1.Najlakse ti je da udjes u "Safe Mode", ulogujes se kao administrator i uklonis ili promenis lozinku/e.
2.Kreiraj disketu za razbijanje sifre u XP-u i onda restartuj racunar.

Ima jos par nacina, ali ova dva su ti najlaksa
Ja ne mogu da se ulogujem kao administrator,jer sam za nalog administratora zaboravila šifru.Probala sam ali neće,traži lozinku.
Da li postoji nešto drugo?
pa gost ima sumnjive namere, nishta vishe kulirazo...nego kulirazo kad smo kod shifri,imam XP,desava se periodicno posebno kad instaliram neki program ili reinstaliram ,znaci podesio sam da podizem sistem sa shifrom ,medjutim racunar blokira,kazem periodicno kad dodje do shifre,tj.zablokira tastatura, tako da ne mogu da ukucam shifru,pomaze samo BOCA,imas li iskustvo sa ovako necim ?????!!
evo sa ovim mozes da resis problem, instaliras ovaj programcic na nekom drugom racunaru ili nalogu ako ih imas vise na svom racunaru, kreiras disketu (samo prati uputstva), bootujes sa njom, i onda imas pristup svim nalozima. Zatim promenis sifru naloga koji ti treba, restartujes, i to ti je to.
P.S. ovo ti nece pomoci da neprimeceno udjes u neciji nalog posto ce taj neko primetiti promenu sifre

With the CIA Commander Datapol presents the world’s first tool for access to Windows NT/2000 and XP installations that are based on NTFS. The CIA Commander has a graphical user interface and is so small that it can be accommodated on a single floppy disk without difficulty. After a boot time of only 10 seconds (when launching from CD-ROM the time is reduced to just 3-4 seconds), the administrator has access to the entire file system, all user accounts and the registry. The easy-to-understand user interface has many features that administrators have been waiting for a long time. Even in the free test version you can already read the complete file system and registry and even recognize which users are not using a password.
Whoever has tried a system that produces a blue screen when booted, or tried to get a system running again that has a forgotten or locked administrator account, will certainly be enthusiastic about the CIA Commander.


