Siptarski bolesnici terorisu Evropu

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Aktivan član
Two Kosovo Albanians rape a 5 year old girl (in Switzerland)

BERN (Associated Press) -- Switzerland remained shocked Wednesday the shortly after the publication of the rape of a five year old young girl by schoolboys of 11 and 13 years made in June in the Grison commune of Rhazuns.

"It is alarming. One forever considering that", declared the Minister for Justice, confirming that the two perpetrators were Albanians from Kosovo.

For Christophe Blocher, who expressed itself in front of the press, it is about a "frightening event" and all must be implemented to prevent other sexual abuse of this kind.

The federal Office of the migrations will examine under what conditions the two child rapists lived. It will also be necessary to examine whether sexual reasons are really at the origin of this act, continued the minister.

The business of Rhazuns was approached Wednesday by the federal Council (government) in margin of his meeting.

According to newspapers' Swiss German "Blick" and "Sudostschweiz", which made the public affair, the young girl was attracted into the neighbourhood park and then sexually mistreated by the two schoolboys. The small victim was held by the smaller boy when the 13 year old teenager violated her. The younger boy then also violated her.

All three lived in Rhazuns and knew each other. The prosecutor for minors of the canton of the Grisons, Albert Fausch, stated Tuesday that measures had been taken against the two boys, who do not attend any more the local school.

The procedure against the two boys is always in hand. For the punishable acts made by children of less than 15 years, the Swiss penal code envisages educational measurements. The authority of judgement can order the educational welfare, the family placement or the sending in a house of education. Disciplinary measurements, like the obligation with a school work or stops, are also possible.

Jos kad vidim one snimke kako trpaku magarca na nekoj planincini i cujem price kakav incest vlada kod njih (brat trpa sestru,kevu,cale cerku.....) sta misliti o njima nego da su bagra.To treba u obore i drzati na oku da slucajno neki ne pobegne.Ne mogu da verujem da evropa ne vidi kakve su zveri u pitanju tj vidi to Evropa ali tkupljuje politicare zbog cega obican narod u Evropi strada. Glavni su u trgovini belim robljem,truju decu drogom a evo i siluju petogodisnje devojcice.
@ tema

Искрено речено, заболе ме за Швајцарску - они су их подржавали, они су их гајили, они су их мазили - па ето им сада нека и они сазнају КО СУ ШИПТАРИ........
Inace imao sam prilike prosle godine da upoznam jednog Francuza koji je radio za umnik i bio je prvo godinu dana u Makedoniji a posle na KiM i sad su ga prebacili u BGD.
Kaze da se preporodio kad je dosao ovde i da vise nije mogao da gleda siptare dole i da tako nesto nikada u zivotu nije video.Takodje cudi se i sto su u samoj Srbiji dosta ravnodusni ljudi na to sto se zbiva tamo i da bi bez obzira na politiku zapada morali mnogo zesce da se suprostavimo onome sto se dole zbiva. Ali jbg.
uh biljo koliko ja mogu postaviti linkova... dovoljno je samo napisat masakra kosova i.... ali ne vidim cemo to vodi

Evo napisao i nema nista vec mi nudi da probam sa masakra kosovo i onda dobijem 4-5 linkova od koga su 2 o namestaljci u Racku ,jedan sa Klintonom,jedan o nekim hrccima koji plesu .Taj je i najbolji .Nadam se samo da ih neki siptar posle nije silovao,mislim te hrcke nesretne/
