Europa ruši antifašistima spomenike a podiže nacistima


Primećen član
Riga mayor against restoration of Soviet-era monument

22:01 | 15/ 12/ 2008

RIGA, December 15 (RIA Novosti) - The mayor of Riga, the capital of Latvia, said on Monday that he emphatically opposes the restoration of a WWII Soviet-era monument which was damaged in the 1990s.

A memorial plaque was stolen in the 1990s from the monument to Soviet soldiers who died liberating Latvia from the Nazis during WWII. Work to restore the monument was planned to be completed by the end of this year.

"Renewing the memorial plaque would be like spitting in the faces of thousands of Latvians, who suffered during the Soviet regime," Janis Birks said.

Russia has repeatedly condemned the practice in the former Soviet republics of Latvia and Estonia of honoring SS veterans who fought for Nazi Germany during WWII.

Parades in honor of Waffen-SS veterans, involving veterans from the Latvian Legion and the 20th Estonian SS Division and their supporters, are held annually in Latvia and Estonia.

The dismantling in Tallinn, capital of Estonia, of the Soviet war memorial, the Bronze Soldier, just before the May 9, 2007 Victory Day celebrations in Russia led to street protests in which over 1,000 people were arrested and one Russian national was killed.

Relations between Russia and Latvia and Estonia have also been strained over what Moscow calls the two states' unequal treatment of ethnic Russians, the alleged persecution of Soviet WWII veterans, and the apparent revival of nationalism and fascism.ANTIFAŠISTIMA RUŠE A FAŠISTIMA GRADE SPOMENIKE PO EUROPI ,ZAŠTO NAM TO RADE?Crying
Kulturocid-Ukrainske proeuropske vlasti ruše 10ruskih spomenika
Ukraine to remove 10 Soviet-era monuments from Kiev streets

19:15 | 27/ 11/ 2008
KIEV, November 27 (RIA Novosti) - Authorities in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev have decided to take down ten Soviet-era monuments, including eight statues of Vladimir Lenin, a municipal official said on Thursday.

However, Serhiy Rudik said that a monument to Lenin on Kiev's main street, Kreshchatik, would not be taken down as it had national significance and the decision to remove it could only be made by the government.

He also said that the removal of the monuments would be carried out within the framework of President Viktor Yushchenko's orders concerning the issue of the Stalin-era famine which devastated Ukraine in 1932-1933.

However, Rudik added that the monuments would not be destroyed but would be, "possibly put together somewhere in the same place where they can be visited."

The famine, known as the Holodomor in Ukraine, was caused by forced collectivization. Estimates as to the amount of victims in Ukraine vary greatly, with some 2 million being the lower end of the scale. British historian Robert Service has suggested that some 14 million people lost their lives.

Russia says the famine cannot be considered an act that targeted Ukrainians, as millions of people from different ethnic groups lost their lives at that time in vast territories in the North Caucasus, the Volga region, central Russia, Kazakhstan, west Siberia, and the south Urals.

Speaking at a ceremony to unveil a memorial in a village in western Ukraine, one of the areas hardest hit by the early 1930s famine, Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko said last week that "Ukraine does not blame any nation or state for the great famine." He said "the totalitarian Communist regime" was to blame for the Holodomor.copy paste Černobilska katastrofa je stvarno utjecala na Ukrajince,ovo vam je Ukrainski fašizam u praksi Devil
Poslednja izmena:
BERLIN - EU je u srijedu pozvala Rusiju da ublaži kritiku prema Estoniji zbog uklanjanja sovjetskog spomenika u Tallinnu, dodajući da neće dopustiti službenoj Moskvi da narušava suverenitet jedne od njenih članica.

Estonija je prošli mjesec uklonila spomenik vojniku Crvene armije iz centra Talina izazivajući bijes Kremlja i nemire etničkih Rusa u estonskom glavnom gradu.

Predsjednik Europske komisije Jose Manuel Barroso je izjavio da ruska vlada mora priznati kako Estonija nije prijetnja.

"Solidarni smo sa zemljom koja ne može predstavljati prijetnju takvoj sili kakva je Rusija", kazao je Barroso.

"Nikada više nećemo dopustiti nekome da podmetne klin u odnose između EU-a i jedne od njenih članica", rekao je potpredsjednik Europske komisije Guenter Verheugen u Europskom parlamentu u Bruxellesu. "Ova je kriza pokazala da europska ratna prošlost i dalje baca sjenu na sadašnjost".

Estonija koju je Sovjetski Savez anektirao 1940. godine izazvala je kritiku ruskih političara kada je uklonila brončani kip vojnika Crvene armije iz centra svog glavnog grada.

Mnogi su ruski političari pozivali ruskog predsjednika Vladimira Putina da nametne sankcije Estoniji, no EU je podržavala Estoniju kao svoju članicu.

Istovremeno su u srijedu u Tallinnu tisuće ljudi ruskog podrijetla polagali cvijeće u podnožje kipa ruskog vojnika koji se sada nalazi na vojnom groblju izvan centra grada. U mirnom mimohodu kao znaku prosvjeda protiv estonske vlade masa je išla do vojnog groblja izvan centra Talina obilježavajući obljetnicu kraja Drugog svjetskog rata.

(Hina) Ovo je počelo u Estoniji a nastavlja se posvuda u EU i Ukrajini:besna:
Naravno. Pitanje je vremena kada ce rehabilitovati Hitlera.

Americki tajkuni i tajna drustva su isfinansirali nacisticku partiju i pospasavali gomilu nacista posle Drugog svetskog rata. Da i ne pricam o tome sto je postojao americki ogranak nacisticke partije.

U SAD se svim snagama bore da ismeju inicijative da se ruse zgrade u obliku kukastog krsta - jedno, baza Mornarickih foka i druga, manje poznata, staracki dom metodista blizu naselja u kome su ziveli nacisticki raketni inzenjeri, koji su dobili azil u SAD. Francuzi su podigli spomenik na Korzici Napoleonu tako da se ne bi čudila da če niknuti negde u Nemačkoj i spomenik Hitleru.:aha:

Pa sta, nisu oni Srbi da svoje izrucuju na klanje a spomenike kulture da zapisavaju, sto bi se cudio tome sto si navela, ni Francuska ni Nemacka nisu nikad bile vece sile nego sto su bile pod Napoleonom tj. Hitlerom, to je bio vrhunac njihove moci. Neciji zlikovac je neciji heroj i obratno.
