow the Turkish government, the paper said, Fars news reported.

A document uncovered this week by the Sabah daily shows how Guney deliberately infiltrated Ergenekon and another organization known as JITEM, an illegal intelligence unit linked with the police and suspected of hundreds of murders and kidnappings.

Meanwhile, a separate report by Turkish daily Yeni Safak has claimed that Turkish security forces have discovered documents in Guney's Istanbul house that disclose information concerning suspicious investment and economic activities by certain Jewish businessmen in Turkey.

The businessmen allegedly have significant relations with individuals, political groups and cultural organizations affiliated with the Ergenekon group.

Turkish security forces have detained many members of the Ergenekon group, including retired army generals, politicians, popular lawyers and famous journalists. The individuals currently face trail on charges of plotting to overthrow Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The Turkish and other Middle East media are reporting that the Mossad has been fingered in connection with a right-wing Turkish criminal and intelligence gang, known as Ergenekon, that stands accused of attempting to overthrow Turkey’s democratically-elected Justice and Development (AKP) Party of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and President Abdullah Gul. Several Turkish papers have named a Turkish rabbi, Tuncay Guney, aka Daniel T. Guney and Daniel Levi and code-named “Ipek” or “Silk,” as having served as a double agent for the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) tasked with infiltrating the shadowy but powerful “state within a state” group Ergenekon.

Ово може бити за оубиљан пичвајз, ови јевреји решили да најебу.

At the heart of the Ergenekon story lies Mossad and its reported attempts to turn Turkey into another Lebanon or West Bank/Gaza, a country wracked by internal strife and constant warfare that would usher into power a strong right-wing military dictatorship.

In the trial of one of the accused murderers of Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink, the lawyer for one of the accused murderers asked another accused murderer, Erhan Tuncel, a one-time police informer like Guney, if he had an Israeli girlfriend. Tuncel refused to answer the question, citing an invasion of his privacy. However, it was clear that what the lawyer was driving at was a Mossad connection to the murder of Dink, a murder that was being pinned on Turkish anti-Armenian nationalists by the corporate and heavyily Israeli
Lobby-influenced media in the West.

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At the heart of the Ergenekon story lies Mossad and its reported attempts to turn Turkey into another Lebanon or West Bank/Gaza, a country wracked by internal strife and constant warfare that would usher into power a strong right-wing military dictatorship.

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Не би била војно слаба као Либанон и Газа, у томе је разлика.

Турци су углавном екстремисти, само што ови сада на власти не би поново хтели да стварају отоманство. Америка пошто је под јеврејима слали би оружје и најгорим екстремистима у турској. А ти најгори екстремисти једва чекају да поново створе отоманство. Значи напад на Грчку, Бугарску, Румунију и.т.д. Русија је једини спас за православне државе на Балкану, као што је била и раније у историји.


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Бавио сам се политиком, и упознао сам разне политичаре....и искрено међу политичарима искрених националиста и Хришћана Срба...има можда 30 %!

Женили се по неколико пута, пијанче...свашта нешта..а после ми попују у патритоизму и Хришћанству!

Па им рекох нека хвала, само Светосавски национализам...и Црква...остало бљак!
Poslednja izmena od moderatora:

Ја сам анти-страначки националиста...а ако ћу искрено једино Коштуницу готивим!
Бавио сам се политиком, и упознаоп сам разне..веруј ми међу политичарима искрених националиста и Хришћана Срба...има можда 30 %!

Женили се по неколико пута, пијанче...свашта нешта..а после ми попују у патритоизму и Хришћанству!

Па им рекох нека хвала, само Светосавски национализам...и Црква...остало бљак!

A Kostunjavi je bas onako neki smerni svetosavac?
