25 eura ko mi instalira red alert 1

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Brate ja sam iz Leskovca ...
I evo tti resenje a ti ako hoces posalji mi 25 eura jer bi mi dobro dosli ;)
First put the RA CD on first CD/DVD drive.
1) On CD, there are folder named SETUP and there are dos version of the installer, install.exe. Launch it.
2) It'll start and then ask for sound card, I selected none.
3) Then it asks where to install. C:\WESTWOOD\RA
4) Files copied....
5) After install go to where you installed it.
6) Create shortcut for RUNGAME.EXE.
7) Right-click the shortcut, and select Properties.
8) Select Compatiblity tab, select Windows 2000+Run in 256 colors+run in 640x480+disable visual themes+turn off advanced text service. OK.
9) Run game via shortcut.

Another solution:

Download 1.08 patch. http://www.sharoma.com/ral/files/ra108usp.exe. Copy the file to RA folder, doubleclick it. Then use extracted PATCH.EXE to patch it.

Now you have patched the game, create shortcut for RA95.exe. Apply following compatiblity settings to shortcut: Windows 95,256 colors,640x480,Disable themes and turn off advanced text services.
) Copy the patch file ("ra108usp.exe") to your RA folder ("c:\westwood\redalert").
2) Doubleclick the patch file to start file extracting.
3) Now, on the folder there should be file named "patch.exe". Doubleclick it.
4) Wait while it patches RA. Dos screen will appear for while. Let it finish.
5) Now you have patched the game, create shortcut for file named "RA95.exe". Rightclick the shortcut and select Properties. Click Compatiblity tab. Apply following compatiblity settings to shortcut: Windows 95, 256 colors, 640x480, Disable themes and turn off advanced text services.
6) Done, launch the game by using this shortcut.
Mozda ga put kosta vise od 25 jevreja :lol:

Dva resenja.


First put the RA CD on first CD/DVD drive.
1) On CD, there are folder named SETUP and there are dos version of the installer, install.exe. Launch it.
2) It'll start and then ask for sound card, I selected none.
3) Then it asks where to install. C:\WESTWOOD\RA
4) Files copied....
5) After install go to where you installed it.
6) Create shortcut for RUNGAME.EXE.
7) Right-click the shortcut, and select Properties.
8) Select Compatiblity tab, select Windows 2000+Run in 256 colors+run in 640x480+disable visual themes+turn off advanced text service. OK.
9) Run game via shortcut.

(uz pomoc poatcha

1) Copy the patch file ("ra108usp.exe") to your RA folder ("c:\westwood\redalert").
2) Doubleclick the patch file to start file extracting.
3) Now, on the folder there should be file named "patch.exe". Doubleclick it.
4) Wait while it patches RA. Dos screen will appear for while. Let it finish.
5) Now you have patched the game, create shortcut for file named "RA95.exe". Rightclick the shortcut and select Properties. Click Compatiblity tab. Apply following compatiblity settings to shortcut: Windows 95, 256 colors, 640x480, Disable themes and turn off advanced text services.
6) Done, launch the game by using this shortcut.

Ljudima je uspevalo..

Sledeci put seti se
Google je tvoj najbolji prijatelj a usparaces 25 evra ;)
a evo jos jedno vrlo animljivo resenje

Autoexec.nt is a text file,
Create a new one in notepad and enter following text :

@echo off

REM AUTOEXEC.BAT is not used to initialize the MS-DOS environment.
REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.

REM Install CD ROM extensions
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe

REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\redir

REM Install DPMI support
lh %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx

REM The following line enables Sound Blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM.
REM The command for setting the BLASTER environment is as follows:
REM where:
REM A specifies the sound blaster's base I/O port
REM I specifies the interrupt request line
REM D specifies the 8-bit DMA channel
REM P specifies the MPU-401 base I/O port
REM T specifies the type of sound blaster card
REM 1 - Sound Blaster 1.5
REM 2 - Sound Blaster Pro I
REM 3 - Sound Blaster 2.0
REM 4 - Sound Blaster Pro II
REM 6 - SOund Blaster 16/AWE 32/32/64
REM The default value is A220 I5 D1 T3 and P330. If any of the switches is
REM left unspecified, the default value will be used. (NOTE, since all the
REM ports are virtualized, the information provided here does not have to
REM match the real hardware setting.) NTVDM supports Sound Blaster 2.0 only.
REM The T switch must be set to 3, if specified.
SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 P330 T3

REM To disable the sound blaster 2.0 support on NTVDM, specify an invalid
REM SB base I/O port address. For example:

My Red Alert wouldn't install on my Windows XP. After I did this, I actually COULD install it. Thanks you, mister Peter Hutchison ! : )

Good luck with installing RA1,

Angelus - NL
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
