A sve vreme im bio pred nosom!

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Dr. Dragan Dabic rodjen je pre nekih 60 godina u srpskom selu Kovaci pokraj Kraljeva. Kao dete sa svojim dedom voleo je da istrazuje okolne sume i planine, i mnogo vremena je provodio na obliznjoj planini Kopaonik gde je brao lekovite trave. Kao mladic otisao je trbuhom za kruhom Beograd, odakle je otisao u Rusiju gde je na Moskovskom univerzitetu diplomirao Psihijatriju. Posle Rusije Dr. Dabic je putovao po Indiji, Japanu, Juznoj Koreji, da bi se konacno skrasio u Kini gde je specijalizovao tzv. alternativnu medicinu, sa posebnim osvrtom na Kinesko bilje.

U zadnjih 15 godina Dr. Dabic je jedan od najeminentnijih strucnjaka iz oblasti alternativne medicine, bioenergetike i makrobioticke ishrane na podrucju Balkana i gost je mnogih tribina i simpozijuma na tu temu.

Za strucne pozive ili privatne konsultacije Dr. Dragan Dabic se moze kontaktirati na sledecu adresu:

zacelivanjerana @ dragandabic . com


Dr. Dragan Dabic was born some 60 years ago in a small Serbian village of Kovaci, near Kraljevo. As a young boy he liked to explore nearby forests and mountains, spending a lot of time on Kopaonik mountain where he tended to pick the omnipresent natural and potent medicinal herbs that grew there. As a young man he went on to Belgrade, and then on to Moscow where he graduated with Psychiatry degree at the Moscow State University (Lomonosov). After Russia, Dr. Dabic travelled around India, Japan, South Korea, after which he settled in China where he specialized in alternative medicine, with special emphasis on Chinese herbs.

In the last 15 years Dr. Dabic is one of the most esteemed figures in the field of alternative medicine, bioenergy, and macrobiotic diet in the whole of the Balkans, and is frequent guest on many panels and symposiums dedicated to those topics.

For panel invitations or private consultations Dr. Dragan Dabic can be reached at the following contact:

healingwounds @ dragandabic . com
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
