Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
Ma nije nego.
imam kartu dete!
... Pishe A N T I pored S L O V E N I

Nisi chitao istoriju u osnovnoj shkoli

Geman je bio čovek jače vrednosti i uživao je dobar glas; naročito su ga se pribojavali Anti i Sloveni, protiv kojih je ranije s uspehom ratovao na Dunavu

Istočno od Slovena po Jordanu žive Anti, a zapadno od njih Venedi. I jedni i drugi su u stvari Sloveni tj. istočni i zapadni Sloveni.
CCCC... To mora da je iz Turske istorije...
Corovica kao istoricara je na neki nacin pregazilo vreme. Ne odgovara danasnjim standardima, tako da je on prevazidjen i ne radi se kao literatura za nacionalnu istoriju na faxu. Naravno, to ne znaci da njegov rad treba da se potceni, naprotiv, za ono vreme bio je vrh vrhova.
Ја вам небих препоручио ни једну историју о Србима и Словенима, јер су сви ти историчари једни другима извор, и ако добро пратите и анализирате све те изворе онда ће те видети да сви иду у круг једни за другима, од Александра Македонског прего грчких царева и попа дукљанина и Орбинија до Ћоровића и Стојановића, Јиречека и Шишћа и да не набрајам и све новопечене из Титине школе. Узмите времена и трагајте и видећете да је тако, па сами закључите шта требате веровати а шта истраживати. Сада имате велике могућности на интернету да све то проверавате, па ао вам није тешко онда можда и нађете нешто

Ја вам небих препоручио ни једну историју о Србима и Словенима, јер су сви ти историчари једни другима извор, и ако добро пратите и анализирате све те изворе онда ће те видети да сви иду у круг једни за другима, од Александра Македонског прего грчких царева и попа дукљанина и Орбинија до Ћоровића и Стојановића, Јиречека и Шишћа и да не набрајам и све новопечене из Титине школе. Узмите времена и трагајте и видећете да је тако, па сами закључите шта требате веровати а шта истраживати. Сада имате велике могућности на интернету да све то проверавате, па ао вам није тешко онда можда и нађете нешто


E moj Vujadine, znas li ti kakvo debelo znanje treba, narocito starogrckog, latinskog i staroslovenskog, da se radi sa originalnim izvorima. Tome treba zivot da se posveti. A sto se tice neta, to su samo prepisani podaci iz tih istih knjiga o kojima govoris i uz to nema ih dovoljno sto se tice istorije.
E moj Vujadine, znas li ti kakvo debelo znanje treba, narocito starogrckog, latinskog i staroslovenskog, da se radi sa originalnim izvorima. Tome treba zivot da se posveti. A sto se tice neta, to su samo prepisani podaci iz tih istih knjiga o kojima govoris i uz to nema ih dovoljno sto se tice istorije.

Јесте, то ја знам, јер већ 20 година тражим Јеленине родитеље и нисам их нашао, али сам нашао да извори нису веродостојни, а нарочито они што иду у круг, ја сам због тога учио старословенски да бих нешто могао тражити по манастирима, и сматрам да су то уз грчке и латинске најбољи извори. Грчки и латински
се могу наћи преведени на руски енглески француски и немачки, на француској библиотеци Gallica их има много, већина је на бесплатни даунлод без читања на нету. Французи то раде да би ширили свој језик по свету.

Ali zashto onda svi ti istorichari koji su posvetili ceo zivot proucavajuci istoriju srba vezuju ih za slovene a oni koji imaju po jedan tekst na netu ili daju eventualno neke kolumne u novinama vezuju srbe za vilenjake, samaricane, indijce itd itd.


Mislim da je Corovicevu istoriju nije pregazilo vreme, jer ako je on to prepisivao od drugih (recimo Vizantijskih pisaca) zasto bi neko izmisljao nesto novo.

"pregazilo vreme" nije termin u skladu sa ovim. Istorija se ne pravi danas. Istorija je ono shto se desilo pre. Za nju je normalno da je pregazi vreme ali ostaje uvek ista!!

Westernofili koji su do 90ih godina bili u sukobu sa Slavenofilima i pobijali sve teorije o vezi izmedju SRBA i SLOVENA zbog politickih ciljeva sada se povlace jer je dosao trenutak ekonomskog, kulturnog itd itd napretka odredjenih slovenskih zemalja (Ceska, Poljska, Slovenija, Slovacka) a nadam se i jos nekih, tako da pobijanje ove teorije vishe ne stoji!

