The Queers


Aktivan član
Nisam primetio da ima tema o njima. Meni jako drag bend, sa pravim pankerskim stavom...Pa reko' da ostavim nesto posto vecina sigurno nije cula za njih. Neko ih moze i zavoli ;)

Квирси (The Queers) су америчка панк рок група основана 1982. у Портсмауту у Њу Хемпширу. Њен оснивач и фронтмен зове се Џо Кинг, уметничког имена Џо Квир. После две године група се распала, али Џо је поново саставио групу 1990. и тада су почели озбиљно да се баве музиком. Те исте године су издали први званични албум, Grow Up. Свој други албум, под именом Love Songs for the Retarded, објављују 1993. и тада креће успон њихове популарности и ван Њу Хемпшира.

-Музика Квирса је под великим утицајем Рамонса, што се види из већине њихових ранијих песама. Чак су и објавили албум под именом Rocket to Russia на коме су се налазиле њихове обраде песама ове групе. Њихов музички правац најчешће зову "поп панк". Честа тема њихових песама су девојке, мада се један добар део песама односи на критиковање па чак и жестоко псовање како девојака, тако и других, углавном супарничких бендова (чести термини су "you are bitch/cretin/asshole", "I hate you", "**** you") и слично. Такође, теме песама су и забављање, али и дроге. Група сарађује са Беном Визелом, фронтменом групе Скричинг Визел који понекад пише текстове за Квирсе.

Neki od zanimljivih textova:

"You're Tripping"

You suck
I hate "White Power"
I hate you band
Can't you see
This ain't Nazi Germany
Bring on the beers
'Cause we are the Queers
You're Tripping
You're Tripping
Oh yeah [x4]
You suck
Your face is ugly
Your brain's in space
Can't you see
This ain't 1943
Bring on the beers
'Cause we are the Queers

"I Hate Everything"

I hate anchovie pizza
Asparagus and peas
Wanting my desert
And having to say please
I hate
Well I hate everything [x2]
I hate the Grateful Dead
Their hippy fans are such a waste
Everything about them
Even Jerry's ugly face
I hate working around the house
I hate mowing the lawn
I hate doing my homework
I even hate this song
[Chorus x2]

Jedna mnooogo dobra i prava pankerska pesma :mrgreen:

"Hi Mom, It's Me!"

I know you think I'm just a useless stupid punk
Because every night I come home drunk
Hi Mom, it's me, the fuckin' little shit
The ugly little monkey who used to suck your tit

I know you think my band's just a waste of time
Those beer cans you found in my room weren't mine
Hi Mom, it's me, the fuckin' little shit
The ugly little monkey who used to suck your tit

"You Make Me Wanna Puke"

Well I got problems, yes I do
But they never get me down
Whenever I see your face, my head starts spinning 'round
A boo-hoo-hoo-hoo

I got problems, yes I do
Like a monkey on my back
My girlfriend is seventeen and I'm never turning back

Talk shit, smell bad, yes you're so cool
A clueless fuckup, yes it's true
You make me wanna puke
Make me wanna puke
Make me wanna puke
Make me wanna puke
Puke, and I'm gonna puke all over you
Puke, and I don't know what I wanna do
You make puke

I don't wanna work.

I never hold a job for more than a week.
My father was a rich man; and my mother, a geek.
People say I'm lazy, and they say I'm a jerk.
And they're getting pissed 'cause I don't wanna work.

'Cause I don't wanna work.
Well, I don't wanna work.

I never hold a job for more than a week.
My father was a rich man; and my mother, a geek.
People say I'm lazy, and they say I'm a jerk.
And they're getting pissed 'cause I don't wanna work.

'Cause I don't wanna work.
Well, I don't wanna work.
I don't wanna work.
Well, I don't wanna work.


I don't wanna work.
I don't wanna work.
Well, I don't wanna work.
'Cause I don't wanna work.

I like young girls.

I like young girls with their pony tails.
They live in a world where nothing ever fails.
Hanging out.

I like young girls; I like the way they smell.
I like their pretty curls; their curls can go to hell.
Okay, let's go!

I like young girls with their pony tails.
They live in a world where nothing ever fails.
Hanging out.

I like young girls.
I like young girls.
I like young girls.
Well, I like young girl.

Stupid ******* Vegan

Pesma je...strasno dobra!

Acting like you care about
some stupid ******* cow
You ******* vegan
Your PC attitude
It doesn't matter anyhow
You ******* vegan

You're a stupid *******, stupid *******
stupid *******, stupid ******* vegan
You're a stupid *******, stupid *******
stupid *******, stupid ******* vegan
Vegan, vegan stupid ******* vegan

You always pray to Jah when you smoke
your ******* pot - you ******* vegan
You like the Grateful Dead
and think they're ******* hot
You ******* vegan

Your girlfriend doesn't shave her legs or armpits anymore
You ******* vegan
I really hate your guts
'cause you're just a ******* bore
You ******* vegan

Evo i nekih snimaka pa uzivajte!

**** you

Sta mislite o njima? :)
Zaboravih neke slike da ubacim...





