Rusija, Iran i Katar kreću u zajednički projekt izvoza gasa

a kada ce da izgrade gasovod do kanade? :D

Pa verovao ti ili ne, upravo takav jedan projekat su Rusi ugovorili ove godine.

Rabaska signs with Gazprom for liquid gas supply
Last Updated: Thursday, May 15, 2008 | 5:02 PM ET Comments0Recommend5

The Canadian Press

Russian energy giant Gazprom plans to enhance its North American presence by partnering with Canadian pipeline companies Enbridge Inc. and Gaz Metro to supply the proposed Rabaska liquid natural gas terminal in Lévis, Que.

Gazprom's U.S. subsidiary signed a letter of intent Thursday to become an equity partner in the proposed $840-million Rabaska liquefied natural gas (LNG) project with the two Canadian companies and Gaz de France.

Gazprom would contract to supply all of the import terminal's capacity and expects to import Russian LNG supplied from the Shtokman liquefaction project under development in 2014.
