Pravljenje gif animacija..

Pa imas vise nacina.Evo kako sam ja to uradio sa onim sto mi je trenutno bilo pri ruci.
U MV2 player-u imas opcuju special controls pa comics creator.Tu podesis iz kog dela videa da izvuce svaki 5,6,7 ili koji vec hoces frejm.Nadjes ih c:\.....\MV2Player\Capture i onda im promenis dimenzije.Zatim u photoshopu slozis sve te frejmove i to je to.
Photoshop nije basplatan ali mnogi ga imaju pa predpostavljam da imas i ti.Ako nemas,moze bilo koji drugi program koji pravi animirane gif.Ono glavno si uradila sa MV2.
Mozda izgleda komplikovano ali veruj mi da nije.
Vec sam puno puta rekao.
Za rad sa animiranim gifovima nema boljeg programa od Image Ready-a koji se dobija uz photoshop.
Da ne bih ja tupio evo deo iz helpa.

You can open movies in MOV, AVI, and FLIC formats to view and edit in ImageReady.

To open QuickTime-compatible movies:

Choose File > Open, and select the movie to open.
Select the range of frames to import:
From Beginning to End to open the full file.
Selected Range Only to open selected frames. Drag the slider below the movie thumbnail to specify the starting point for the range, and then Shift-drag to specify the ending point. (A black bar on the slider indicates the range you select.)
Select Limit to Every number Frame to specify which frames to include from the selected range. (You can use this option with either Range option.)
Click Open.

A onda posle samo exportovati u animirani gif ;)
Evo bas me zainteresovalo sad ovo.Zasto pise u help-u da moze da se otvori avi kad nemoze.Konkretno kod mene,za druge neznam.Izgleda da sam nasao objasnjenje.
Negde na sredini strane.
As for .AVI in imageready. It works. But as you already said. It has to be a raw avi. Not encoded with xvid or divx or any codec for that mater. Otherwise it won't work. Are you sure the file your trying to use it a uncompressed avi? You can always open it with VirtualDub and resave the avi without selecting any compression(Uncompressed RGB/YCbCr). Imageready should be able to open it than.

tab kako si ti resio ovaj problem?Ja imam CS2.Mozda u trojci moze.?
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... ako se uzme u obzir koliko često neki ruše vindovs, neće im trebati da skinu više od 4,5 trajala gif editora, da bi stalno imali instaliran jedan :lol::lol::lol:
