Kosovo = Republika Srpska

Sta je bolje da bude u Srbiji

  • Kosovo

  • R .Srpska

Rezultati ankete su vidlјivi nakon glasanja.
Danas su Uskrsnje zadusnice

mislio sam na povratak Veišaupta...nakon šta se sakrio u senku nakon što su ga forumaši otkrili kao prvoklasnog perverznjaka u ovoj
:arrow: http://forum.krstarica.com/threads/225175 :dash::dash::dash:
i još mnogo drugih tema
(dovoljno je otvoriti njegov stari nalog:
:arrow: http://forum.krstarica.com/member.php?u=125497
i da se dobije uvid u veličinu te "persone") :mrgreen::evil:



WEIŠAUPT gde ti je kolega (kako ga ono ti zoveš) "Peković i ja" !? :rotf:

šta sad vas dvoje spremate? :mrgreen: ...hoćete li IJOPET da barite za 6 evra po Dubrovniku? :hahaha:

koje 0ileje...:dash::rotf:
Па КиМ је већ у Србији, док ми у РС већ имамо Западну Србску државу, која захваљујући глупој америчкој администарцији , само што није постала независна....


According to the census of 22 April 1895, Bosnia has 1,361,868 inhabitants and Herzegovina 229,168, giving a total population of 1,591,036. The number of persons to the square mile is small (about 80), less than that in any of the other Austrian crown provinces excepting Salzburg (about 70). This average does not vary much in the six districts (five in Bosnia, one in Herzegovina). The number of persons to the square mile in these districts is as follows: Doljna Tuzla, 106; Banjaluka, 96; Bihac, 91; Serajevo, 73, Mostar (Herzegovina), 65, Travnik, 62. There are 5,388 settlements, of which only 11 have more than 5,000 inhabitants, while 4,689 contain less 500 persons. Excluding some 30,000 Albanians living in the south-east, the Jews who emigrated in earlier times from Spain, a few Osmanli Turks, the merchants, officials. and Austrian troops, the rest of the population (about 98 per cent) belong to the southern Slavonic people, the Serbs.


Босна је имала 98% Срба 1895!
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