Gazprom gazi Evropom...

Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.

Istocni Vetar

Ruska kompanija Gazprom polako postaje svetska vodeca kompanija u Energetici..
Pojedini eksperti sa svetskih berzi tvrde da ce Gazprom postati prva svetska kompanija cija ce vrednost preci 1000 milijardi dolara.
Pre nekoliko godina Gazprom je vredio 40 milijardi dolara-danas vredi 273 milijarde dolara..
Gazprom se siri Evropom i svetom...
Nekada je Evropa strepela od ruske cizme-posle od ruskog tenka i nuklearnog naoruzanja-danas Evropa strepi od moguceg zatvaranja Gazpromovih ventila i dotoka energije...

Gazprom's latest moves on international markets have shown that the Russian gas monopoly is strengthening its positions and becoming integrated into the global economy.

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Gaz de France President Jean-Francois Cirelli have recently signed an agreement to extend contracts for Russian gas supplies until 2030.

Under the contracts, Gazprom will sell up to 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas to French end consumers as of next year. In 2005, Russia supplied 13.1 billion cubic meters of gas to France. GdF's portfolio totals about 67 billion cubic meters of gas.

Italy's Eni and Austria's OMV also agreed to make similar concessions as part of agreements to extend their long-term contracts. Eni will enable Gazprom to sell 2 billion cubic meters of gas on the Italian market, and to raise this amount to 3 billion cubic meters in 2010. OMV granted the Russian energy giant the right to sell 1.7 billion cubic meters in Austria through GWH and Centrex, which are affiliated to Gazprom Export and Gazprombank.

German E.ON-Ruhrgas refused to give the Russian gas company access to its sector of the German market. However, Gazprom has agreed to swap assets with German energy companies. As a result, Gazprom will exchange stakes in the Yuzhno-Russkoye deposit for access to European gas distribution networks. Agreement has also been reached to jointly build the Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea.

Dutch Gasunie has also offered Gazprom a stake in the BBL gas pipeline, which connects Belgium to Great Britain, and promised to give the Russian company access to the Dutch market in exchange for 9% in Nord Stream.

All this clearly shows that a strategic assets swap, which Gazprom talked about last year, is being put into practice. Foreigners have secured long-term gas supplies and stakes in Russian gas fields, while Gazprom will get access to European gas distribution networks.

Global hydrocarbon reserves are limited and mostly located in problem-ridden regions, hence the interest in Russian gas assets, which seem more secure than Venezuelan, Nigerian or Iraqi ones. Foreign investors' confidence in Russian companies, such as Gazprom, has grown significantly in the past few years. Early this century, Gazprom's capitalization was $45-$50 billion, and today it makes $273 billion. The global stock market has appreciated the Russian gas monopoly's play in the global arena.

The agreement with Gaz de France actually means that Gazprom has made an advance payment to the French state-owned concern in the hope that it will buy some of its assets. During the forthcoming merger of GdF and Suez the two companies will have to cede control of some of their assets in Belgium and France. A decision has been made to sell stakes in Belgian Distrigaz, including its French assets, and in power engineering company SPE, a joint venture of GdF and British Centrica, as well as Cofathec Coriance, GdF's thermal network in France.

"We will be open to outside proposals," said Gaz de France President Jean-Francois Cirelli. According to the mass media, during their negotiations Gazprom and GdF discussed every asset that could be sold in detail.

Gazprom's access to end consumers in France and other European countries shows that Moscow is determined to build a balanced scheme of gas cooperation with Europe that would ensure the energy security of both parties. By issuing long-term guarantees of stable gas deliveries Gazprom is seeking access to distribution networks for stable gas sales. Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said the agreement with Gaz de France was aimed at improving France's energy security. In turn, the head of the French monopoly said: "We consider Gazprom the best of all companies we would like to see on our market."

In the outgoing year consolidations, mergers and takeovers became a characteristic feature of energy market growth. Most analysts in the West describe the merger of Norwegian companies Statoil and Norsk Hydro, and the forthcoming merger of Gaz de France and Suez as counterbalance to Gazprom, which has been strengthening its positions in Europe. However, the Russian company is also becoming integrated into the European gas market. Core companies have set a trend of swapping assets and giving one another access to lucrative sectors or deposits of natural resources.

Gazprom's huge resources make it possible to suggest that it will be stepping up its acquisition of European gas transportation, storage and distribution assets. One can agree with the Russian gas monopoly's head, who said that the trend was aimed at strengthening European energy security, which is impossible without a balanced system that would take into account the interests of both consumers and producers.
Lepo, samo kad bi jos Srbija nasla nacin da iskoristi ugovor o slobodnoj trgovini sa Rusijom i postane (bar u necemu) spona izmedju istoka i zapada, pa da nesto zaradimo- ne bi bilo lose, SIGURNO JE MNOOGO BOLJE OD SLEPE POSLUSNOSTI PREMA ZAPADU.
Lepo, samo kad bi jos Srbija nasla nacin da iskoristi ugovor o slobodnoj trgovini sa Rusijom i postane (bar u necemu) spona izmedju istoka i zapada, pa da nesto zaradimo- ne bi bilo lose, SIGURNO JE MNOOGO BOLJE OD SLEPE POSLUSNOSTI PREMA ZAPADU.
Srbiji je izuzetno vazno da razvije dobre odnose sa Gazprom-om..
Struja proizvedena iz elektrana na gas je dosta jeftinija i Srbija treba da gradi vise elektrana na bazi ruskog gasa i da prodaje struju u okruzenju.
Tako Srbija i Rusija zajednicki mogu da dele veliku dobit.
Inace u svakoj zemlji sveta politiku kreiraju vodece kompanije i najbolje je direktno praviti profitabilne projekte sa vodecim kompanijama..

................................История боевых подводных кораблей и зарождение этого нового типа оружия ведет свое начало с этой неказистой на вид посудины яйцеобразной формы, которая и представляет собой самую первую подводную лодку, примененную в боевых условиях. Это «Черепаха», созданная Дэвидом Бушнеллом, пытливым изобретателем, так же подарившим миру первую подводную мину (
Meni je ta kompanija ista kao i svaka sa zapada. Krši i lomi sve ispred sebe zarad profita. Tu se vidi sve licemerje. Pitao bih ja Beloruse, Gruzine i Ukrajince šta misle kad ih maltretira takav džin?
Isto je sve, EU krka Balkan, Rusi Baltik, Kina južnu Aziju, Ameri ceo svet... "Princip je isti, sve ostalo su nijanse"
Ruska kompanija Gazprom polako postaje svetska vodeca kompanija u Energetici..
pitam se sta ce biti kad isisaju svu naftu i gas...a to ce se desiti u narednih 20-30 godina...vojska im je truba,gradjani prilicno siromasni,a azijata koji su neprijateljski raspolozeni prema rusima sve vise...nije ni tamo sve tako svetlo...
pitam se sta ce biti kad isisaju svu naftu i gas...a to ce se desiti u narednih 20-30 godina...vojska im je truba,gradjani prilicno siromasni,a azijata koji su neprijateljski raspolozeni prema rusima sve vise...nije ni tamo sve tako svetlo...

А не питаш се шта ће бити са Европом кад муслимани пређу 50% становништва?
Не питаш се шта че бити са Америком кад оно што дугују Кинезима и Јапанцима доспе на отплату?

А Русија лову од нафте ставља у посебан фонд. Од сваког барела 30$ иде у буџет на потрошњу, а сав вишак у тај фонд. Дакле нема разлога да се "бринеш". Не бринеш се ти. Ти мрзиш Русе као и сви из LSD-NSDAP секте.
pitam se sta ce biti kad isisaju svu naftu i gas...a to ce se desiti u narednih 20-30 godina...vojska im je truba,gradjani prilicno siromasni,a azijata koji su neprijateljski raspolozeni prema rusima sve vise...nije ni tamo sve tako svetlo...

Nemas pojma . Rusija uopste ne izvozi svoje resurse vec resurse bivsih SSSR republika pre svega Kazahstana, Azerbejdzana, Jermenije i Turkmenstana. Recimo sav gas koji dolazi u Evropu je iz Kazahstana koju su celokupnu proizvodnju u narednih 50 godina otkupili Rusi po ceni od 50 dolara po kubnom metru. Taj gas Rusi mesaju sa svojim u srazmeni 90:10 i kao takav izvoze u Evropu.

