Barak Obama - Jevrejin po majci

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Dragi forumasi, imam pouzdane informacije da Obama nije slucajno izabran za predsednikaz:lol: Mozda neki od vas zele da saznaju otkud crnom predsedniku toliko poverenja ukazuju Jevreji koji su cinili okosnicu njegove kampanje i koji su ga gurali do pobede, a ovaj od svog kabineta napravio kneset?

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Is Obama's mother Jewish?

This article in Judicial Inc makes it seem so. If those really are his grandparents that are shown there they definately look Jewish, & his mother looks pretty Jewish. If so, that would mean that Obama is a Jew under Jewish law. Could this be a reason why he's been selected to be the Democratic nominee & from the looks of things probably the president in '08? & if it is true, why has this information evaded the attention of even the anti-Zionist movement?

This article from the Huffington Post is also interesting. It refers to Obama as the 'first Jewish president' seemingly in jest, but then a person makes a remark in the comments section asking if Obama actually could be refered to as Jewish since his mother is of Jewish lineage.

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Jewish World / Meet Michelle Obama's cousin the rabbi

While Barack Obama has struggled to capture the Jewish vote, it turns out that one of his wife's cousins is the country's most prominent black rabbi - a fact that has gone largely unnoticed.

Michelle Obama, wife of the Democratic presidential nominee, and Rabbi Capers Funnye, spiritual leader of a mostly black synagogue on Chicago's South Side, are first cousins once removed. Funnye's mother, Verdelle Robinson Funnye (born Verdelle Robinson) and Michelle Obama's paternal grandfather, Frasier Robinson Jr., were brother and sister.

Funnye (pronounced fuh-NAY) is chief rabbi at the Beth Shalom B'nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation in southwest Chicago. He is well-known in Jewish circles for acting as a bridge between mainstream Jewry and the much smaller, and largely separate, world of black Jewish congregations, sometimes known as black Hebrews or Israelites. He has often urged the larger Jewish community to be more accepting of Jews who are not white.

Ovo pisu izraelske novine a ja vam sa zadovoljstvom prenosim;)
A što ste vi toliko opterećeni Jevrejima? Od kada je zabranjeno da ljudi pripadaju baš toj religiji i zbog čega je to razlog za toliku polemiku? Da ne mislite možda da ste sve otkrili o nekome i predvideli njegovo ponašanje na osnovu verske pripadnosti? Da nisu možda svi Jevreji isti?

Grow up!
O, izgleda je Barki uposlio jos dvojicu prominentnih Jevreja u svoju kneset administraciju. Gde li ce se zaustaviti da mi je znati...

Ross, Shapiro slated for Obama administration

January 8, 2009

WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Dennis Ross and Dan Shapiro are slated for jobs in the Barack Obama administration.

An official close to the transition team told JTA on Thursday that Shapiro, a former senior U.S. Senate staffer and the Obama official who handled outreach to the Jewish community, and Ross, President Clinton's top Middle East envoy, are "likely to have jobs with the administration."

The official commented after JTA called to confirm reports that Ross was slated to be the chief Middle East adviser to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Obama's secretary of state-designate, and that Shapiro would head the Middle East desk at the National Security Council. The official could not confirm those reports.

The Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where Ross is currently a senior fellow, on Wednesday sent to the Washington Post a premature news release congratulating him on his appointment advising the secretary of state, and indicating that Ross' new appointment would outrank his previous government role. In his new capacity, Ross would supervise Obama's Middle East envoy.

The Washington Institute on Thursday refused comment on the release.

Both appointments would be welcomed in the pro-Israel community. Ross has suggested coupling Obama's pledge for outreach to Iran with tough sanctions. Shapiro was a lead in drafting the 2003 Syria Accountability Act, which imposed sanctions on Syria in part for its sponsorship of anti-Israel terrorist groups.
A što ste vi toliko opterećeni Jevrejima? Od kada je zabranjeno da ljudi pripadaju baš toj religiji i zbog čega je to razlog za toliku polemiku? Da ne mislite možda da ste sve otkrili o nekome i predvideli njegovo ponašanje na osnovu verske pripadnosti? Da nisu možda svi Jevreji isti?

Grow up!

A sto da ne polemisemo? Ovde se vodila polemika sto je Brki crnac, pa sto je musliman...i nikom nista...Zasto se ne bi polemisalo i o njegovom jevrejskom poreklu?
Pa vodićete uskoro polemiku i što je živo biće, ako vam dozvole.

Ja hocu da priblizim Obamu obicnom srpskom glasacu, da ga predstavim kao ljudsko bice, ne kao crnca ili muslimana, kako su ga ovde mnogi dozivljavali, vec kao ljudsko bice koje ima baku i deku koji ga vole, placu i ljube se sa njim kad ga vide, a ne kao monstruma koji ce gurnuti Ameriku u nove krvave pohode zarad interesa jedne male skupine gangstera. Evo, gledam ga, bolji je od Klintona i Busha zajedno, prava je dobrica koja ce konacno uneti promene u americku spoljnu politiku i staviti tacku na ratove ( tako je obecao u kampanji a i kabinet mu je prepun miroljubivih i dobrocudnih likova )

Zato nemoj mene da prozivas, moje su namere casne i postene...
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
