
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.


Šta znate o tome, ima li neko iskustva, i postoji li kod nas?

~wikipedia. In a world where people are increasingly doing things via the internet, why not counseling? Well, the answer that most people would give is obvious: personal interaction between a counselor and client is crucial. Not always true, say proponents of e-Therapy. So what is e-Therapy and why would anyone prefer it over traditional marriage and family therapy? What follows is our guide to e-Therapy. We thank FixMyFamily.com for the information. Please visit them to locate e-therapists and get more information.

What is e-Therapy? e-Therapy is a termed that was first coined by Dr. John Grohol to identify mental health counseling services provided over the internet. e-Therapy can range from a few consultation e-mails about a specific family and marriage issue to a more extensive, longer-term therapy program to address more complex family and marriage counseling issues.

Why e-Therapy? Is it as effective as traditional counseling?
e-Therapy can be used as an extremely effective alternative by people who cannot or do not want to make an appointment for face-to-face therapy in an office setting. Some people simply have no time in their lives to squeeze in therapy sessions. Many users of e-Therapy have never been to a more traditional counseling session before, but many have. People who have had both face to face as well as online therapy experience often explain that the experience is almost identical in terms of the work that is accomplished, but that e-Therapy has the advantage of convenience and cost savings. Imagine you are working with an e-Therapist who is located in California while you reside in New York, a session with the e-Therapist when you get home from work or in your evening will be possible since it will still be during your e-Therapist's normal work hours. There are plenty of reasons to choose e-Therapy including:

Convenience (Difficulty in scheduling time to see a therapist face to face)
Stigma attached to going to a therapist’s office
Increased honesty and candor - clients may be more forthcoming over the internet
E-mail therapy allows client and provider more time to fully reflect on issues being discussed
No local treatment available in one’s area
Access to highly specialized practitioners even if they are not local
Therapy for highly mobile individuals - they can access service almost anywhere
Privacy - especially in smaller communities
Possible anonymity
More flexibility in choosing a therapist (they can be located almost anywhere)
Possible lower costs
Easier to do when one spouse is unwilling to undergo therapy
How does e-Therapy work?The practice of e-Therapy is definitely not new. It has become more popular as the internet has become a more widely used tool that people use to do research as well as interact with other people and search for needed services. Thousands of counselors, including those who operate independent websites and services as well as those who work in teams for larger websites are providing e-Therapy. e-Therapy can be provided through the use of back and forth e-mails, online chat sessions, video conferencing as well as telephone conversations. It isn't difficult to imagine that e-Therapy offers many of the same advantages of traditional counseling without a lot of the disadvantages.
Znači, šta da radim - nije mi usput, ne mogu kod državnog, nemam vremena i novca za ove u komšiluku, a treba mi terapija, stvarno bi mi dobrodošla :? Ako neko zna nešto o e-terapiji, neka lepo napiše ;)
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
