Хоћете да купите Рубљу?


RBC, 06.07.2006, Moscow 19:58:09.The Bank of Russia will keep restraining growth of the real effective ruble rate, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at today's Internet conference mentioning the decision that he had made earlier today together with the Bank's Chairman, Sergei Ignatyev.

Putin stressed that Russia would try to avoid mistakes committed by other countries, especially the so-called "Dutch disease". In his words, the strengthening of the real effective ruble rate was a tool for the Bank of Russia to curb inflation. Yet, the ruble's excessive growth put Russian manufacturers at a disadvantage on the open market.

Putin added the freely convertible ruble was destined to create more favorable conditions for the Russian economy and make it more attractive for its partners.

Руска рубље је конвертибилна скоро два месеца и за један Долар треба дати 26 Рубљи. кажу да јачање конвертибилне Рубље мора да се успори како би се спречио негативни ефекат на Руски извоз. Иначе уведен је закон да се кажњавају високим новчаним казнама сви који цене изразе у Доларима, а посебно високим државни чиновници и министри који изражавају цене у Доларима.
