Ime za macu

Neka bude Bastet ... a mozes da joj tepas kad joj prinosis zrtve... mada ce onda zahtevati i sopstveni hram i par svestenika...

In Egyptian mythology, Bast (also spelt Bastet, Ubasti, and Pasht) is an ancient goddess, worshipped at least since the Second Dynasty. The centre of her cult was in Per-Bast (Bubastis in Greek), which was named after her. Originally she was viewed as the protector goddess of Lower Egypt, and consequently depicted as a fierce lion. Indeed, her name means (female) devourer. As protectress, she was seen as defender of the pharaoh, and consequently of the chief god, Ra, who was a solar deity, gaining her the titles Lady of Flame and Eye of Ra. Bast was originally a goddess of the sun, but later changed by the Greeks to a goddess of the moon.

Later scribes sometimes named her Bastet, a variation on Bast consisting of an additional feminine suffix to the one already present, thought to have been added to emphasise pronunciation. Since Bastet would literally mean (female) of the ointment jar, Bast gradually became thought of as the goddess of perfumes, earning the title perfumed protector. In connection with this, when Anubis became the god of embalming, Bast, as goddess of ointment, came to be regarded as his mother, although this association was broken in later years, when Anubis became Nephthys' son.
koja je bre ta 10-o godisnjakinja ovde ???? ... da nisi nesto pobrkao ?
prvo, nisam muško
drugo, ne govorim nužno o predlozima s foruma, govorim o primeru iz RL

Dade li ti tom macetu ime? Ili ti se ni jedno od ponudjenih ne svidja?
dala sam joj ime ( mislim da si i ti predložila to ime btw ;) ) , ali tema postoji ne samo za mene, već i za sve druge 4umaše kojima treba pomoć pri izboru adekvatnog imena za mačku

wild cat:
zovi je slatkica ili lepa to mi je prvo palo na pamet kad sam je videla.
mace je preslatko
jeste preslatko i mnoooogo ga volim :) :razz:
tako znaci, idemo redom, hronoloski unazad: Kuki, Micko mackonje, Milka, Belka, Sharulja macke
Djoko, Brena i Roki papagaji
kornjaca Berta
jez se bacio s balkona i nisam stigao da mu dam ime :(
hrcak Mrgi
Kerovi Astra, Smoki, Babo, Luna(to je sestra dala ime, ja sam je zvao Mirko), i to je to, mozda jos po neka zivuljka...
Mace je preslatko.Moj macak se zove Versaci, a zovemo ga i Kacamak ali on se neodaziva ni na jedno ime jer je jadnicak gluv.On je Albino-tj. bela macka sa plavim ocima ali ja ga volim najvise na svetu i prelep je.Daj mu ime Pahulja