Ako po nekima srbi nisu sloveni niti su sloveni dolazili na balkan i pomesali se sa srbima postajuci dominantni kako je doslo do toga da prihvatimo jezik, imena, obicaje,...
(SRBI = drevno nomadsko SARMATSKO PLEME 1/2 + SLOVENI 1/2)
*Da ne budem bezobrazan, dodacu recimo 5% ostalih svakojakih

Iran ----> Ukraina ---> Danasnja Ceska-Istocna Nemacka-Poljska -----> Balkan
To dokazuje sarenilo ljudi na ovim prostorima.
IPAK, procentualno preovladavaju ljudi slovenskog porekla
Bugari su mesanog porekla ali zvanicno ne pripadaju slovenskoj grupi naroda. Oznaceni su sa zvezdicom. Za slovene ih najvise vezuje jezik.
Litvanija i Letonija su tu jer u njima zivi veliki procenat rusa,... koji su naravno sloveni.
Srbija se zvanicho smatra slovenskom zemljom!




Slavs are Europe's Largest Ethnic and Linguistic Group
General information about the Slavic country of your roots Belarus Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria* Carpatho-Rusyns Croatia Czech Republic Latvia* Lithuania* Macedonia Poland Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Sorben-Wenden Ukraine
*Bulgarians, are of mixed origin, speak a Slavic language and are often designated as south Slavs.
*Latvians and Lithuanians are Balts. (Latvia and Lithuania anyway, have a large Slavic population.)

Little is known of the origins of Slavs. Philologists and archaeologists theorize that the Slavs settled very early in the Carpathian Mountains or in the area of present-day Belarus.
In the seventh century, Croats and Serbs settled in the land that now makes up Bosnia and Hercegovina
BULGARIA * (turkish tribe)
The Bulgars, a Central Asian Turkic tribe, merged with the local Slavic inhabitants in the late 7th century to form the first Bulgarian state. In succeeding centuries, Bulgaria struggled with the Byzantine Empire to assert its place in the Balkans, but by the end of the 14th century the country was overrun by the Ottoman Turks.
Carpatho-Rusyns have never had their own state nor even an administrative entity that encompassed all the territory where they have lived. Carpatho-Rusyns are linguistically and culturally an East Slavic people who live along a linguistic-cultural boundary, the other side of which is inhabited by West Slavic (Poles and Slovaks), Finno-Ugric (Magyars), and Romance (Romanian) peoples
The lands that today comprise Croatia were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire until the close of World War I. In 1918, the Croats, Serbs, and Slovenes formed a kingdom known after 1929 as Yugoslavia
Some scholars now argue that the original Serbs and Croats were Central Asian Sarmatian nomads who entered Europe with the Huns in the fourth century A.D. The theory proposes that the Sarmatian Serbs settled in a land designated as White Serbia, in what is now Saxony and Western Poland. The Sarmatian Serbs, it is argued, intermarried with the indigenous Slavs of the region, adopted their language, and transferred their name to the Slavs.
The earliest records of Slavic inhabitants in present-day Czechoslovakia date from the fifth century A.D. The ancestors of the Czechs settled in present-day Bohemia and Moravia
LATVIA * (slavs - russians, belorussians, ukrains and polish - 40%)
Latvians have resided in their present geographical area for more than 2,000 years. Their closest ethnic relatives are the ancient Prussians, the Galinds, the Jatvings, and the Lithuanians
LITHUANIA * (slavs - russians, belorussians and polish - 20%)
Their ancestors moved to the Baltic region about 3000 B.C. from beyond the Volga region of central Russia. In Roman times, they traded amber with Rome and around A.D. 900-1000 split into different language groups, namely, Lithuanians, Prussians, Latvians, Semigallians, and others.
In its earliest history, Macedonia was ruled by the Bulgars and the Byzantines, who began a long tradition of rivalry over that territory. Slavs invaded and settled Byzantine Macedonia late in the sixth century
According to Polish myth, the Slavic nations trace their ancestry to three brothers who parted in the forests of Eastern Europe, each moving in a different direction to found a family of distinct but related peoples
Like the Croats, the Serbs are believed to be a purely Slavic people who originated in the Ukraine. Byzantine sources report that some Serbs migrated southward in the seventh century A.D. and eventually settled in the lands that now make up southern Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Hercegovina.
Some scholars now argue that the original Serbs and Croats were Central Asian Sarmatian nomads who entered Europe with the Huns in the fourth century A.D. The theory proposes that the Sarmatian Serbs settled in a land designated as White Serbia, in what is now Saxony and Western Poland. The Sarmatian Serbs, it is argued, intermarried with the indigenous Slavs of the region, adopted their language, and transferred their name to the Slavs.
The earliest records of Slavic inhabitants in present-day Czechoslovakia date from the fifth century A.D. The ancestors of the Czechs settled in present-day Bohemia and Moravia, and those of the Slovaks settled in present-day Slovakia
The Slovenes, a Slavic people, migrated southwestward across present-day Romania in about the sixth century A.D., and settled in the Julian Alps
The Sorbs are a Slavic minority indigenous to the region known as Lusatia in the German states of Saxony and Brandenburg (in former GDR territory). They are or were also known as Lusatians, Wends Lusatian Serbs or Serbs of Luzice.
Ukrainians trace their ancestry to the East Slavic tribes that inhabited the present-day Ukrainian Republic in the first centuries after the birth of Christ and were part of the state of Kievan Rus' formed in the ninth century