Sta ce biti kad isisaju svu naftu i gas? Bice to da ce biti vlasnici vecine firmi u Evropi. Jedan ruski bogatas je pre nekoliko dana pokusao da kupi nemacki DOJCE TELEKOM. Kupovina je izbegnuta jedva uz zestoko netrzisno mesanje nemacke drzave , no to nece moci izbeci na duzi rok . Rusija i Rusi kupuju u Evropi maltene sve sto valja i oni ce biti u narednih 50 godina sigurno, novi ekonomski vladari Evrope.
pitam se sta ce biti kad isisaju svu naftu i gas...a to ce se desiti u narednih 20-30 godina...vojska im je truba,gradjani prilicno siromasni,a azijata koji su neprijateljski raspolozeni prema rusima sve vise...nije ni tamo sve tako svetlo...

Zalihe su mnogo vece od ovog sto si ti naveo.Zalihe gasa su dovoljne za narednih 50 i vise godina.Vojska im je u procesu modernizacije i za par godina bice u samo vrhu,svaki dan se uvode nova sredstva u upotrebu a zadnji primer je SU-34 koji je najmoderniji avion u svetu u svojoj klasi.Standard gradjana se svake godine dize neverovatnom brzinom.To sto su neki muslimani neraspolozeni prema Rusiji ne znaci nista jer ako samo nesto pokusaju nestace sa zemljine kugle.
Ma zalihe nafte i gasa su dovoljne za najmanje 100 sledecih godina. Ovi koji pricaju o tome zaboravljaju da tehnologija busenja nafte i gasa napreduje stalno i da recimo se danas gas i nafta vade sa 3-4 puta vecih dubina od onih sa kojih su se vadili 70tih godina proslog veka. Tada su rpedvidjali da ce zalihe trajati do 2010 godine al sad je to produzeno do 2050.
Srbiji je izuzetno vazno da razvije dobre odnose sa Gazprom-om..
Struja proizvedena iz elektrana na gas je dosta jeftinija i Srbija treba da gradi vise elektrana na bazi ruskog gasa i da prodaje struju u okruzenju.
Tako Srbija i Rusija zajednicki mogu da dele veliku dobit.
Inace u svakoj zemlji sveta politiku kreiraju vodece kompanije i najbolje je direktno praviti profitabilne projekte sa vodecim kompanijama..

Pa veliko je pitanje kako ce se dobit rasporedjivati?I da li ce uopste profitirati Rusija,a da Sriju i ne spominje...Zna se dobro ko upravlja tim prirodnim resursima....Mozemo samo ocekivati energetski rat...
Ko upravlja prirodnim resursima pa da Rusija nebi profitirala od SVOG gasa ??? bas me zanima...a onda spominjes i energetski rat i "tog nekog" ko bi smeo da im stane na put u vezi neceg sto je svakako njihovo ....

kakve ovde ljudi gluposti valjaju pa to je strasno...
Ko upravlja prirodnim resursima pa da Rusija nebi profitirala od SVOG gasa ??? bas me zanima...a onda spominjes i energetski rat i "tog nekog" ko bi smeo da im stane na put u vezi neceg sto je svakako njihovo ....

kakve ovde ljudi gluposti valjaju pa to je strasno...

Kupi novi broj Geopolitike....Imas dobar clanak o energetskom ratu...Moras malo da se edukujes...
Ruska kompanija Gazprom polako postaje svetska vodeca kompanija u Energetici..
Pojedini eksperti sa svetskih berzi tvrde da ce Gazprom postati prva svetska kompanija cija ce vrednost preci 1000 milijardi dolara.
Pre nekoliko godina Gazprom je vredio 40 milijardi dolara-danas vredi 273 milijarde dolara..
Gazprom se siri Evropom i svetom...
Nekada je Evropa strepela od ruske cizme-posle od ruskog tenka i nuklearnog naoruzanja-danas Evropa strepi od moguceg zatvaranja Gazpromovih ventila i dotoka energije...

Gazprom's latest moves on international markets have shown that the Russian gas monopoly is strengthening its positions and becoming integrated into the global economy.

Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Gaz de France President Jean-Francois Cirelli have recently signed an agreement to extend contracts for Russian gas supplies until 2030.

Under the contracts, Gazprom will sell up to 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas to French end consumers as of next year. In 2005, Russia supplied 13.1 billion cubic meters of gas to France. GdF's portfolio totals about 67 billion cubic meters of gas.

Italy's Eni and Austria's OMV also agreed to make similar concessions as part of agreements to extend their long-term contracts. Eni will enable Gazprom to sell 2 billion cubic meters of gas on the Italian market, and to raise this amount to 3 billion cubic meters in 2010. OMV granted the Russian energy giant the right to sell 1.7 billion cubic meters in Austria through GWH and Centrex, which are affiliated to Gazprom Export and Gazprombank.

German E.ON-Ruhrgas refused to give the Russian gas company access to its sector of the German market. However, Gazprom has agreed to swap assets with German energy companies. As a result, Gazprom will exchange stakes in the Yuzhno-Russkoye deposit for access to European gas distribution networks. Agreement has also been reached to jointly build the Nord Stream pipeline under the Baltic Sea.

Dutch Gasunie has also offered Gazprom a stake in the BBL gas pipeline, which connects Belgium to Great Britain, and promised to give the Russian company access to the Dutch market in exchange for 9% in Nord Stream.

All this clearly shows that a strategic assets swap, which Gazprom talked about last year, is being put into practice. Foreigners have secured long-term gas supplies and stakes in Russian gas fields, while Gazprom will get access to European gas distribution networks.

Global hydrocarbon reserves are limited and mostly located in problem-ridden regions, hence the interest in Russian gas assets, which seem more secure than Venezuelan, Nigerian or Iraqi ones. Foreign investors' confidence in Russian companies, such as Gazprom, has grown significantly in the past few years. Early this century, Gazprom's capitalization was $45-$50 billion, and today it makes $273 billion. The global stock market has appreciated the Russian gas monopoly's play in the global arena.

The agreement with Gaz de France actually means that Gazprom has made an advance payment to the French state-owned concern in the hope that it will buy some of its assets. During the forthcoming merger of GdF and Suez the two companies will have to cede control of some of their assets in Belgium and France. A decision has been made to sell stakes in Belgian Distrigaz, including its French assets, and in power engineering company SPE, a joint venture of GdF and British Centrica, as well as Cofathec Coriance, GdF's thermal network in France.

"We will be open to outside proposals," said Gaz de France President Jean-Francois Cirelli. According to the mass media, during their negotiations Gazprom and GdF discussed every asset that could be sold in detail.

Gazprom's access to end consumers in France and other European countries shows that Moscow is determined to build a balanced scheme of gas cooperation with Europe that would ensure the energy security of both parties. By issuing long-term guarantees of stable gas deliveries Gazprom is seeking access to distribution networks for stable gas sales. Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller said the agreement with Gaz de France was aimed at improving France's energy security. In turn, the head of the French monopoly said: "We consider Gazprom the best of all companies we would like to see on our market."

In the outgoing year consolidations, mergers and takeovers became a characteristic feature of energy market growth. Most analysts in the West describe the merger of Norwegian companies Statoil and Norsk Hydro, and the forthcoming merger of Gaz de France and Suez as counterbalance to Gazprom, which has been strengthening its positions in Europe. However, the Russian company is also becoming integrated into the European gas market. Core companies have set a trend of swapping assets and giving one another access to lucrative sectors or deposits of natural resources.

Gazprom's huge resources make it possible to suggest that it will be stepping up its acquisition of European gas transportation, storage and distribution assets. One can agree with the Russian gas monopoly's head, who said that the trend was aimed at strengthening European energy security, which is impossible without a balanced system that would take into account the interests of both consumers and producers.

Ako govorimo o poslovanju kompanije onda je to za "Posao i novac".
Dovoljno je bilo da dostavite linkove svih energetskih kompanija pa da vidimo kako su sve, izgleda, uspešne.

Nebitno za medjudržavne političke odnose ali je bitno za ekonomiju.
Ekonomija naravno utiče na političke odnose ali u vojnom smislu.
"Hrani kuče pa će te ujede"
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
