Srbija Srbima!!! Velika Srbija!!!

Kosovo ili EU?


  • EU

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
I to sto kazes.... zanimljivo je da se mnogi jos uvek nisu oslobodili mitova koji vode u propast....

...Ms. Rice, if you are one who truly believes the Bible as the Word of G-d, you should know that this Land was set aside by G-d as the homeland of the Jewish People. Look carefully in your Bible and try to find a connection with any nation other than the Jewish one. You won’t find it.

The Jewish People was chosen, by G-d, to return to our ancient homeland and become an example for all of the nations of the world by dedicating our lives to serving our Creator. It is only through the Jewish People that blessing will come to our world. We did not come here to dispossess anyone. We came home to fulfill our destiny as Jews and to obey the Commandments of our G-d. Such things can never be subject to compromise.

...Ms. Rice, if you are one who truly believes the Bible as the Word of G-d, you should know that this Land was set aside by G-d as the homeland of the Jewish People. Look carefully in your Bible and try to find a connection with any nation other than the Jewish one. You won’t find it.

The Jewish People was chosen, by G-d, to return to our ancient homeland and become an example for all of the nations of the world by dedicating our lives to serving our Creator. It is only through the Jewish People that blessing will come to our world. We did not come here to dispossess anyone. We came home to fulfill our destiny as Jews and to obey the Commandments of our G-d. Such things can never be subject to compromise.


ne znam kako mzes porediti ove dve stvari.... al' ako ti tako odgovara.....:roll::lol:
pozdrav brate srbine naravno ujedinjene srpske drzave su jedino resenje , ideja i projekat od kojeg mi pravi srbi nikada necemo odustati.

ignorisi komentare ovih ustasa, siptara i nato placenika.

Srbija Srbima!

Bogami, medju Srbima ima više nas ustaša, Šiptara i NATO plaćenika, nego 'vas pravih'. Paradoks brate :lol:
Nećeš li ikad samo pomisliti da MOŽDA nisi u pravu :lol:
Ma sporan je način na koji je postavljena. Zapravo, ne sporan, no smešan!
Ja kažem sad NHD....komentari, ili slonovi... komentari ili WWII .... komentari. Idiotizam!

To je samo tvoje nekog je ovo sto si ti sad napisao idiotizam.

Tema inicira ispoljavanje nacionalizma i pretenzija prema susednim priznatim državama i kao takva treba biti zatvorena....................Zar ne?

Postavljac teme je vec na pocetku je rekao, mada je jasno i da nije "što želim da svi Srbi žive na svojim vjekovnim teritorijama"

Dakle, tema prvashodno inicira teznju da nas narod zivi u istoj drzavi, a pretenzija ka priznatim drzavma je kolateralna steta, mada je i to pod znakom pitanja ako se zna kako su stovrene te drzave.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
