Kosovo - doprinesite!

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Studenti Pravnog fakulteta pokrecu inicijativu slanja mejlova stranim institucijama i znacajnim medjunarodnim faktorima. POMOZITE!!! Personalizujte ovaj emejl, promenite naziv fakulteta ukoliko niste student prava i saljite na sto vise adresa!!! Mejlove saljite
pre svega licnostima koje poznajete (svojim kolegama i poznanicima iz
inostranstva), pojedincima (profesorima univerziteta u svetu na kojima ste
eventualno bili, ili onima koje cije adrese skinete sa sajtova).

Dear [Ime i prezime],

As a member of the academic community and as a student of University of Belgrade School of Law I am deeply distressed by the Kosovo events. As you know, the Parliament of the Serbian Province of Kosovo run by UN Mission has illegally and unilaterally proclaimed independence. This decision was made against the international law and the endorsed UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which calls for a negotiated settlement on future Kosovo status and substantial autonomy of the Province of Kosovo within the Republic of Serbia. If the international community gives its consent for this unlawful act, the internationally recognized borders of Serbia will be redrawn, the sovereignty of Serbia abolished and 15 per cent of its territory amputated. After a decade of ethnic Albanian repression against non-Albanian minorities, Kosovo politicians prove that Kosovo is being established as an ethnic Albanian state, which will not serve all its citizens but only one ethnic group.

I am urging you to call for the international rule of law by not recognizing the phony state of Kosovo as independent, because it is the only way to retain peace and stability in the region as well as in other disputed territories of the world.

Sincerely yours,

[Ime i prezime studenta]
:lol: Koliko se ja secam . to je bilo vezano za studentkinje.
Salu na stranu , svako treba da uradi sta god moze, bez obzira na rezultate.

Ako nema rezultata nema potrebe cimati se.

Umesto mejlova, bolje da svako priloži po dolar nekom kongresmenu.
Za 8 miliona će se iscimati da nam pripoje i Madjarsku :lol:

p.s.Krstarica nema nikakve veze sa ovom NVO/grupom gradjana i sl.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