"The Serbs are such a large nation that all Slavs came from them"

Bavarian geographer Jordanes.
Gothic Chronicles
6th Century A.D

"The ancestors of the Slavs came from the Danube Basin into the land of Novgorod."
The Holy Nestor of Kiev
10 century A.D

These quotes are proof of a lost Slav history in which Slavs under the then common name "Serbs" migrated in an unrecorded migration from the Danube Basin (Modern Serbia) to the swampy lands near the Baltic and then spread out slowly over the centuries.

These original Serbs were Dinaric in race and they proceeded to Serbianize the language of the blonde northern European populations. That is why southern Slavs are darker than their northern bretheren. This is why late 6yh to 10th century geographers describe Slavs as blonde as opposed to dark.

The descendants of the original Dinaric Serbs (proto-Slavs) can still be found outside the Balkans in parts of coastal Ukraine and the Czech and Slovak lands and Parts of south Poland where they are assimilated into these nations.

What of non-Serbian Balkan Slavs like Croats and Bulgars? Well, they don't exist really:

Croats (Hrvati) are Serbs (Srbi) with the morphology of the name having been changed (Srb = Srv = Shrv = HrV- at with the Avaric addition of "at" signifying a member of a tribe). Avars were a sustantial portion of the Croat population Even Noel Malcolm has asserted the possibility of this theory on the Croat name in his book on Bosnia.

***"The Avars were so numerous in Dalmatia that even today one can see their descendants"
Constantine Porphyrogenitus
10th century A.D***

Thus the name "Hrvat" corresponds to the name "Srbin".

BULGARS are Serbs who allied themselves with the Avarish Bulgars and speak a Slavic language dilluted with mongolisms in style, accent and vocabulary.

SLOVENES are descendants of original Serbs but mostly, in the case of Neo-Danubian Slovenes, descendants of Serbianized Central European Natives.

Much is the same for Belorussians, non-Black Sea shore Ukrainians and most Russians from northern European Russia. These are peoples who adopted "Slavic characteristics" from the Serb population which migrated north from the original Homeland in modern Serbia-Montenegro. Illyrians and Thracians are just Latinized and Hellenized names of SERBS.

THRACE = THRAKIA (in Greek) = RASHKA (name of the Serb state, early under Nemanyich rule). Rashka is also the name of a river in the region of Serbia which still bears the name Rashka today!

RASHKA is also the root form of Russia. Rashka was also called Rasiya and it is from her that today we have the glorious name Rossiya! Magyars still to this day call Serbs: "Rasi"!

RASHKI is also the Georgian name for the river Volga and in the Avaro-LEZGIAN tongue, "Serb" means "Man". Just proof of the extent to which Serb proto-Slav influence stod!

SARMATI (SARMATI) are found on the exact same place where a century later stood White Serbia according to Constantine Porphyrogenitus. Could "Sarmat" be a hellenized bastardization of "Sarbat" or "Serbat"? More than likely, as Greeks are infamous for their capacity to MISPRONOUNCE and even confuse the names of peoples who came across them! It is also particularly difficult for a greek to pronoune "SRB" thus making it particularly possible that Sarmatians can in fact be Serbs.

