Srpski izbori - koje SAD moraju da dobiju!?


Predsednik Avganistana Hamid Karzai, i pored toga sto su ga SAD instalirale za predsednika, ima hrabrosti da ove, odnosno njihov NATO, optuzi da svojim bombardovanjima unistavaju avganistanski narod. Tako rade pravi rodoljubi kad su njihovi najvitalniji narodni interesi ugrozeni gotovo svuda u svetu i bez obzira da li su vazali ili ne.
NATO je 78 dana divljacki bombardovao Srbiju, usmrtio oko dve hiljade Srba uglavnom civila, naneo stetu od $30 do $50 miliardi dolara; a razarajuci rafinerije u Pancevu i Novom Sadu pocinio eko-katastrofu, izazvao ogroman porast obolenja od raka usled bombardovanja projektilima ispunjenih osiromasenim uranijumom, pocinio direktan zlocin protiv jedne civilne ustanove gadjajuci Radio televiziju Srbije (16 mrtvih) i uprkos toga sto bi se na tom istom "kulturnom" Zapadu, takva vrsta zlocina smatrala za najvece svetogrdje.
Cilj cele ove tragi-komedije bio je da OVK, kao sto jeste, bude najveci korisnik te mahinacije - nezavisno Kosovo! - i da NATO "opravda" svoj ilegalni rat i zlocin protiv Srbije.
Idu izbori u Srbiji. Njih - kaze jedna od americkih prefinjenih novih strateskih mera - Tadic mora da dobije jer,posto, naravno, dobije izbore, svojim ce potpisima na dokument o konacnom statusu Kosova doprinjeti kako bi ono steklo nezavisnost od Srbije.
U stvari, cela nova strategija zavisi od njih. Kako ih dobiti? Svi metodi su dozvoljeni: od petooktobarskih (ukljucujuci nagodbu sa mafijom, koja je pomogla Djindjicu da obori Milosevica) do ruzicasto-oranznih „revolicija" iz Gruzije odnosno Ukrajine.
Izgleda, pak, kao da SAD jos nista nisu naucile iz svoje iracke odiseje. Pa su sad smelo zagazile na Tadicev vrlo tanak led... A i Tadic, izgleda, zaboravio je da Srbi, makar kakvi inace bili, imaju jos uvek "dugo" pamcenje... narocito kad je izdaja u pitanju!

Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore, dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines on the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner! O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wiped out their foul footstep's pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

Oh! thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust."
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Da naprimer-Iskrcavanje u Normandiji...Dan-D da se skrshi Hitlerizam......Pravi nacisti, pravi :razz:

Довољно је само поменути да су ти разбојници ПОБИЛИ 25,000 000 ИНДИЈАНАЦА... а и данас их држе у РЕЗЕРВАТИМА ...
и да све што чине по целом свету чине по истом
рецепту до данас!
Jbte ovaj goxy nije normalan lepi tu neke glupave sliketine, kao amerikanci se bore za slobodu d rugih naroda i ostale gluposti. Jedino za sta se amerikanci bore jesu moc, novac, i kontrola. Sve ostalo je laz. I u drugom svetskom ratu su se borili u Evropi zarad moci, novca i kontrole cele zapadne evrope, a ne radi "slobode".
Koju nisu sproveli samo ameri.....Vec koalicija od 19 ali 19 zemalja sveta:shock:.........
Evo shta NATO sam kaze o tome :arrow:
NATO's role in Kosovo
A historical overview

Kosovo lies in southern Serbia and has a mixed population of which the majority are ethnic Albanians. Until 1989, the region enjoyed a high degree of autonomy within the former Yugoslavia, when Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic altered the status of the region, removing its autonomy and bringing it under the direct control of Belgrade, the Serbian capital. The Kosovar Albanians strenuously opposed the move.
See also:

* Fact Sheet: NATO's Role in Relation to Kosovo
* Facts and figures: Kosovo
* Historical overview

Operation Allied Force - 23 March-10 June 1999 , dakle nikakav milosrdni andjeo :shock:

NATO intervened in Kosovo to halt a humanitarian catastrophe and restore stability in a strategic region lying between Alliance member states. Despite strains, the Alliance held together during 78 days of air strikes in which more than 38,000 sorties - 10,484 of them strike sorties - were flown without a single Allied fatality.

See also:

* Operation Allied Force: Operational updates, transcripts of the morning and afternoon press briefings, maps, aerial views, videos and high resolution photos

Operation Joint Guardian (KFOR) - 11 June 1999- ,ono shto se sada sprovodi na Kosovu :!:

NATO forms the core of the international peacekeeping mission to Kosovo, or Kosovo Force (KFOR), in which some 46,000 military personnel from 39 countries are deployed. The mission is seeking to build a secure environment within the Serbian province in which all citizens, irrespective of their ethnic origins, can live in peace and, with international aid, democracy can begin to grow.
Довољно је само поменути да су ти разбојници ПОБИЛИ 25,000 000 ИНДИЈАНАЦА... а и данас их држе у РЕЗЕРВАТИМА ...
и да све што чине по целом свету чине по истом
рецепту до данас!

pa koji ti je to argument????
da nije bilo tih amerikanaca u drugom svetskom ratu svi bi sada vikali heil heil....
pa koji ti je to argument????
da nije bilo tih amerikanaca u drugom svetskom ratu svi bi sada vikali heil heil....

Американци су само ЗАМЕНИЛИ хитлеровце - ИСТА МЕТА - ИСТО ОДСТОЈАЊЕ !
Нема никакве разлике између њих - само су им методи софистициранији..... 8-)
WASP is a North American sociological term, derived from an acronym for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.

The term does not have a precise definition and can be used to describe greatly differing sociological groups.[1] The WASP acronym originated in the United States in reference to White Americans with an "old money" background, who are alleged to form a powerful elite.[1] Some may use the term to describe any white person who does not claim any minority affiliation, regardless of their socio-economic status or actual ancestry.[1] However, working class whites in the U.S. are not usually referred to as WASPs, even if they are Protestants of Anglo-Saxon descent.

Strictly speaking, many people now referred to as "WASPs" are not Anglo-Saxon, that is the descendants of some Germanic peoples, who settled in Britain between the 5th century and the Norman Conquest. According to some sources, Anglo-Saxon ancestry is not even dominant in England, which is generally regarded as the Anglo-Saxon heartland.[2] Thus non-Anglo Saxon old money families in North America, such as the Du Pont family (who have French Huguenot origins), the Vanderbilts (Dutch) and the Astors (German), may be called WASPs.[3] The word white is redundant, since all Anglo-Saxons — whether in the strict or popular sense of the term — were or are white.

The term WASP has many meanings. In sociology it reflects that segment of the U.S. population that founded the nation and traced their heritages to ... Western Europe... The term has largely negative connotations... Today... less than 25 percent of the U.S. population [is WASP]. Nevertheless they contine to... have disproportionate influence over... American institutions. The term... has become more inclusive. To many people, WASP now include most 'white' people who are not... members of any minority group. (William E. Thompson, Joseph V. Hickey; Society in Focus, 2005.[1])

Usage of the term WASP has grown in other English-speaking countries, such as Australia, which were settled by members of similar ethnic groups. Beyond the English-speaking world, the term is sometimes used in a metaphorical sense, to refer to perceived elite social groups.
Jeste, Waspovci sprovode planove Vatikana........Pali Jeremita, ne znash nich:lol:
