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Estulin: Elitists Consider Assassinating Ron Paul
Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth says intelligence sources told him highest levels of U.S. government discussing what result would be if Congressman was killed

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, December 14, 2007

Best-selling author and Bilderberg sleuth Daniel Estulin says he has received information from sources inside the U.S. intelligence community which suggests that people from the highest levels of the U.S. government are considering an assassination attempt against Congressman Ron Paul because they are threatened by his burgeoning popularity.

Estulin, whose information has unfortunately proven very accurate in the past, went public with the bombshell news during an appearance on The Alex Jones Show today.

"I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering - this has not been confirmed - but assassination is definitely on the agenda and I pray to God that this is not the case," said Estulin.

Estulin pointed out that his past predictions about global events were very accurate because of the solid information provided to him from within Bilderberg and the elite. Over 18 months ago Estulin correctly made the call that the Iran war had been delayed and was probably off the table, which is looking to be exactly the case after the release of the recent National Intelligence Estimate. Estulin in featured at length in Alex Jones' film Endgame, in which he is also filmed making the prediction based on his sources.

Ceo tekst mozete procitati na:

Kada bi vladari iz senke procenili da bi Ron pobedio, a izgleda da mu popularnost raste iz dana u dan, nedugo zatim bi bio ubijen...Bilo bi zaista divno i za Ameriku i za svet kada ne bi bilo tako, ali, nazalost, svi americki politicari visokog ranga koji su digli glas protiv "nevidljive vlade" i radili u interesu naroda, ubijeni su...
Расте му популарност, али треба му лове. Тренутно му је главни медиј интернет, то није довољно, мада је на свеопши шок успео за кратко време да намакне солидну цифру и то баш преко интернета. ТВ станице га игноришу, а избори у Републиканској странци се приближавају. Чуда су могућа, али не верујем да ће успети.
Pa naravno da mu je onemogucen pristup glavnim medijskim kucama. Sve te medijske kuce su u vlasnistvu ljudi koji pripadaju tzv eliti, i naravno Bilderberg grupi. Pa zasto bi radili protiv sebe?
Ja sam, kao i ti skeptik u pogledu njegove pobede, ali, ipa, potajno verujem u cudo. jbg, nada umire poslednja:( Ovde su ljudi pljuvali po prisonplanet ali taj sajt je ucinio mnogo u prikupljanju novca za njegovu kampanju. i bio je gost kod Alexa Jonesa u emisiji. i njegov sin takodje. Svaka cast Alexu i prisonplanet.
Estulin: Neo-Cons Behind Potential Hit On Ron Paul
Investigative reporter goes further on last week's revelations

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet
Friday, December 21, 2007

Investigative reporter Daniel Estulin has gone further with his bombshell revelation first voiced last week that political insiders are considering a plot to assassinate Ron Paul, today identifying the Neo-Con camp as being behind the potential hit.

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show, Estulin said that his sources for the information were real patriots who love America and are desperate to see the truth get out, but that he always took the precaution of getting verification from more than one individual on each piece of information he releases.

"What I said about Ron Paul last week came from two different people who don't know each other," said Estulin, adding that his source had in turn got the information from sources within the Neo-Con camp and that it was individuals from within the Neo-Con camp that are considering what would happen if Ron Paul was assassinated.

Estulin stressed that to elaborate any further he would need to seek permission from those giving him the information to retain their confidence and trust.

"I am getting information from my sources that there are people involved from a higher level of the American establishment who are seriously considering - this has not been confirmed - but assassination is definitely on the agenda and I pray to God that this is not the case," Estulin first told Jones last week.

Another secret service source told Estulin that the message scrolled across the bottom of the screen during Ron Paul's CNN interview on Tuesday, "Paul is dead, Paul is dead, Paul is dead," was potentially more than just a matter of quoting a joke made by Mike Huckabee about attacks on his campaign ads, but in fact could be taken as a threat or even a cue to Paul's would-be