SORBS, today's Lusatian Serbs of Germany could be the descendants of "Sarmatians", a branch of Serb proto- Slavs from the Balkans.

WEND or Vend is the name applied to Sorbs by Germanic and Baltic peoples and it is also a common name applied to Slavs in general:

WEND - VEND - VED = Veda!

This above indicated the Vedic-Aryan origins of Serbs and the "Slavic" languages, all mere dialects of the modern Serbian language. The Vedic legacy is manifested in modern Serbs by our retention of St. Vitius whom we call Vid. The famous Kosovo Battle was fought on Vidovdan-St. Vitius' Day!

**The cities "Srb" in Thessaly from before 6 AD and the
city "Sirb" in eastern Anatolia are remnants of the Serb Aryan migrations.**

**The name SERB comes from the word "Sar" meaning
"king" in proto-Indo-European, and it is this word that is the likely root of the title: "Tsar" and the
English: "Sir"!**

Clearly the proto-Slav Dinaric Serbs were a rulling tribe from their earliest of times as we can see by their name!

There are more than 300 names of cities and towns in the Slavic world that begin with the root word "SRB" in one variation or another.

By the 6th century AD, with the opression of Germanic tribes, the Serbicized northern European peoples migrated and had taken up a new name and amongst themselves to differentiate their kind from the germanic opressors: "Slovyani" from the verb "slovit" to speak. The Serb name still existed and was used alongside and in no way in opposition to the name
"Slav". Serbs were losing their name though, to be replaced by the common name "Slav".

The rest is history. East and West Slavs allied themselves with various mongoloid and Germanic tribes and a process of Slavic disintigration occured:

1.Prussians (originally Slavs) were Germanized.
2.Pannonian Slavs fell under the Madjars.
3.Slavs of modern Romania were latinized.
4.Slavs of Dalmatia are latinized.
5.Slavs of Macedonia and Thrace fall under Bulgars.

Serbia, Moravia and Poland rise with the original proto-Slav SERB Dinaric rulling class still intact. The Serb tribe "Rosi" (or Rasi-from Rashka, one of the tribes from the original migration of proto-Slav Serbs from the Balkans) was overrun by Germanic barbarians and became the Ruusi Vikings of Nestor's Chronicles and thus the Russian state was born.

If we want Slav Unity we must learn to analyze Slav History within the framework of its Serb origins, otherwise unity will never be achived. If I get responses to this post, I will submit links indicating:

1.A list of Serb toponyms in all modern Slavic states.
2.Historians and books supporting the Serb origin of all Slav people.

Long live SERBIA from Thessaloniki to Vladivostok with Belgrade as its Captal!


Za sve one koji pljuju po Deretiću, Pešiću, Olgi Pjanović, i drugim učenim
istoriografima koji ne priznaju tzv. "bečko-berlinsku" školu, neka sami čitaju
originalne izvore o srbskoj istoriji, koja se ne uči u našim školama. Naime,
našu istoriju nam je iskrojilo "bratstvo i jedinstvo", odnosno Broz, i ona se ne
menja, nego je usklađena s vođama savremene Evrope.

Tako npr. kad neko od naših naučnika napiše da su Srbi rodonačelnici svih
Slovena, te da su došli iz Mesopotamije i naselili se sve do rima, odmah ih
komunisti i liberali popljuju da nisu ispoštovali "metodologiju društvenih nauka"
tokom istraživanja. Međutim, problem je u tome što su ti liberali nedočitani,
neobrazovani i pod ularom "berlinsko-bečke" škole. Eto, dovoljno je uzeti
Dalimilovu hroniku, spis koji je jedan od najcenjenijih u Češkoj, jer je prvi
napisan na češkom jeziku, a govori o postanku češkog naroda i njegovog jezika. U
njemu se jasno kaže da su Česi poreklom iz zemlje Hrvatske, te da su svi oni
pričali srbskim jezikom, a da su Srbi došli iz Vavilona i naselili se sve do Rima.
Da se u tom slučaju radi o nekom drugom narodu, npr. Hrvatima ili Mađarima, oni bi
taj češki izvor odmah proglasili veoma validnim i dokazali bi svoje prevashodstvo
nad drugima. Međutim, pošto se radi o nama Srbima, onda valja da se ćuti, jer bi
to bilo vel
ikosrbska propaganda. Užas. Nego, evo, ko ne zna za ovu hroniku iz XIV veka, koja
je verovatno prepisana iz još starije hronike, neka je pročita (ako dovoljno
može da razume češki jezik) i obrati pažnju na sledeće redove:

