Tibetski terijer


Tibetski Terijer http://www.namba-nima.com

Tibetan Terrier (eng.)

Tibetanski terijer – pas starih naroda sa krova svijeta. To je najstarija rasa pasa što dokazuju arheološki nalazi i

materijalni dokazi u vidu crteža na kojoj su preci ove rase. Crteži i iskopine datiraju iz 3900 god p. n. e.

Stvoren je u Tibetanskim manastririma gdje je stoljećima smatran svetom životinjom. Na Tibetu je pored kulturne uloge

imao ulogu psa za razonodu.

Tibetanski terijer je pasmina srednje veličine, duge dlake koja podsjeća na ljudsku kosu i predstavlja pravi ukras.

Dlaka ima dvostruku ulogu – grije ga u hladnim danima i čuva od vrućine tokom ljeta. Voda se niz nju slijeva tako da se

brzo suši.Od malena ga treba učiti na kupanje i češljanje da bi se izbjeglo mršenje dlake

Iako mu dlaka prekriva oči, štiteći ih zimi od bjeline snijega i od sunčevih zraka u dugim ljetnim danima, ovaj pas odlično

vidi. Nije poželjno njegovu dugu dlaku iznad očiju «hvatati» gumicama je su se njegove oči navikle na polumrak i

iznenadno izlaganje svjetlosti može biti opasno.

Tibetanski terijer izgleda više kao ovčarski pas nego kao terijer. Izgledom podsjeća na minijaturnog bobteila. Tijelo je

kvadratnog okvira, a glava ne preširoka, blagog luka čela sa kojeg pada bogata, izrazito duga dlaka preko očiju i

obraza. Obrazi su nježno zaobljeni. Donja čeljust je obrasla bradom, a stop je izražen. Uške su viseće, no ne padaju

sasvim blizu glavi, oblika slova V. Posebna karakteristika su njegove šape koje su jako velike, zaobljene i ravne, bogate

dugom dlakom između mekuši i prsta čineći «snježne cipele».

Temperamentan je i brz. Odličan je prijatelj. Voli izlete u prirodu, a voli i djecu. Pouzdan je i neustrašiv i lako se upušta u

sve «nevolje». Jako je emotivan. Raduje se dolasku novog člana u obitelj, bez obzira radilo se to o djetetu ili novom


Tibetanski terijer traži da mu se potpuno posveti pažnja. Može biti i cijeli dan sam kod

kuće, ali zato kad se vratite budite spremni nadoknaditi mu to šetnjom, maženjem i igrom.

Tibetan Terrier

Tibetski Terijer ( cro.)

Tibetan terrier– dog of old people from roof of the world.

The Tibetan Terrier is not a member of the terrier group, the name being given to it by European travelers to Tibet who

were reminded of terriers from back home when they first encountered the breed. Its origins are uncertain at best, as

some sources claim them to be lucky temple dogs, whereas others place them as general use farm dogs.

The Tibetan Terrier is a dog with many uses, able to guard, herd, and also be a suitable companion dog. Their utility in

Tibet meant that the first examples of the breed available in the west were generally given as gifts, as the Tibetan

Terrier, along with other Tibetan breeds, were too valuable to the people who owned them to casually sell. As such, the

early history of the breed is linked to only a handful of foundation dogs.

The Tibetan name for the breed, Dhoki Apso, roughly translates to "shaggy or bearded (Apso) outdoor dog (Dhoki)."

Other "Apso" dogs from Tibet include the smaller and more familiar Lhasa Apso (called the Lhasa Terrier in the early

1900s) and the very rare Kyi Apso.

Recent DNA analysis has concluded that the Tibetan Terrier is one of the most ancient dog breeds.

The appearance of the Tibetan Terrier is that of a powerful, medium sized dog of square proportions, with a shaggy coat.

Overall, there should be a feel of balance.

The head is moderate, with a strong muzzle of medium length, and a skull neither rounded nor flat. The eyes are large,

dark, and set fairly far apart. The V-shaped drop ears are well feathered, and should be set high on the sides of the

skull. The nose is always black, regardless of coat colour.

The body is well muscled and compact. The length of the back should be equal to the height at the withers, giving the

breed its typical square look. Height for either sex is 14-16 in (35-41 cm) and weight is 18-30 lb (8-14 kg), with 20-24 lb

(9.5-11 kg) preferred, but all weights acceptable if in proportion to the size.

The tail is set high, well feathered, and carried in a curl over the back.

One of the more unusual features of the Tibetan Terrier is the broad, flat feet, not found in any other dog breed. They

are ideal for climbing mountains and act as natural snow shoes.

The double coat is profuse, with a warm undercoat and a topcoat which has the texture of human hair. It should not be

silky or curled, but wavy is acceptable. Long and thick, it is shown natural, but should not be so long as to touch the

floor, as is typical in breeds such as the Lhasa Apso or Maltese. A fall of hair covers the face and eyes, but long

eyelashes generally prevent hair from getting in the Tibetan Terrier's eyes, and the breed has very good eyesight.

All colours are permissible, barring liver and chocolate, and none are preferred. Tibetan Terriers are available in any

combination of solid, particolour, tricolour, brindle or piebald, as long as the nose leather is black and the eyes and eye

rims are dark.

The temperament has been one of the most attractive aspects of the breed since it was first established in the 1920's.

They are amiable and affectionate family dogs, sensitive to their owners and gentle with older children. As is fitting a

dog formerly used as a watch dog, they tend to be reserved around strangers, but should never be aggressive nor shy

with them.

Suitable for apartment living, the Tibetan is still an energetic and surprisingly strong dog, and needs regular exercise.

Their energy level and intelligence is well suited for dog sports such as agility. They are steadfast, determined, and

clever, which can lead to them being stubborn. Some dogs of this breed can often be jealous, which can make it hard to

live with another pet.

Though not yappy, the Tibetan Terrier has an assertive bark, likened to a rising siren.

The Tibetan Terrier enjoys the long life span often associated with small dog breeds, generally lives from 15-17 years.

Though an athletic breed that has been bred for a natural look, the Tibetan Terrier is still susceptible to a variety of

health problems, especially those related to the eyes and joints.

Tibetanisches Terrier - retrived from http://www.namba-nima.com
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Tibetski terijer :zskace:
Svakom pravom ljubitelju pasa preporucujem od srca ovu rasu!!
Za stan su fenomenalni, ne osecaju se, ne linjaju se, zivahni su taman koliko treba, sa decom su fascinantni i jako jako pametni, brzo uce...
Jako zdrava rasa, dugo zive i imaju najlepse oci na svetu!
