Veneto is not Italy. Serbs, please support independent of Veneto!

Il Veneto è l'Italia. Sostenere l'indipendenza Veneto
Il Kosovo è Serbia, non Veneto Italia

Independent of (from) Veneto? Probably you wanted to say independence of Veneto. Without emphasizing that,it seems that you support independence of a region which has already been incorporated into Veneto.
Poslednja izmena:
Independent of (from) Veneto? Probably you wanted to say independence of Veneto. Without emphasizing that,it seems that you support independence of a region which has already been incorporated into Veneto.

Хеј ју, донт толк вид дис ванкер бикоз хи из италиан ес ај ем американ.
Ит ис сандеј он Крстарица енд ви ол хиар шуд толк абаут гејс инклудинг дис ванкер.