A když tu věži děláchu,
tvrdými cihlami ji stláchu.
Klí miesto vápna jmějiechu
a všickni jednu řěč mluviechu.
Bohu sě jich řěč nesmíli,
(20) jich jazyky tako zmýli,
že bratr bratru neurozumě,
ale každý svú řěč umě.
Tu svého diela přěstachu,
druh ot druha pryč sě brachu.
(25) Každý sobě těch vlast ustavi
a ot těch vzněchu sě rozliční nravi.
Ti sobě osobichu země,
jakž dnes má každá jmě.
Mezi jinými Srbové
(30) tu, kdežto biechu Hřekové,
podlé mořě sě ustavichu,
až do Říma sě vzplodichu.


V srbském jazyku jest země,
jiež Charvátci jest jmě.
V tej zemi bieše lech,
jemuž jmě bieše Čech.

" По крви Аријевци, по презимену Словени, по имену Срби, по срцу и души Хришћани. "
Свети Владика Николај Србски
Mislim da je Corovicevu istoriju nije pregazilo vreme, jer ako je on to prepisivao od drugih (recimo Vizantijskih pisaca) zasto bi neko izmisljao nesto novo.

U smislu podataka nije pregazena, ali kod Corovica ima dosta propusta i pogresnih tumacenja, a pored toga tumacenja bas i nema mnogo. Vise deluje kao suvoparna zbirka podataka, a podatke moze da nabraja svako, to nije nikakav problem. Isto vazi i za Stanoja Stanojevica, on je cak mnogo vise obracao paznje na podatke. Jednostavno ne odgovaraju metodoloskim istorijskim standardima.
Za sve one koji pljuju po Deretiću, Pešiću, Olgi Pjanović, i drugim učenim
koji ne priznaju tzv. "bečko-berlinsku" školu, neka sami čitaju
originalne izvore o srbskoj istoriji, koja se ne uči u našim školama. Naime,
našu istoriju nam je iskrojilo "bratstvo i jedinstvo", odnosno Broz, i ona se ne
menja, nego je usklađena s vođama savremene Evrope.

Seretica i Pijanovicku stavlja u rang sa prof. Pesicem ... uzas!

Iskusno, nema sta! Imas jednog autoriteta za koga se lepe kojekakvi propali matematicari i kvazi-lingvisti, prepisivaci i senzacionalisti!

Не знам, можда не познајем довољно лик&дело Луковићеве-Пјановић, али нисам стекао утисак да је о себи имала толико високо мишљење као што га има Деретић, нити да је себе сматрала историчарем, већ да је била особа која је током свог рада наишла на неке интересанте ствари, да им се аматерски посветила и своје мишљење објавила. „Срби... народ најстарији“ сам давно читао, али по сећању, пре бих је ставио уз Милића од Мачве и Драгана Јовановића, него уз Јована И. Деретића. Да ли грешим?
Ja nisam citirao ono sto je napisao AKHENATON o istoricarima.
Duguje izvinjenje ili prijavljujem moderatoru. BRUKA!

SilentBobu poruchujem: odakle ti znas ko sam i kako izgledam.
Josh neshto tebi i slichnima

zbog tvojih dalekih rodjaka se svaki dan hvatam za novchanik i mobilni.

A indijsku teoriju sam izneo prijateljima.
Dobro su se ismejali i rekli sto nisam dao recept Majkl Dzeksonu kada se "probeljivao"
Ja nisam citirao ono sto je napisao AKHENATON o istoricarima.
Duguje izvinjenje ili prijavljujem moderatoru. BRUKA!

Ne znam na tacno koji post mislis, s obzirom da nisam uvredio ni jednog ISTINSKOG ISTORICARA - tako da nemam apsolutno nikakvog razloga da se izvinjavam bilo kome, a ponajmanje tebi. Sta si im ti ovde? Advokat?
Ti tvoji KVAZI-ISTORICARI, mogu od mene da dobiju samo mnogo gore reci od mene. Ali s ekoliko-toliko suzdrzavam.
Zatvorena za pisanje odgovora.
