Putin naredio Ruskim Specijalnim Snagama da brane Iran u slucaju napada

Istocni Vetar

Putin je izdao naredbu ruskim Specijalnim Snagama da brane Bushehr nuklearnu elektranu u slucaju napada Izraela i Amerike..

Putin Orders Russian Military Forces To Attack US Forces During Iran Invasion

Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that President Putin has issued orders to the Russian Interior Ministry to ‘immediately’ dispatch Spetsnaz (Special Forces) troops to Iran to protect ‘vital’ Russian assets, including the Bushehr Nuclear power plant.

These reports state that this order from President Putin to the Interior Ministry includes the phrase, “against any and all hostile forces”, and which analysts state is a direct threat to US and Israeli Forces currently massing for their planned attack and invasion of Iran.

According to these reports, President Putin was ‘strongly’ lobbied by Saudi Arabia to create a ‘buffer’ against further US aggression in the Gulf Region, and which the Saudi King in his talks with President Putin this week stated his belief that the United States after attacking Iran would then set its sites upon his oil rich nation.

The fears of Saudi Arabia about an American takeover of their oil fields was further confirmed this week with the pronouncements of US Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns to end US oil purchases from Venezuela, and which would leave only the Saudi Kingdom able to make up the difference in lost oil to the Americans.
Јбт, изгледа да је почела оштра игра. Дошло пролеће, "меда" изашао из пећине ...
Шта ли ће сад ова двојица ?
Putin je izdao naredbu ruskim Specijalnim Snagama da brane Bushehr nuklearnu elektranu u slucaju napada Izraela i Amerike..

Putin Orders Russian Military Forces To Attack US Forces During Iran Invasion

Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that President Putin has issued orders to the Russian Interior Ministry to ‘immediately’ dispatch Spetsnaz (Special Forces) troops to Iran to protect ‘vital’ Russian assets, including the Bushehr Nuclear power plant.

These reports state that this order from President Putin to the Interior Ministry includes the phrase, “against any and all hostile forces”, and which analysts state is a direct threat to US and Israeli Forces currently massing for their planned attack and invasion of Iran.

According to these reports, President Putin was ‘strongly’ lobbied by Saudi Arabia to create a ‘buffer’ against further US aggression in the Gulf Region, and which the Saudi King in his talks with President Putin this week stated his belief that the United States after attacking Iran would then set its sites upon his oil rich nation.

The fears of Saudi Arabia about an American takeover of their oil fields was further confirmed this week with the pronouncements of US Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns to end US oil purchases from Venezuela, and which would leave only the Saudi Kingdom able to make up the difference in lost oil to the Americans.
Silent Bob:
Eto... Rusi ce u rat radje radi Irana nego radi nas... verovatno ih smatraju bratskijim... otvaraj sampanjac, we are freeeeeeeeeeee... freeeeeedooooom... 8)
Тактички, ово је боља варијанта за нас. Довољно је да склоне каубојску пажњу са Срба на Балкану, ми можемо сами да завршимо послове. :wink:
Putin je izdao naredbu ruskim Specijalnim Snagama da brane Bushehr nuklearnu elektranu u slucaju napada Izraela i Amerike..

Putin Orders Russian Military Forces To Attack US Forces During Iran Invasion
Russian Military Analysts are reporting today that President Putin has issued orders to the Russian Interior Ministry to ‘immediately’ dispatch Spetsnaz (Special Forces) troops to Iran to protect ‘vital’ Russian assets, including the Bushehr Nuclear power plant.

These reports state that this order from President Putin to the Interior Ministry includes the phrase, “against any and all hostile forces”, and which analysts state is a direct threat to US and Israeli Forces currently massing for their planned attack and invasion of Iran.
According to these reports, President Putin was ‘strongly’ lobbied by Saudi Arabia to create a ‘buffer’ against further US aggression in the Gulf Region, and which the Saudi King in his talks with President Putin this week stated his belief that the United States after attacking Iran would then set its sites upon his oil rich nation.

The fears of Saudi Arabia about an American takeover of their oil fields was further confirmed this week with the pronouncements of US Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns to end US oil purchases from Venezuela, and which would leave only the Saudi Kingdom able to make up the difference in lost oil to the Americans.

Nista od toga, prazne price....
Jedino su eventualno moguci nekakvi ograniceni vazdusni udari po nuklearnim postrojenjima, a bilo kakav veliki rat protiv Irana, za Busha u ovom trenutku je obicna fantazija.
Ma Bushmani porodicno nisu u stanju da srede Irak 15 godina, kakav crni Iran, a jos manje Rusija :roll: .
Naravno postoji pritisak da se nesto preduzme, ali sa ocajnom situacijom u Iraku, ne vidim da je moguce bilo sta, sem eventualno napada iz vazduha (a i to mozda).
Dakle nista od III sv. rata, bar za sada :D

Па ко би нормалан напао Русију. Нико, Нико нормалан... А ко каже да су најмоћнији нормални?
Па ко би нормалан напао Русију. Нико, Нико нормалан... А ко каже да су најмоћнији нормални?
Sad se setih jednog crtanog u kome Bush objavljuje rat Velikoj Britaniji :mrgreen:
(probacu da nadjem)
Da taj lik zaista ima nekakvu vlast, napao bi on i Severnu Dakotu, ali tesko da to od njega zavisi. Kad ne moze da iskamci par hiljada vojnika od Kongresa, ne znam cime bi on to izvrsio invaziju na Iran. A da ne zaboravimo da je Iran i geografski i populaciono, mnogo gori protivnik od Iraka.
