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Pomozimo Goranu Timotiji iz Trnova da sakupi potrebna sredstva u iznosu od 120.000 KM koja su mu potrebna za transplataciju bubrega u Rusiji...

Postovana gospodo,
Suocen sa teskom bolescu, prestankom rada bubrega u svojoj dvadesetoj godini zivota, obracam vam se s molbom za pomoc u lijecenju. Da bi ste u potpunosti sagledali situaciju, zelim vas upoznati s problemom u narednom izlaganju.

Zovem se Goran (Dane) Timotija, rodjen sam 20.07.1988. godine. Nakon dvije godine od mog rodjenja majka mi se razboljela i krenula na hemodijalizu. Ona je vec 18 godina na programu dijalize u bolnici Kasindo gdje sam i ja od decembra mjeseca prosle godine.
Zavrsio sam Elektrotehnicku skolu "28. juni" u Istocnom Sarajevu sa odlicnim uspjehom. Upisao sam Elektrotehnicki fakultet ali me je bolest sprijecila da pocnem studije. Sestra je na cetvrtoj godini Ekonomskog fakulteta na Palama.
U dva navrata sam lijecen na Vojno Medicinskoj Akademiji Beograd, gdje su mi uradjene sve pripreme za transplataciju. S obzirom da nemam zivog davaoca bubrega, preporuceno mi je da idem na kadavericnu transplataciju bubrega na 119-tu kliniku Hinki kod prof. Garbunova u Rusiji, tacnije u Moskvi. Za tu operaciju su potrebna ogromna sredstva tacnije 60.000 Eura.
S obzirom da moja porodica zivi od porodicne penzije i invalidnine i nismo u stanju da obezbijedimo tolika sredstva, molim Vas da mi pomognete u granicama vasih mogucnosti.
Uvjeren da cete poduzeti sve sto je u vasoj moci primite iskrenu zahvalnost od Gorana Timotije.

Nova Banjalucka Banka

Broj racuna klijenta:
45277662000 (KM)
45277662001 (EUR)

063/132-546; 057/610-045


Help Goran Timotiji from Trnova to collect the necessary funds in the amount of 120,000 KM, which are needed for his transplantation of kidney in Russia ...

Respected gentlemen
Facing difficult illness, failure of kidney’s in my 20 year of life , I am addressing you with appeal to help me fight with my. To fully understand situation, I would like you familiarize you with the problem.

My name is Goran (Dane) Timotija, I was born on 20.07.1988.
Two years after my birth my mother became ill and started chemo dialysis. She is already 18 years on dialysis at the hospital Kasindo and I have started it from December last year.
I graduated from Elektrotehnicku School: "28. June” in East Sarajevo with excellent success. I entered college, but my illness prevented me from studies. My sister is on fourth year at the School of Economics in Pale.

On two occasions I was treated on Medical Military Academy of Belgrade (MVA), where all preparations for transplanting were done. Since I do not have living donor, I was recommended to do cadaver transplant of kidney on the 119-clinic Hinki with prof. Garbunova in Russia, Moscow. For this operation I need huge funds in amount of 60,000 Euros.

Given that my families lives on pension and invalid pension and we have not been able to get such big amount of money, I am appealing on you to help me within your abilities. Convinced that you will do everything that is in your power receive the sincere gratitude of Goran Timotije.

Nova Banjalucka Banka Bank of Nova Banjalucka
551000-99999999-32 551000-99999999-32

Broj racuna klijenta: The number of customer account:
45277662000 (KM) 45277662000 (KM)
45277662001 (EUR) 45277662001 (EUR)

Kontakt: Contact:
063/132-546; 057/610-045 063/132-546; 057/610-045

