Израел демантује да је гађао Немачки ратни брод


Defense Minister Amir Peretz spoke to his German counterpart Franz Josef Jung on Wednesday evening and vehemently denied reports that the IAF had shot on a German naval vessel off the Lebanese coast.

Likewise, the IDF Spokesperson's Office released a statement saying unequivocally that "contrary to reports, the IDF did not fire at a German warship."

Earlier, the German Defense Ministry reported that it was investigating an incident in which two IAF fighter jets allegedly fired shots and dropped flares near a German warship patrolling the Lebanese coast as part of a peacekeeping force.

The second Lebanon war: JPost.com special report

A ministry spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Wednesday that the planes - two F-16s - fired two shots and released the flares, which can be used as a defense measure against heat-seeking missiles.

The spokesman did not identify the vessel.

A German naval task force led by the frigate Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania is off the coast of Lebanon seeking to prevent weapons smuggling as part of the UNIFIL peacekeeping force set up to secure a UN-brokered cease-fire that ended 34 days of fighting between Israel and Lebanon-based Hizbullah guerrillas in southern Lebanon on August 14.
УСС Либерти... пред шестодневни рат, израелци потпоили са бомбама и када су морнари поскакали у море митраљирали их. Да американци не открију да се спремају за рат....

Да смо ми тако гађали исте те немачке бродове 1992 када су увели санкције и блокаду другачије би било.
УСС Либерти... пред шестодневни рат, израелци потпоили са бомбама и када су морнари поскакали у море митраљирали их. Да американци не открију да се спремају за рат....

Да смо ми тако гађали исте те немачке бродове 1992 када су увели санкције и блокаду другачије би било.
Trebali smo da bombarderima napadnemo Nemacku flotu stacionairanu u Kielu.... :roll:
